The real losers of E3
The real losers of E3
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The vore was too much for nintenbabs hahahahahaha
>already own PS4 and PC, get to play Monhun World
>Getting a switch on black friday for Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade
The real losers of E3 are plebs who stick to one platform
>one shitty game no one cares about is what decides E3
Triggered SoNegro lol.
t. PCbro
Are you buying Skyrim again?...
Huh? Speak up.
Can't hear you over two metroids, a Pokémon in development, Splatoon next month, rocket league, Mario odyssey, and a 2018 with fire emblem, yoshi, and Kirby.
Why are most threads from Sony fans just "Nintendo didn't get worlds, we win"? If I want monster hunter worlds, I'll just buy it for PC. Haven't seen many threads from them showing off their exclusives.
>Y-you still lost!
Pathetic desu
t. Xboner
>this much salt
Ooooohhhh I love it
>one shitty game no one cares about is what decides E3
That's one more game than the Shitch has.
t. PCbro
Something about seeing the smug Wojaks together is really heartwarming.
>no one cares about
>doesn't remember the 500 threads in the following weeks that laughed at the thought of a monster hunter game on ps4
No hard feelings man. I own a PS4 too: Knack 2 looks great. No I really mean it. And Days Gone looks like it really pushes the boundaries. A post apocalyptic zombie game? Exciting stuff.
1 splash screen coming in 2025 and a Gameboy port
Literally zero gameplay shown also coming 2025
Paid Online
>Rocket League
*Also on every other system
>Mario Odyssey
Call me when it releases
As usual, Nintendo release a system with no games but with the "promise" of games to come.
Hopefully a Switch emulator will be working by then. So far I haven't had to buy a single Nintendo console since the Gamecube era and it feels so damn good.
Enjoy your interactive sjw movies then
I'm glad you get so much satisfaction from going online and bragging about pirating games I played ten years ago. Really. Just want you to be happy.
>The real losers of E3
you spelt "white cis males" wrong
>really pushes the boundarie
Just like Wahoo Ping Ping #21420120?
>Unironically playing Monster Hunter
damn, monster hunter switch is looking good
Why would I care when you played the games?
4U remains the best version of MH
Fucking retards don't even relize that almost all people with a switch have another console
Most of Sup Forums are underage who think they're hot shit for pirating games and can't comprehend the basic business models and economics that go into making video games.
Same reason I should care about you contributing to the CeMu patreon and refreshing every day to see if the BotW textures stop spazzing out yet.
Which is to say, no reason at all.
I think the real losers are the people who want to play games well and not be forced to run otherwise interesting games on a system with the same specs as google's newest 4k streaming tablet
>monster hunter worlds
>dragonball fighters z
>2 new metroid games announced
The players have won. All presentations were shit.
Sonybros going hard to convince themselves that Nintenbros care anything about this open world spin off. Nintendo literally won E3. No one gives a shit about this game.
>contributing to the Cemu patreon
Nope, I download the free release the following week.
Not that I have Cemu anymore, all of the Wii U games are trash.
You seem really mad over me having the definitive edition of Zelda for free.
Enjoy your 900p 20fps version I guess.
*cuts cock off*
mario odyssey comes out this october user
>Open world
Confirmed not to be
>Spin off
COnfirmed main line
>No one gives a shit about this game
"What the fuck, I hate Monster Hunter now!"
Watching Nintekiddies lose their minds over this has truly made up for this years shitty E3.
These next few weeks are gonna be fun.
Oh my mistake. Now I think you're really cool.
What are the odds that OP is a Sony pony? They seem to only side with Xbots and Mustards when it's convenient for them, only to turn around and shit on them when their back is turned.
What's monster hunter? Odyssey out in October senpai.
What the fuck
Nice falseflag idiot
>its a MHfag shit posts and makes everyone look bad episode
Who's worse? MH fans or Dark Souls fans
Keep trying to force this meme, I'm sure it'll catch on!
>What are the odds
A LOT. They're the only ones that are constantly shitposting.
Like I said, call me when it releases user
So much shit taste
Actual monster hunter fans are excited for this game. Console loyalist kiddies are the real cancer.
Wow this is a real meta thread, OP
Well played
>sony ponies so assblasted they need to act like Microbros or PC Master Race wants to be associated with them
OP here
PCbro with no consoles (might pick up a PS4 once Red Dead Redemption 2 drops tho).
Is it cross platform? If no then I give no fucks.
>What's monster hunter?
Games that have consistently outsold every 3D Mario ever made
Even if it was cross platform, Sony wouldn't join in like usual.
This. Sup Forums would be a better place if console loyalist where gassed
then why would you have any investment whatsoever in console wars
>King Sony
>letting the peasants play with their children
Literally maybe 10 Nintenkiddies care about this. Who the fuck doesn't own a PC to play this game? PS4rons truly doing the most here.
I don't, I was merely highlighting a fact.
Sony/Microsoft/PC/Nintendo got a bunch of games this E3 (none of which were too exciting to be fair, Metro might turn out good) but only one company literally lost one their flagship exclusive franchises.
I bought an Xbone because that's what all my friends have and most of the worthwhile games are multiplat. I want Death Strandings if it looks even halfway decent and any game in the DMC/NG/Bayonetta genre. So far PS4 doesn't have that. Basically it's a shit gen, not sure why Sony fanboys think they've won anything.
They "lost" a franchise that didn't even start on Nintendo consoles? Not to mention that things could just as easily turn right back as soon as the next game comes out?
Don't damage control a shitty move.
>mfw I didnt give a shit about that franchise
>mfw I have a gaming PC if I want to play it.
>mfw I have Switch and PS4 cause I'm not a poorfag and I dont give a fuck about console wars
is fucking right, the real losers are the poorfags and those fags who sticked to one console.
>Own a switch
>Slightly worried when I see the Monster Hunter World trailer at Sony's conference
>See it's multiplat and I can just play on my PC
0% mad
>monster hunter
>somehow nintendo's flagship franchise
Who the hell only owns one platform nowadays?
Monkey's paw
what the fuck am I read lmao
How when Sony got btfi by Nintendo's Direct?
No seriously, as a guy who has a PC to run MHW twice over and loved GoW, tell me Sony didn't shoot itself in the foot with Kucktos in notGod of War, The Last Days of Us Gone and bamhamspider when two metroids and a console pokemon maingame got announced?
>over two metroids, a Pokémon in development, Splatoon next month, rocket league, Mario odyssey, and a 2018 with fire emblem, yoshi, and Kirby.
>New Mario
>New Kirby
>New Yoshi
>New Pokémon
We had those last year, and the past one, and the other one, and every year for the last 15 years. I get that they can be good games sometimes, but Nintendo really has to put out new ones. Metroid is a good thing I guess, but is not really something new. I know they still made it after the Wii U somehow, but I'm not sure that the company will be alive in 10 years if they keep milking Zelda and Mario in order to survive.
Not really hating, I do like Nintendo, but it still worries me.
This guy is gonna buy a Switch, and he's calling other people "retards."
>tell me Sony didn't shoot itself in the foot
By being the only relevant console on the market
>Sony fans
The picture shows everyone laughing at the Nintendo fanboy, not just Sony.
>Implying Xbox and PC give a fuck about Sonyfags egos
Sonyfags truly are the biggest losers.
>Sony Sony Sony
You're not making any sense at all, how is what you said a reply to my post?
You seem to be too angry and heartbroken to use your brain.
Poor Nintendo fans, they're living a nightmare.
aren't Monster Hunter Fans already calling World shit?
so, who is the real loser then?
(either way, I think it still looks nice)
pic related
>aren't Monster Hunter Fans already calling World shit?
No, only mad Nintendo fanboys on Sup Forums.
The trailer itself is getting very positive feedback, look at the like/dislike ratio
>No, only mad Nintendo fanboys on Sup Forums.
Show of hands, is anybody actually mad?
I am, kinda, but...
...I am not a hardcore fan of Monster Hunter (my only one game of the franchise is Freedom Unite)
...Switch will get XX, so yeah, that's something
...I guess my PC will handle World easily
>sonybros pretending to be excited for a multiplat just because it's not coming on Nitnendo
Way to show you're also defending Sony trying to further casualize and now westernize MH for an audience that won't play it. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when this shit bombs, especially in Japan and shitposters get BTFO so hard