is this the greatest creepypasta of all time?
Is this the greatest creepypasta of all time?
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Yea. Got me spookered about Godzilla.
Started out good but that shit about his dead girlfriend from middle school killed it for me. Still The Best
i thought the same thing, the beginning and the parts with face were really good, but you could tell the writer just sort of gave up during the end
>greatest creepypasta
WHAT is this guise?
No, it started good until it went full retard with the MUH DEAD GIRLFRIEND AND THE MAGIC CATRIDGE THAT WANTS TO KILL ME
Meme'n in with Ben Drowned.
Its as good as Gigan's Saws
Jumped the shark just like any other gaming creepypasta. The only ones with an amount of subtlety is The morrowind mod one and the Princess one, and even then they aren't the most bone chilling of stories. If you want real horror in vidya go play Sad Satan and look up the history behind it.
It was entertaining, but then it got too cheesy with the whole dead girlfriend thing, and the monster making him suffer by feeling the pain the monsters were feeling.
The morrowing one is actually fairly creepy for me. Just something about the idea of a thing constantly stalking you and the game behaving weird as shit makes me nervous.
morrowind creepypasta is better
Top fucking kek my reddit friend.
What the fuck was up with Sad Satan? Anyways Pale Luna was probably the best creepypasta.
Thank me later. (Still ongoing btw)
Original version had CP and murder porn spliced into the walking sim gameplay. Also happened to be a keylogger that somebody was able to trace back to somewhere undisclosed in Japan
>the Princess one
Pretty sure that one also jumps the shark hard by the end.
made by some reddit kid, who of course posted it on reddit, that tried to get his game known for being "the spookiest" and "shocking"
Thats pretty fucked, even if someone tried to make it a deep web game with a spooky background behind it.
The story would have been much spookier if this shit was gone but the cartridge could still try and kill him. It just has to be in a more realistic way, like, what if it just started flashing whatever violent imagery it could on screen at blinding speeds? It'd be even spookier if the narrator said it didn't effect him 'cause he didn't have epilepsy.
the reason this makes it scarier isn't because of the flashes imagery it's scary because the cart, which may or may not be self aware, is clearly trying to kill it just has very limited ability to do so because it's a video game cart. It's like watching a violent rabid dog that's in a cage, it's not an actual threat but it's still unnerving to have something with violent intent targeting you.
Went from 9/10 to 1/10 at the end
Then again, what suspense stories actually do manage to not have awful, disappointing endings?
I think Godzilla NES wins purely because of the nice sprite art.
it's fucking awful
too long, to exaggerated, too fucking retarded
I can't think of a worse one
it's like the first creepypasta made by a 10yo
>all the salt this caused
it was glorious.
This was out of place and went nowhere. A complete waste of the concept.
What salt? There's one on that video.
Who else is anticipating petscop to be a shallow disappointment of nothing happening for several years while it runs on the fumes of a mystery like the stupid fucking censorship
that's the point of creepypastas retard, no one is actually scared of fake stories
>using dosbox to run a windows program
it could have been given the sprite art and how well it was all put together
then it went all ghost girlfriend haunted cartridge and fucked the whole thing
McDonalds pasta is better someone post it pls I'm too lazy to look for it
I mean do you seriously enjoy creepypastas?
I am yet to read one with actual good writing. Besides the story, I mean, how the line by line writing is handled, they all read like an essay from a highschooler.
Ted the caver was decent I guess, but not vidya.
Personal best:
Snow on Mt. Silver is also one of my absolute favorites.
What are these logo things that get posted here every so often? they say stuff like "dont make eye contact" or "stay in the light" Those are the ones I remember
ripoff hobo signs
I shouldn't be lurking this thread while innawoods.
I am spooked.
Hey user
pls no
>thinking about the babadook now
Its probably one of the best examples of jumping the shark in literature
I prefer "Normal Porn for Normal People" it's from the same writer.
We used to chat a bit on the Bogleech forums
The babadook looks like an effiminate hipster in a halloween costume
watch this video, and learn from it
Its 12 am, no way I'm clicking that shit
It was so long and pretty ridiculous.
I wish I could just shoot the homeless.
Is there somewhere I can read up on Sad Satan? Did anyone do a thorough detailed explanation with research?
I watched the nightmind video on this because I'm too lazy to sit down and watch every single frame of these videos to figure out whats going on
its ok
i think its carried pretty heavily by the fact a dude was willing to make a whole videogame for the project, and people give it more credence as a spooky story because of that effort, even if it didn't translate to being particularly spooky or good.
Great depression era hobos, child.
I liked the princess one a lot
if I was a developer id totally put her as an Easter egg
nightmind is a retard, just watch the vids lazy ass
man i remember the Sup Forums thread a while back where the dude came on here and posted about this asking if it was a real game
had me going for a little while
>black box censor
wow. great "mystery" you have there.
What's up with Nightmind?
I missed out on seeing EverymanHybrid when it was happening proper, so his videos on that were neato, since I had no idea about the extended things like the tumblr page and the twitter account.
the point is not to feel like you've wasted fucking time
the GOAT vidya creepypastas are Killswitch Pokemon (Creepy) Black
can any user give me that princess one? ive been seeing it a lot, just wanted to check it out
I wouldn't really call it a creepypasta but it's one of those things that's plausible enough to be real and thus somewhat spooky (it's been proven fake though)
but hey, at least it got me to buy the game
I like his videos, but he has sorta low standards. Like he thought that movie The Visit by shamalama that came out the other year was a masterpiece of horror comedy. It wasn't, it was fucking terrible.
Also he has a habit of overanalysing things to a fault, he does this way too much in that bloated video for This House Has People In It.
on petscop specifically, nightmind's analysis leaves a lot to be desired. there's not really any great analysis of it yet so you kinda just have to figure things out for yourself for now
>low standards
Oh right I can understand that, like how he absolutely shits himself over how fantastic RE7 is, that it attempts to immerse you into the game by having the soundscape and slow, creepy intro outside the Guest House, as though it's some revolution in horror games. Makes it pretty clear he doesn't play much vidya.
It's alright. I wouldn't call it scary though. The sprite work is fantastic though. Especially in that "hyper realistic" part.
At no point is any of the new sprite work convincingly like NES sprites though
I liked the heart babies!
There's not much to go on with Petscop, really.
>Marvin can only be assumed to be 'older' in some way since he has a daughter
>Daughter 'could' be Care but if she's supposed to be in the house - as Tool says - then she definitely isn't/wasn't.
>Who are Pink and Red Tool, and is Blue Tool a thing?
>What are Marvin's intents
>How the fuck do you catch Roneth
>What the fuck did that music in the Quitters Room mean
>What the fuck is Quitter Girl
>What's going on with the time loop stuff
>What's behind all the censor boxes
Too many questions right now.
There should be a malevolent cart pasta where the protag DOES have epilepsy. Mite b cool.
I wonder what her feet smell like
I'm getting the feeling petscop is gonna be a totheark situation
the big issue is there's about 10-15 relatively solid, smaller theories about things, but not 1 big unifying theory on anything yet. you're right, there's too many unanswered questions. but there's still a lot more NM could have covered if he tried
do not read if you're planning on sleeping soon.
>a totheark situation
You're gonna have to expand.
Do you mean there'll be a supplementary channel?
Do you mean that the stuff we get is gonna be way too abstract to get a proper answer from unless 'Paul' makes a twitter account or something to guide the community in the right direction?
Code cracking?
Essplen yurself user
No this is
Who wants me to read it?
The Princess one was pretty good. The author was smart to retcon the second part and basically scrub it from the internet since it wasn't really going anywhere and detracted from the overall story.
this is like a fucking mind virus. perfectly engineered to have a desired effect quickly and powerfully.
Marble Hornets wasn't planned from the start and the first year (possibly more) of videos were made as they went along
this is most obvious with the totheark videos, which were just creepy and cryptic phrases and imagery that looked like a real mystery but in reality meant nothing, right down to the name and the entire concept of the "the ark". And that's not my impressions, that's from Troy.
>there will never be another marble hornets
>clear lakes was kinda stupid
Sad Satan was a hoax, wasn't it?
>Pale Luna
Pic related.
What happens if you cut a hole in it at her mouth and stick your dick in?
This one is great. Its obviously carried almost entirely by the painting, but the story frames it in a way that makes it creepy as fuck.
im pretty sure petscop has everything planned out. there are very small details that wouldn't have been executed if it wasn't planned
>mfw I didn't even have time to eat fries
Yeah, exactly. Just like an entire character whose one sole reason for existence is to be led to "the ark". That HAS to be planned out in advance, just like the censorship. It's not just creating a mystery where one doesn't really exist.
I appreciate the effort, but the "black box" censorship of important details feels like a cheap way to build intrigue. I'm still interested, but I hope it wraps itself up soon.
Implying any creepypasta is actually gripping, dramatic, intense or not just an autistic 13 year old's edgy fan fiction.
the censorship is kinda annoying, but its actually pretty intriguing when you think about it. the only thing that makes sense for censorship in context is personal information