Leave 2017 to me

Leave 2017 to me


Nice nu-male game.

>shitty nu-male soulsclone being the best game of 2017.

If anything that's an anti-sjw game

Now go away

t. numale cuck

>hey guys remember the 90's

No thanks.

If this game loses Best Indie to some literally who tripyshit game made by a tranny I'm going to fucking kill someone.

Literally WHO?


how is this a "nu-male" vidja game...?
t. 4channerXD w/ 4 hours in the game

>Haha it has androgynous """"""female""""""" bugs and I jack off to stylized Tumblr porn of them therefore it's anti-SJW!

It's pretty clearly a metroidvania, you millennial.

Nioh is my goty so far.

In your own words with a minimum of buzzwords explain yourselves. Or else you are the numale cuckold forever.

>he took the exact same bait twice
You really shouldn't post

>Metroidvania with le "quirky and cute" characters designed to be on Hot Topic shirts next to Minecraft merch

Everyone involved with this should be ashamed of themselves.

ausy people made this to deal with all the crazy shit out there

I like it.

If you buy Spiderman or MvC you are unironically supporting the nu-maleification of society

This is dumb. Shit like not working out or crying or not being remotely handy makes you a numale not what video games you buy. I probably won't buy either of those regardless but whatever.

It's honestly a great game, this "NU-MALE" shit is shitters who get stuck mid way

HK was a nice game.


I'm going to buy it when I get back from work unless there is a download available.

wut gaem looks edgy

I'm glad you haven't played the game.

Hollow Knight is better than SOTN.
Prove me wrong. Protip: You just can't

>a game that's not gonna come out until 2020


When on earth is La-Mulana 2 coming out anyway? It got announced like 3 years ago.

I've been waiting for a hollow knight thread to ask this:
I bought the game a couple months back through steam and was having input delay. This was mostly an issue for jumping/platforming. Was there something wrong with it? My controller maybe? (wired 360) Or is the game designed that way?
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