ITT we post our steam profile pictures
ITT we post our steam profile pictures
My little socialist can't be this cute!
Meh, why not.
All of you = 10/10
Stone cold steve autism
I have absolutely no good reason to change it
i have seen you both
thanks for letting every oldfag know to avoid you by associating with Sup Forums, newfags.
>Implying anyone cares
>unironically using the term "oldfag" in 2017
You're more pathetic than all the people associating with Sup Forums combined.
By labeling yourself as an oldfag you are letting everyone know you aren't one
Gotta keep your autism subtle, lads.
no bully
can i friend-collect u
>friend collector
kill yourself
furfags should be gassed
You seem upset
Requesting rapid gestalt on this guy.
can't this is a worksafe board
if you use weebshit avatars you need to kill yourself.
You're a gay homo.
all good posts
what is acceptable?
Not this
No one rating
so many weebs with aspergers
Half of these images aren't square, are you guys retarded or something?
so what is? you can't make a cool avatar without weeb shit
ur cute, I like you
This picture is pure perfection.
It's from a porn picture user.