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Why the fuck is Thanos of all characters front and center for the Marvel side?


why do they look so surprised

>Smaller roster than MvC3
>Which was smaller than MvC2
>No Black Widow, but has fucking Hawkeye
>Almost every Marvel character is a movie tie-in
>No X-Men

Upcoming big bad for Avengers 3. This whole game is one big ad for Marvel films. As opposed to the last 3 MvC games, which were "Gee, who would be fun to fight with?" She-Hulk and X23 are never getting movies

I've been on the fence between Tekken 7, MvCI or KoFXIV - but I think now having seen mvci in action I think i'm gonna go tekken 7.

....and also hope the update leaks for SFV are true. Cause i like muh ex moves etc, i doubt tekken will feel right.

Is that supposed to be evil box art Megaman?

Morrigan looks so fucking hot in this. She's the only character that doesn't look wonky as fuck.

>this small ass roster

Come on nigga try harder

Can vouch that Tekken 7 and KOF14 are good times. Not a fan of the MvCI demo.

I also hope that SFV will finally be great with the leaks.

>Phoenix Wright gone.
>All clover characters gone.
>No Daredevil
>No Vision
>Green Goblin never
>Every dlc character was obviously meant for base roster but made dlc out of jewery.

I thought everyone would love this roster because they cut out all the "90s shit" characters and "clones". That's the excuse everyone had for MVC3's roster, Capcom just simply doubled down on that request. Fans have no one but themselves to blame.

>that face
fucking gross

>God vs Homeless man

wonder how much money crapcom got to develop this garbage to promote the capeshit spewed out of marvel these days

maybe it'll be enough to make a good game? haha

Capcom can't even be bothered to make good fucking artwork they literally put the same model with the same fucking Jaggies

Holy fucking shit

Marvel 3 had a good healthy amount of NEW characters

What the fuck is this shit, only 4 new characters if you count Thanos


They look dead. Just like the cinematics of an old videogame (like the first Assassin's Creed)

Embarrassing, Injustice 2 gives you more characters and characters people actually want to play. I bet DBFZ will have a bigger roster than this too.

it's also a retarded casual babby game that will be dead in 6 months, or when the next NRS game comes, whichever is first. even dumbed down casual mvci has more depth than any NRS game.

I will put money on it right now that DBFZ will have less than 25 characters at launch.

The fun thing is Marvel made a "story" just to try to get into the Injustice hype.

I remember when Injustice just copied the Slo-mo intro of UMVC3

No, I understand he's in because of the movie bullshit, but why is he the character that player 2 starts out on? Why not Cap or Iron Man? Even the Hulk would look more natural in that spot.

>Any of that.
>Relevant to the fact that Injustice 2s roster completely shits on MvC.

depth > breadth

X23 already have a movie though


>implying there's gonna be any depth from casual Crapcom

Kinda surprised they sat Nova next to him on the roster. Pretty big jump from being ignored for so many years.

Are we really get Dahren Mohran? If so, my hype slightly went up.

i agree, ive always like mvci morrigan

is that a monster hunter town in the background
yes it is

Tell me guys, where did the hype go?


try again thundercunt

Why is PS2 era Johnny Cage on the right there?

>What is a demo, Alex?

DBFZ will probably have 20 characters at most

pick 1

This just looks messy

Persona 4 Arena only had 13 characters at launch, and Xrd only had roughly 17. I don't get who expects a gigantic roster from an ArcSys game.

Did Chris's face get hit with a shovel, he looks the worst out of this bunch.

>Lets take video game characters and face them off against comic book characters.

This is a dumb idea that will never work

sure but unless you're a brainless normie or a retard obsessed with capeshit, there's other things that are important too.

F Trunks

Who else could you possibly need.

MVC3 was mediocre but this is just abysmal, it's time to move on to greener pastures.


holy shit that looks like all kinds of ass
they should have stuck to the MvC3 artstyle

Except you know, the other Marvel vs Capcom games

Probably more to do with people expecting a large roster from a DBZ game in general and not caring who develops it, but I do agree with you.

You could have a fighting game with absolute perfect mechanics and balance and it would still wouldn't matter if the roster is unappealing. Roster just about the most important aspect of a fighting game and so far Infinite fails that aspect.

Oh what? I see they had 3 other games like that..... Never knew that. What a dumb idea

>only 3 females in the whole roster
I guess marvel is afraid of a japanese company showing sexy girls in a fighting game

Wait, is this the first MvC game without Spider Man in its roster??? WTF MARVEL!!!!!!!!!
Ffs he has a movie coming out as well soon

Why does Marvel hates X-Men so much

DLC, have to pay a toll to play characters you want.

>being a waifufag
Not catering to weaboos is probably the only decent choice Capcom has made so far.

It's going to be fucking DLC's obviously you know nothing Sup Forums cucks Jesus fucking Christ I don't even go to this board.

where the fuck is old webhead

>it's cross tekken all over again

They don't, Fox has the X-Men and F4 in a tight grip. Despite the roster still being shit, you at least have Fox to blame for no Magneto, Wolverine, Storm, Sentinel, Deadpool, and so on.

Too much Ginyu Force

>spiderman is dlc
what the fuck happened?

>Blame Fox.
No blame Perlmutter for being such a petty cunt. Disney only cares about the movies but he's in charge of everything else and is the one enforcing the X-Men or F4 embargo.

Didn't know that, appreciate it. Still, no X-Men really fucking sucks, but it's the only thing I WON'T blame Capcom for.

Wrong thread oops

The sooner people realize that this game is just straight up advertisement, the easier it will be on your soul.

>No X-Men

Fucking... disgusting.

wait so is this the finalized roster barring DLC/seasonal characters?

or are they going to expand the roster atleast 2~3 more tiems before actual release?

Also has to do with DBZF being 3v3 probably. People want to build unique teams.

scrap the all the ginyu force members other than Ginyu, I could see some of them providing as assists to Ginyu like Ultron's assists but that's it. And in there place add kid goku, roshi, and some "unexpected" character like Tao, Devilman, or Launch.

>that final rendering

Really willing to bet $100 this was outsourced.

TvC was 2vs2 and was great.

>Making uglier models as the artwork

What is WRONG with Capcom?

Can't wait for tourneyfags to play this as a joke or wince as they play this dogshit "seriously". Street Fighter X Tekken was literally abandoned after EVO 2012. Expect the finals to look similar to this.

The only Ginyu Force members that should stay is Ginyu himself and Recoome

So will Black Panther be the expy for Wolverine? I mean it seems like the natural replacement, maybe even throw in some of X-23's techs because of height.

It just doesn't seem like a Marvel vs. without a ground slasher character. Maybe they'll just make Strider into that character, since his standard moveset seems to get worse with every passing game.

TvC was great, I'll agree with you there. But I feel mostly because of the obscure characters not everyone were familiar with that were playable. Kind of like how MvC2 had characters like Ruby Heart and Amingo, Sonson, etc.

Only 1 darkstalker, No Ammy, No spidey, No venom/any symbiote, also well done throwing in that piece of shit from bionic commando that no one cares about. All the Megaman characters in the world can't save this shitty roster.

>Tfw would just have an all darkstalkers team in MvC3 and pretend I'm playing darkstalkers 4.

You couldn't pay me to care about this game.


The fighting system itself is going to be fine

>Still no Daredevil
You know at this point. I should be thankful

>new character

beautiful select screen.
select screen of the year 2017.

Does this mean on disc DLC?

We SFxT now boys.

Are we getting Dahren Mohran as a character or as a stage we fight on? How would he even work?

Well MVC3 was shit in other ways, but roster size is literally the one thing I wouldn't fault them on. MVC2 reused assets like a mother fucker since it was a sprite based game and you could get away with that a lot easier. MVC3 not having a bigger or as big roster makes perfect sense

HOWEVER. And this is a pretty big however, MVCI literally has ZERO excuse to have a smaller roster because it's reusing assets like crazy too. Yet somehow it has a significantly smaller roster. This, is inexcusable.

I liked that it was less cluttered with stuff than MvC3 so you needed to be more honest with your approach.
3vs3 is crazier which is also fun but I don't think 2vs2 is inherently a bad thing.

dbz works better with a smaller roster anyway, I mean most of the characters are already clones to begin with

It's like Capcom learns one lesson every game and forgets the one from 4 games ago.

This is painful. I'd be more sympathetic, but they deserve whatever they for their past shitty practices. Shouldn't give your consumers crap and expect them to eat it up.

Why is she the only hot Capcom Character in this game?
Also those pressed breasts are more impressive than Roll Call the demo.
Though Gameplay is somehow saving it... after turning off the AutoEasy shit.

>MVCI literally has ZERO excuse to have a smaller roster because it's reusing assets like crazy too. Yet somehow it has a significantly smaller roster. This, is inexcusable.
The models are quite ugly, at least I would accept a smaller roster if it's characters were really different from one another like in GG and graphics were polished.

>characters are 2.52 GB in size
Something tells me they only changed it to 2v2 so they wouldn't have to optimize

It's a fucking demo you fucking mong.

What a shitty line up, where are the rest?



Character select will probably change up. Arthur & Firebrand will be in a row, Ryu & Chun, Morrigan & Jedah. Spider-Man could take Thanos's spot.

A demo for a game that comes out in three months. This is everything for now.

We're gonna need to wait another year for this roster to not look like a huge pile of shit.


Pic related. Leaked roster confirmed today by the trailer as the leak was weeks ago.

Infinite is just a scam by capcom and disney to reuse UMVC3 assets to put out a game that only promote MCU and ANAD.

No x-men, no F4, no Mango Sentinel, no fun obscure characters.

Just a cringey story mode where everyone acts friendly and like they know eachother in a hamfisted forced tone.

Don't buy Disney's playable commerican. Don't buy Capcom's reused assets.

Even if you want to, wait until they sell the "ultimate version."

Don't waste your money on the shit version first. #MUTANTLIVESMATTER