Nintendo leaks

Nintendo leaks..

>Prime 4 is a lot further along in development than Nintendo suggested. In fact, you'll see actual gameplay tomorrow.
>Platinum has sealed the deal. Nintendo has bought them out completely, and they are going to make the announcement after the reveal of Bayo 3. Bayo 2 and W101 are both being ported as well. Other Platinum games confirmed in development, including a new Kamiya game.
>MGSV on Switch, with exclusive Nintendo content
>Beyond Good and Evil 2 IS A SWITCH EXCLUSIVE. They're confirming it tomorrow.

I'll see what else they're covering. I think everything else are just smaller titles.

Other urls found in this thread:

This isn't even good bait

i want lewds of that

give me pornography of this cartoon

Calm down, sperg. They're not announcing shit.

Did she say that on twitter or are you making it up on the spot

This is obviously bad bait, but let's pretend it's true for a second.

Snake in a Mario outfit. Yes/No?

No Smash port. 4/10


Most of these are plausible in some capacity on their own, but this is the type of information they would have shown in the presentation if it was true. BG&E2 would be a huge selling point for the Switch.

>Prime 4 is a lot further along in development than Nintendo suggested. In fact, you'll see actual gameplay tomorrow.
lmao, not a chance

They'll probably tease the port with Snake in a ? cardboard box that never appears in the actual game, a la the Steam box.

Isn't Emily Rogers the same person who said that the Rabids/Mario game wasn't going to be at E3 but like a year early and when someone on Sup Forums made another leak she discredited as a hoax and when it turned out it wasn't they damage controlled super hard

>W101 on Switch
Not a chance. The gamepad was well utilized in the game. Can't just get rid of it
Which upsets me, if W101 and Bayo (maybe even pikmen) made it to switch, there'd be no reason to buy a WiiU
I can always borrow my friend's WiiU or buy one for cheap



>Prime 4 is a lot further along in development than Nintendo suggested. In fact, you'll see actual gameplay tomorrow

If you're going to make a bait thread don't start with the most obvious lie

We all know that last one was rumored so you used that to push the rest of this garbage but c'mon dude. Try harder.

post the full image senpai
or at least throw it on imgur

These are the only two good ones I've ever found outside of r10.swf


If this is true I'm jacking off with sandpaper. I fucking hate the switch but I'll have to buy it if beyond good and evil 2 is exclusive.

Just search to rule 34 for rhythm heaven on the second page


some user leaked nintendos entire e3 press packet in another thread
Name: nintendo
pass: MarioE32017
i looked through for about 10 minutes and didnt find anything interesting that we werent already told.

Funny, I'm a Switchfag, but I thought Beyond Good and Evil 2 looked pretty fucking good, and was considering buying whatever platform it was on just for it.

I guess Nintendo did me right this time.

r10 she just gives a blow job, which is disappointing

>Prime 4 is a lot further along in development than Nintendo suggested. In fact, you'll see actual gameplay tomorrow.
Complete bullshit they wouldn't mention "now in development" if there was any substantial progress

>Platinum has sealed the deal. Nintendo has bought them out completely, and they are going to make the announcement after the reveal of Bayo 3. Bayo 2 and W101 are both being ported as well. Other Platinum games confirmed in development, including a new Kamiya game.
As fake as this is, the asshurt would be fucking infinite. The tears would blot out the sun and end all life on earth.

huh. This looks pretty fucking legit. Is there absolutely anything in this packet that they haven't revealed yet?

I think it gets updated as time goes on. This isn't an itinerary.

>>Platinum has sealed the deal. Nintendo has bought them out completely, and they are going to make the announcement after the reveal of Bayo 3. Bayo 2 and W101 are both being ported as well. Other Platinum games confirmed in development, including a new Kamiya game.
did nintendo buy sega too

That's because it gets updated as they reveal stuff. Notice how there's nothing listed beyond today despite the fact we know they're doing a treehouse tomorrow and the next day?

No. Maybe Super Mario Run shit but I think this page gets updated as time goes on. Notice the updates tab on the right.

Lost me on the last one.

>Platinum has sealed the deal. Nintendo has bought them out completely, and they are going to make the announcement after the reveal of Bayo 3. Bayo 2 and W101 are both being ported as well. Other Platinum games confirmed in development, including a new Kamiya game.

>another Bayonetta that's easy to emulate thanks to Nintendo hardware being fisher price tier

I'm liking this news. Thanks for the free games ninty!

>Beyond Good and Evil 2 IS A SWITCH EXCLUSIVE. They're confirming it tomorrow.
And beyond all else, this is how you know it's bullshit. I'll eat my hat tomorrow if this is true.

That's available to anyone. Not really a leak.

It's also being updated as it goes along as I looked at it before Mario & Luigi was announced and that wasn't there then.

Why would they give the press access to things that haven't been formally announced yet? Nintendo fucking hate the press.

Use your brain, user.

This is still fake though.

>>Beyond Good and Evil 2 IS A SWITCH EXCLUSIVE
1/10 bait.

1/10 bait.

>Bayonetta 2 IS A SWITCH EXCLUSIVE. They're confirming it tomorrow.
And beyond all else, this is how you know it's bullshit. I'll eat my hat tomorrow if this is true.