I wanted to build my bro a gaming pc but now that the xbox one x has been announced for $499 is it still worth building...

I wanted to build my bro a gaming pc but now that the xbox one x has been announced for $499 is it still worth building a pc ?

Xbox One X
>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

If you have a good Xbox library, then no. Get the X.

If you don't, build a PC. You'll be able to do and get more down the line.

Yes, most of the cool shit coming out will be multiplat so go ahead

Yeah we don't have a an xbox library I have a pc and ps4 slim

Xbro here
this is what we do
>put disc in or download from store or code
>download the game and patches

Should i just buy the Vegas or go for a R9 580 or 1080 ti, running a R9 290x FX 8370 and my GPU can barely handle BF1 or For Honor, also i may buy Xbox one X, considering what games they got to offer

I think your cpu is hurting you the most.

What xbox games got you interested ? just curious

>For honor
I quit after 34 reps dont play it anymore, its not worth the time, they fucked it up

You can also share a library with a friend, but you might want to do that wth your bro.

Skip the X in that case. If you do end up deciding that you'll regularly play any of the current or future Xbox titles, buy the X.

Excuse the blatant shilling, but with og backwards compatibility coming, I think it's worth the investment for playing any and all Xbox titles.

not trying to shill , but build a computer and you can download a game for free

samefag here also , no input on KB get an anti ghosting one , there are cheap ones

>gaming pc
soo by implying that you to play video games, i think you should get the pc.

yea its actually the better option right now

I own a pc but all 3 gens and 4k? im sold.

now only if dreamcast would be backwards compatible since windows was on dreamcast

>falling for the 4k meme
unless this is bait

Why don't you ask him if he wants a PC or a BoneX? Price aside, you should be considering the games he wants to play by himself as well as with his friends because if you get him the wrong thing then he won't be truly satisfied.

I like Gears and whatever games they got, i'll prob hook up my Xbox one X to my 1440p monitor since i don't have a 4k monitor and also since my family does use my Xbone for Netflix, if they release L4d3 or more Halo, i would def buy it.

if you want a system all to do is game then yes, it seems good but what else what it be after 2 years but a netflicks box

PC has higher initial cost, but more games, free online and you can do stuff other than games on it

do you own a 4k tv btw? i know all but one that does coz they waste money on consoles ? ....i own one to watch tv and sometimes play on my pc

oh how so? i heard the ryzen is pretty good from what i hear
I enjoy it also on the PS4 as well and have it on Steam, i find it fun to play it after a hard day of work, mostly i just been playing HOTS or LOL so i'm kinda just picky with games
I definitely will, since i am a hardcore Xbox/IDORT fan and i always look forward to Xbox conference than any other conference, Halo and Gears are my life, i just hope they make a Punisher 2 sequel game

if youre OP please just stay on Xbox, we tried helping but you seem like a faggot that will fall for memes on g and v , PC just has more to offer then just a console until they release a different version of the same console or the next gen , please go buy the same version of a gen for the 3rd time

>promoting piracy
Why do you hate the gaming industry?

> (You)
>oh how so? i heard the ryzen is pretty good from what i hear

The FX 8370 has very low IPC compared to anything intel and Ryzen that's why it aged badly

I don't really play games anymore but I built this pc for $700 to $800 about 4 years ago and when I occasionally play BF4 it runs on high at 60 fps.

The only reason to buy a bone is Halo the only reason to buy a PS4 is to have a slightly better console that'll cost hundreds in the long run because
your bro is gonna want to preorder every hot new game with a cool trailer.