How will you react if Mario marries Peach at the end of Odyssey?

How will you react if Mario marries Peach at the end of Odyssey?

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>Peaches face in the last panel

How would you react if Rosalina marries Peach at the end of Odyssey?

I would google Bride Peach porn

I would kill several people.

Lesbians are worse than gays because they are making a difficult market even more difficult.

It would be too surreal, I'm not ready for that.
That would be like if Zelda married the princess of hyrule.

Considering the Amiboos for the game are Peach in a wedding dress and Mario in a wedding suit, I'd say that is pretty much confirmed.

What do you have against the purest of loves?

If lesbians are stealing your girls, user, I think that's an indication of a problem on your end rather than dykes being an ancient evil

>Mario is christian
Not canon

>purest of loves

Gtfo to Sup Forums and educate yourself

Zelda 1 Zelda probably married Zelda II Zelda though user.


Is Rosalina even confirmed for Odyssey?

Yeah its impossible to find a girl those lesbians that make up 0.01% of the population keep stealing them all.

Also Nintendo is like Disney in the sense that they cant show the mascot of their family friendly company doing things like marriage or having children

How would you react if Pauline sings at Mario's Wedding?
And also catches the bouquet then exchanges awkward glances with Luigi

He's Italian.

I wouldn want her now shes been dicked by bowser . She is completely ruined

Is far less gay than you trap loving faggots.

just wanted an excuse to post this

The main theme is for the wedding user, isn't it obvious?

Pauline will always have a torch for Mario, but they'll both never stop jumping forward, so she wishes him luck.

But Luigi is already awkwardly stammering at the bridesmaid, Daisy.

Do you think the Marios would invite their more dubiously canon friends to their wedding like the Mario&Luigi cast and Donkey Kong? Or just Mushroom Kingdom folk?

Pretty sure the creator of this image's first language is not english

I've never been attracted to peach in that way but that last panel is making me giddy.

If anything there'll be a sequel hook at the end where they're about to get married and someone swoops in and grabs her at the last second. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Fawful, for instance.

as 80% of Sup Forums

what about this one

That would be the cutest shit.

I'm going to ask that later today.


How would you react if Mario marries Bowser at the end of Odyssey?

He's right though. The only reason the industry puts lesbians in the forefront of homosexual diversity is because they easily appeal to straight men which still makes up for the majority of people who still give a fuck about video games and TV shows, no one wants to see two dudes kissing but we all pop a boner for two hot chicks rubbing up on each other. It's like the token black guy, it's there to appease certain groups but not too much to piss off everyone else or dumb it down.

mama papa bricolini we'll not make you no linguini, don't you know we specialise in one thing, that's the pizza pies

There's over four billion women on Earth. I don't think lesbians are the reason you can't find one who likes you.

I'd start spamming bowser x peach porn.


Bowser Jr's mother wouldn't let him marry Mario.

>no one wants to see two dudes kissing
speak for yourself fag

>Not liking yuri.

He jealous that even girls had more GFs than him

I really hope Bowser's actual wife shows up in this game.

>they are making a difficult market even more difficult.
Lol virgin

Where do you think you are?

Sauce on this qt? She's Daughterfu tier.

This is what is going to happen. Mario is the biggest cuck. Just like Nintendo's fan base.

He didn't say that. He just said lesbians made it hard to score.

I agree that forced diversity is bullshit. It's cynical, and makes for a bad product if it's made by committee to fill out some asinine checklist of things you need to avoid controversy and drum up news, because if you don't, the rival show/movie/game that IS filling out that checklist and is getting the publicity will beat you by a country mile. It's the most insidious form of writing, where the subject matter is in service of the advertising and not the other way around.

That being said, there are positive ways of doing that stuff. I'll probably catch fire for this, but I think New Vegas has superb gay characters in the form of Arcade and Veronica. They both barely mention it, and in Veronica's case I think you even have to take a perk to hit on her to even get the dialogue where she explains her predicament in the Brotherhood of Steel. It's just a facet of their characters, nothing more, like heterosexuality is for any other character. It has its unique challenges that come up, and they deal with them as people rather than using their homo powers to stay strong and always believe in themselves and then the world changes itself to make things magically more fair for them, like in more pandering attempts like Boiware schlock where sexual identity is more important than who that character is, or how they deal with being different in the setting they find themselves in.


>generic animu garbage
>sooo kawaiiii ^_____^ pls gib sauce

There's a whole board for garbage like you

pico to chico

Take THAT Game Theory!

That was a bit mean user.

Reminds me of the ending of Clockwork Knight

I doubt they'll have a full on wedding, but we'll probably see Mario bridal carry Peach onto the Odyssey in the ending scene.

That's rude.

About. Damn. Time.

Doesn't Luigi also like Rosalina?

What if he marries Luigi? That'd be a nice twist.

Everyone likes Rosalina, but she's autistic and asexual.

If a woman marries the King she becomes the Queen, the highest rank possible

When a man marries the Queen he doesn't become the King, he is the Queen's husband

>not living in the database
Boku no Log Horizon

Actually Bowser is also known as King Koopa.

This works better for Mario.

He can still be her hero and keep doing plumber work and going off on adventures.

Will Bowsercucks ever recover?

>Mario and Peach get married
>Next game is about them raising their kids
>Game after that is their kids out on their adventures up against Bowser Jr.

Mario will get together with Pauline
Mario's a knight, he saves the princess cuz she's the princess

Hi mako

well... i came here for the lewds, where are them?

>Star Fox Zero or Paper Mario is not on the womb
Wasted opportunity

Image was made before those games were released.




Post more Mario and Peach please

Mama mia Mario has junk in the trunk

I'm glad Mariofags haven't degenerated in shotamarioxmilfpeach. bowserxpeach bad as is.

Peach mind-breaking Mario with her pussy
Peach making Mario wear sluttier and sluttier clothing
Peach selling him to every girl in the Mushroom Kingdom until Mario is intoxicated by the lewd smell and feel of cunny juice


"Good for them."

I wonder if Peach is hover her Luigiphobia yet.


Not but I'm from the other thread



I still have the Nintendo Powers with this comic in it. Peach in Luigi's outfit was probably the most memorable part.


More please

What if he puts the hat on peach though


>Implying Wario or someone won't bound in a split-second after the last panel stealing the princess and stopping the kiss. It's not official in the Kingdom until they kiss!


>5th panel



Japs draw Mario the best.


>Sequel is Super Wario Oddessy
>Opening mission is stealing Peach's kiss from Mario
>Rest of the game is being chased by Mario while you hunt the treasure from the wedding reception


last one

Eh, I honestly wouldn't mind it, but I'm wondering if NOTHING WILL CHANGE EVER Miyamoto would ever let that happen.

Also, it would change the whole dynamic of Mario/Bowser a bit much. He's not just after the Princess, he's after Mario's Wife.

But on the other hand, it seems pretty...pointless if they didn't do it? I mean, it's not the first time Bowser's tried to make Peach his, but they've got Amiibos of Mario in a white tux already. Why the fuck not?