For new people coming in, here's a recap of info that has been shared so far by Capcom employees who have worked on/with Monster Hunter.
A 4:56 video that shows a bit more extended footage of the things we've already seen.
Monster Hunter: World is not a spin-off.
Monster Hunter: World was worked on by the main development team in Japan.
You can play offline.
Fishing, mining, and capturing bugs still in the game.
All 14 weapon types confirmed in the game.
Tails still cuttable.
Hunt, Carve, Forge loop is still there.
Still has the same rewarding and challenging gameplay.
Health, stamina, potions, sharpness still present.
Sound still plays after making a good well done steak.
The game uses the MT Framework. Maybe PC as well, weird wording in this one.
For new people coming in...
Other urls found in this thread:
Nintendo toddlers have been spreading misinformation. This is the real next MH done by the original team.
I'm excited for the PC version
but I want to see the lobby areas and the village
the drop in and out shit is weird
nice you skip the bad things about World confirmed by Capcom themselves
the mh community hates the core games, but if I know us, it's we'll hate World even more
probably on PC too
>Not a spin off title
We get it, angry Nintendo manchildren are angry that the first real current-gen MH isn't on Nintendo.
Of course they're not going to fucking call it a spin-off. That would be retarded. Everyone and their mother associates "spin-off" with "shit".
That doesn't change what it actually is. It's not MH5, so it's a spin-off. Just like MHX was.
>t. Never played a MH game
I've been here since the Vita, was about to consider a PS4 until I saw it's multiplat.
PC version will do.
>Sony won
MH World is a multiplat though?
>The game uses the MT Framework.
That would be awesome PC ports with MT Framework tend to run really well.
I'm not sure what's more pathetic. Sony "bros" claiming they won anything other than worst conference at E3, or the fact that they are touting MH World like it's an exclusive when the game is also available on Xbone and PC.
You can't just keep using nintenbabbies to deflect legitimate criticism, dude.
Personally, I don't own a Switch AND I have a great PC so I can play the fucking superior version of the game (FOR FREE). I'm still fucking worried about this game. And I still really hope that the Switch is getting a legitimate mainline MH title.
Dude, not the same guy but everyone on MH threads hacked their 3ds and probably it's the only games we play
Even me, we hate Nintendo and go autist only for the franchise
I'm glad it's leaving, but when it's not portable and multiplat, I can't consider it a mainline
Will try it on PC if it shows progress.
no don't you see nintendo LOSES so sony WINS
>Better on XBOX ONE X
>Even better and probably cracked on PC
what a nice game
Looks like monster hunter x dragons dogma x lost planet, im play it
It's already happening, I knew what would happen the moment they announced it, fuck, sonnygroids really are the worst fanbase in the world, no wonder they're voted the worst fanbase on Sup Forums every year
Can't wait to buy it on PC.
PC won.
The ponies dare to lump the rest of us in with their shitposting. Make a /sony/ and Sup Forums will be a better board, I guarantee it.
any chance of it being cross platform?
I'd like to play with some friends who mainly play PC
>Coming to superior Xbox One X and PC
>Sony wins
Hue hue hue hue hue hue!!!
>God of War looks good
>Detroit Become Human has 3 different protagonists
>All Spider-Man games had press button to execute
>All Spider-Man games have dialog between gameplay
>Shadow of the Colossus is a completely new remake not a HD textures upgrade
>TGS might announce more japanese exclusives
>Monster Hunter World is only possible due to PS4 being popular
No, it's not.
Why would you want to play with bad sonygggers who probably can't even kill a kutku
>nintendo bros will be able to play XX whatever they are with their 3ds bros
>master race will be able to play the definitive version, probably crossplay with xbone bros
what a time to be alive
It's a fucking multiplat.
Also why do you condone exclusives and supporting a company that's fucking shady.
Overrated consumerist faggot.
between Pc and xbox is highly likely
no script escaping stealth shit.
>I don't own a Switch
>I want them to get mainline titles
>I want other people to get games I cant play
What even is this post
It's like you're just saying random facts about games in the hopes that people will identify an argument
>Monster Hunter World is only possible due to Monster Hunter being popular
>God of War looks good
Sony funded the game.
Kutku was born on Playstation, deal with it. I'm glad to have it back on a sony console, got tired of the candy colored autism and sub ps2 graphics of the 3ds games
Ps4 will have the biggest community thats an objective fact, one server worldwide and japan isnt even getting a pc or xbone release.
>there were also Felyne Palicos
Oh thank god
Not that I care much about them individually but I was worried that the game would lose all its campiness that gave it personality and their confirmation is a bit of a relief.
The PS4 version will have the only playerbase that is relevant. 3 million japanese very dedicated player are guaranteed already, add that to how PS4 versions of games always sell the best and have the biggest playerbase by 2-3x. Xbox and PC will be dead, you will be wasting your money on inferior versions.
If by highly likely you mean literally confirmed then yes.
PC literally got it for free then
> 3 million japanese very dedicated player are guaranteed already,
they will be too busy playing XX on a handheld
Good. This game is gonna be great. 5th Gen is looking great.
Also MS
Not like i'm going to be playing multiplayer outside of (possible) G-rank anyway
>inb4 windows 10 exclusive
>3 million japanese very dedicated players
if it's not portable, they will not care, if they care, they'll play on the better version
and you know damn well it's not the PS4 one
Won't be dead at all when the xbox one x comes out and I can crossplay with xbox bros while on pc..
Also Double cross on my switch and all the new games etc..
Fuck sony and heir consumerist shady business tactics. Go back to r/hailcorprate.
If the Switch gets an MH I'm obviously going to buy it. Dumbass. I'm a fan of the series. More MH is always better for me.
Besides, it would show that Capcom hasn't gone full retard. Nobody with sound business sense would let them gut their portable MH line to go chasing shadows in the West. If they DON'T release a portable MH, it shows some serious fucking internal issues at Capcom.
Because they aren't even a relevant rival lol. Sony only had to worry about keeping it away from Nintendo. They did =they won
but I thought they going to play MH 5
People quickly forget that it was Sony's fault in the first place that MH ended up on Nintendo consoles.
The reason why they don't make games like MHW is because MH is the only game keeping Capcom afloat and making a game with Uncharted standards is incredibly expensive so I'll assume Sony paid for a big chunk of the development.
I wouldn't be as skeptical if they hadn't strayed so much from the MH formula, get rid of divided areas and the anime-tier bullshit but don't make it lose its charm and silliness.
Are there really people who only own one gaming platform? I'm getting XX on the switch and MHW on PC and PS4, I don't get what's there to gain from pointing fingers and making fun of people.
dual OS is an standard for PC gaming
>The hunting action is the core gameplay of the series. They’re not removing anything, they’re building from the same bases established by the previous titles.
Does this mean Hunter Arts are back?
Consider it a present. We need to work together to takedown Nintendo.
What if I told you japan is loving MHW right now, and it will be a success based on feedback already?
I was playing monhun when you were shitting in your diapers and I followed it across systems because I'm not stupid enough to have a boner for some company.
I want to kill HD Rathalos now!
>3 million japanese very dedicated player are guaranteed already
Are you retarded? The best selling console monster hunter sold 1 million in Japan, and this is not going to sell that much because the potential audience is much smaller (wii vs ps4). I'll be surprised if this sells more than 700k in Japan. 3 million would be insanity. That would be like 50% of Japanese PS4 owners buying this game.
it really is sad, besides the usual one or two assblasted sonnyger in a normal monhun threads they generally seem to be console war free, but now this game is announced no matter where you go, you will see a sony fanboy shitting up the thread
when or IF its released on 3ds they will, right now they will be busy on XX
I'm going to play this game until I drop dead and no-one can dissuade me that this will be G R E A T
Why the fuck do I care how many other people are playing MH? What am I, a Capcom stockholder?
As long as I can get together 4 people to do online every once in a while, who fucking cares?
You'll learn the hard way.
>Nintendo is finished
>Is the Switch the final nail in the coffin?
Glad to see all those threads were just shitposting and that Nintendo is king again
Will probably get a Switch after Mario/Xenoblade.
>blaming nintendo for the faults of the development team you'll be giving your money to in a few months.
I don't know why people want to strip MH of its charm.
>We need to work together to takedown Nintendo.
>so petty that they won't even do Rocket League or Minecraft crossplay
PCocks can't even get one other person for fighting games.
Is Tigrex confirmed?
Is Rajang confirmed?
Is Deviljo confirmed?
Right but instead of wanting PC AND Switch to get double cross, you just want Nintendo to get it? Pretty sure your just a run of the mill retard dude, have a nice day I guess lol.
I always thought it was an exaggeration how bad sony fanboys are, that is until I came to Sup Forums, the most obnoxious fanbase I've ever had the displeasure to interact with online, it really isn't a surprise how they've always voted the worst fanbase.
Are you retarded? Sony did not spend a cent on the game if its on the fucking PC and the fucking xbox.
MHXX port is confirmed to be good at LEAST (not as good as 4 tho)
Are you really saying that after all that casual shit that got confirmed by capcom themselves?
i would call bullshit cause you are not providing any evidence
>strip MH of its charm
This is Sup Forums. Home of the eternal, underage shitposter. Notice how the shitposting ONLY started when a Playstation version of Monster Hunter was announced.
It's a PS4 exclusive in Japan, I'm sure as hell they paid for most of the development.
japs dont care if it aint handheld.
i own a switch and a pc but im not touching this garbage franchise, just came here to tell you fags to stop playing this gay weeb game.
You and me both friendo, I've still never enjoyed a monster hunter as much as I did the first one.
First time killing a Rath, carrying those damn crystals across the swamp, chatting with my usb keyboard mid fight and getting rekt...Good times.
This feels like the first real sequel to that with it's more realistic style and not being handheld, though I enjoyed those too.
Don't buy it then? Not sure where you're going, but PS4 will have the biggest playerbase period.
>he doesn't know
>Shitpost that they will never get a MH game
>They then shitpost back when they do
A recent interview mentions the fact that they're not taking anything away from the gameplay mechanics that are already existing.
>Xbox and PC are dead platforms in japan
Capcom just doesn't want to lose money. Guess what, Overwatch is PS4 exclusive in japan too, published by Square-Enix.
>(not as good as 4 tho)
i dont nothing ever will be
This doesn't look like core Monster Hunter, you would know if you played at least one of them.
also, it's the multiplat version
I honestly don't get it, MH threads used to be so comfy.
You don't have to take anything away to ruin a game.
In fact, it's easier to ruin a game by adding things.
Show me, I'm challenging you. Post confirmed information, not a stupid Sup Forums post either.
It will be cracked on a single week, no worries here.
this is what happens when you share threads with the worst fanbase on Sup Forums
>threads of people constantly insisting they'll water down the mechanics and take stuff out
>damage controlling to this now that this has been deconfirmed
Stay mad.
>palicos are back
>not a spin-off
then why isn't it called 5?
Quick Sup Forums!
Post your monster wishlist!
>There are literally people who don't have at least 3 other friends that play Monhan
>being THIS stupid
If Sony did fund it, (which im sure they didnt because it would be exclusive) then even if you buybthe xbox or pc one a cut still goes to Sony.
Congrats retards, they still won.
I'm not those people and I never said that they were going to remove anything. I was always far more afraid of the things they were adding.
Sup Forums is not one person. The arguments of other you associate me with are not themselves arguments against my own arguments.