I miss when games came with manuals that were miniature strategy guides

I miss when games came with manuals that were miniature strategy guides.

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I miss game manuals in general, I always liked to read them





I miss when games came with literally anything more than a flimsy plastic case.




The manual was half the fun of buying the game. You opened it up on the way home, and read it all over to psych yourself up before you even started the game.


How I miss sniffing those while flipping the pages after opening the box for the first time.

Those stopped being a thing in late 90s.

Do you really miss something from 18 years ago? Are you over 30? Or are you merely feeling nostalgic for things you have read about?

Post Japanese Spyro one please.

That was amazing.





Manuals were still a thing in the early 2000's, my dude


Like that guy would know, he was probably born after 2005.

Are you dense? People in their 20s still have fond memories of them, faggot.

>tfw found my old Pokemon Silver manual yesterday

It was a good feel lads

Well, they need to grow up then don't they?

Goddammit Captcha, stop making me select images.


Who members tales of symphonia manual?



>Being apathetic for old things entails "growing up".



>rare pokemon
>only appear once
>picture of a zubat
if only

No, I just find it incredibly pathetic that there are people on this board past the age of 14 that unironically still plays video games.


What are you even doing here then? Ironically shitposting?

I MISS WHEN THEY CAME WITH CLOTH MAPS. That shit was so baller.

Zelda Twilight Princess and Ultima Online both come to mind.


That fucking troll post is in a video game manual. The audacity. The sheer balls.


Yes? This is what this board is for.

Are you one of those retards who believes we actually talk about video games here?

Its just an outlet to vent any immaturity and shitpost.


i miss the 90s

I just miss Instruction Manuals altogether. Just seeing the illustrations and little bits of info about the game/world was always one of the best parts of getting a new game.



I never understood why a lot of the spaces were blank. I thought you had to draw them in as you caught them or something

Get 4chanX and switch to Captcha v1, helps a lot during dumps.

I miss Metal Gear Solids coming with fucking comics. They went from that to basically fucking nothing in MGSV.

Actually, now that most games come with little more than a slip of paper that says "read the on-disc manual dickhead", what's the point of even having the clips and space for full sized manuals in boxes anymore?

looks like they're all first form pokemon. kind of a teaser of what's to come. I guess you could fill it out as you went though


>OP's example is from 98.
>six year old kids at the time would be 25 now
>"are you over 30???"

Go back to summer school, Jimmy.

I believe it was so you could draw them or fill them out with stickers, the idea at the time being that you could follow alongside your pokedex.



Thanks for the dump. I still have my manual.

>Grimer is the only Pokémon not TM'ed
So it's ok to use Grimer in a fangame and no other Pokémon?

Thanks OP

I assume the design is copyrighted, they just didn't manage to grab the trademark for "grimer", since it probably already existed at the time.
Depending on whether or not it expired and they were able to claim it, you'd be able to use the name, yes.

I miss when they came with manuals that were in universe lore books.

I don't miss games being pieces of shit at explaining their mechanics and needing instruction manuals though.

Holy fuck that game was my childhood. I loved the map and the 2 books and the fact that you needed to memorise a full alphabet just to decipher one. It was a great time

Better than an hour or more of forced tutorials.

I didn't believe you. Went to get my copy and was surprised to see this.


I don't have my Yellow version manual on hand right now, but I wonder if (at least some of) the Euro versions were written a little differently. I swear I remember the manual specifically explaining not only that Pokemon get stronger by fighting, but that they are also fiercely competitive by nature and enjoy fighting (and getting stronger), which is why I've always found the concerns of animal abuse and Team Plasma's stated goals in B/W a bit silly.

Pretty sure you could hurt somebody with the size of this shit.

I'm 27 and I vividly remember game manuals/instruction booklets. Just because you were born in the all digital age doesn't mean you should shit on them.

me too but i understand its pretty worthless now that the internet exists.

im pretty sure they were talking about the legendaries but didnt want to post them because of spoilers. but i can understand the confusion
kek. this was wrong though. Brock's pokemon had such shit Special and NO rock moves so they were a cinch to kill with Charmander

>go with dad to buy game
>read the manual in the car on the way back

Comfy as fuck.

But I guess the smartphone generation doesn't need them.

>The Brock want to fight!

Underage please. WoW's manual was the shit.

The best way to beat Brock is to catch a team of weak little shitters like lv3 Rattata, whittle Geodude/Onix's Def and atk down with Growl/Tail Whip while switching to avoid too much damage after Onix's Screech, and then spam Tackle. Zero grind required. Even more easy mode if you have a Bulbasaur at lv7 to plant Leech Seed so you can't die while they die faster, no need to grind until lv13 for Vine Whip (or lv8/9 for the other starters' first elemental moves)

Actually, yeah why can't we go back to that? I'm tired of in-game tutorials taking 30 minutes to teach me shit that I've known since I was 5 and picked up a Mario game. It's always some bullshit too:

>Okay we just gotta make sure your system is working right. Press X to target something.

>You've been out of commission for a while now, try jumping over that obstacle. Okay, now are you ready to try double-jumping?

>This new model armor needs to be calibrated before we can send you out. Try walking around and looking up and down. Great.

>You're a grown man and you're 40 years old, but for some reason I need to make sure you can walk three steps without pissing and shitting yourself.

Guess that explains their zerging anyone stepping foot in tall grass.

Oh yeah it's soooooo much better with 5+ hour tutorials nowadays.

Fuck that brought me back. I lost my shit, but I found a picture online.

There's something so satisfying about having a fuckload of reading material about the game and its lore and reference guides I can use while playing. It's a good resource without going heavily into spoiler territory like a walkthrough would.

Which one(s) did you guys have as a kid? i got the green one purely because it was holographic. i remember saving up my Scolastic reading points in order to get my hands on it

it was great until i noticed how fucking wrong half the entries were

I'm almost 29 and I miss them too.

>that THICC BG2 manual
>the booklets in every N64 game

and while we're at it:

>tfw no Club Nintendo magazine anymore

Red one down here. God I loved that book.

I have the first one somewhere. It even still has like 60% of the cover, so basically mint.

this is cool as fuck.
getting the original NWN edition must have been the tits.

as I was mentioning already

Have not seen that for a long time

>read this
>it contains detailed descriptions and background lore for every single spell in the game
>there are over a hundred of them

this was fantastic

> Opening Age of empires 2 case to find the tech tree
> Not understanding it as you're a kid
> Knowing its going to be great

I never knew what shift vs set mode did until just now

the Pokemon manuals were full of literal lies though

You've never played link battles?

remember the DK64 manual? it was full of that one old monkey telling you how shit the game is iirc

i remember catching a nidoran and wait for it to learn double kick. shit was easy

holy shit, found it. its fucking hilarious gamesdatabase.org/Media/SYSTEM/Nintendo_N64/Manual/formated/Donkey_Kong_64_-_1999_-_Nintendo.pdf

I did when I was a kid, I don't remember it limiting you from switching pokers out but I haven't done a link battle since I was around ten so maybe my memory is just shit.

That's only in Yellow version, I think. The Nidorans learn Double Kick ridiculously late in RB. Yellow also added Mankey west of Viridian (that was changed to learn Low Kick at early levels) and changed Butterfree to learn Confusion upon evolution at lv10 rather than two levels later, just to make the early game with Pikachu easier, I guess.

same here with starcraft

you didnt have to play link battles to experience the difference between shift and set. you just needed to look at the options menu to change it. i used to (and still do) use Set all the time to make the main game slightly more challenging.

Learnt how to read with the red one