Tfw not a jaded old fart

>tfw not a jaded old fart
>tfw still enjoy video games

I'm 34 and loving every minute. This place is actually full of kids that hate themselves. Adult men with jobs drive the business.

>having standards is bad

People go through stages in their lives. It's not surprising that college kids complain about videogames, because it only holds them back from getting anything done. Overworked wage slaves also find less value in videogames, because it replaces what little sleep they are allowed to have.

>anime imageboard
please don't take the internet too seriously

A person who hates his hobby hate himself

This E3 was just so boring. None of the games they announced interested me, I took everything with a grain of salt and a huge scoop of skepticism, and most of the shit they announced doesn't even come out until fall of next year. There weren't even any cringey or memeworthy moments to laugh at.

Actually I think I've become so jaded that videogames are starting to be the only thing that's fun again

If anything though, the Jaded ones are the ones that force themselves to be ignorant to the valid criticisms made by others and oblivious to the blatant flaws of games they play and the shitty business practices of the industry. There's nothing wrong with not liking a game because it's bad.


really makes me think

really activates the almonds

Just a few years ago people who are your age were saying the same thing, then games/series they love were turned inside out for the underage and casuals. Now they're in our boat. It's only a matter of time before the shareholders and investors come for all the games YOU like, watch your karma little boy.

there's a lot of game series i loved that'd have shit releases over the years, mass effect being on the biggest offenders recently

but there's this one thing i do that most people seem to not understand, and that is move on. there are plenty of games out there, and plenty more that will be released, just move on.

>video games
What about other game? HAHAHA

>one thing i do that most people seem to not understand, and that is move on
You might not want to take everything people post on a chinese UFO forum too seriously

Is this what mods consider a video games thread?


>someone posting that he enjoys video games
>is this video game thread.. oh my gosh mods

I'm 26. I had nothing to do for the day so popped in to check out E3 stuff and there's nothing. When I play a game I want to just get into it and on with it. There's nothing aimed at me anymore.

I actually *am* a jaded old fart but I still love videogames

>Tfw both jaded and able to enjoy video games

I know. I am a mutant who must be purged.

mfw I dont need much to enjoy a game and can enjoy lots of things while also having the ability to pay for them


>Didn't watch a single minute of E3
>Last game I cared about was MGSV
>Whenever I open Sup Forums I scan for offtopic threads, and if I cant find any, I go to another board

I'd like to hear your definition of "standards" considering the average Sup Forums consensus on what constitutes a good and bad game

>Tfw can only bring myself to play the 2 games i've sunk a thousand hours into
>Tfw don't give a shit about any other games