What are your thoughts on Pc and Xbox gamers being fucked over by Playstation and Bungie in Destiny 2 by getting exclusive content for a year or 2?
Playstation first for D2
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I've found in my many years of being a gamer that exclusive content is never worth much of anything, be it time or money or effort of preordering
>PS4 gets timed exclusive for a year
>PC gets 60FPS exclusive forever
Suck our cocks mad boys.
We wuz playing destiny a month early.
>frame rate =/= fun
>if framerate means fun go you, go play minecraft with your 1080, you can pull off atleast 500 fps wit that.
how mad are you, sonybro
This. I bought Destiny on the Xbone because of friends, and when we finally got the exclusive strikes/exotics it was a resounding "meh". They were probably the worst of the strikes.
Will gladly wait a month, missing out on a strike and a handful of gear, for 100+ fps
>PC and Xbox One X gets 60FPS exclusive forever
Kind of annoying until Anthem launches and buries this franchise.
In 2017.
Ohh boy, he hasn't heard the news.
Xbox one x is also capped at 30.
Sorry for you.
this right here psshitters and xbonexbots
Destiny 1 had exclusive content for PS3/4 and it was kinda meh. Only the Hawkmoon was good before it was nerfed to hell, the Killer Queen sniper rifle was ok but you had better options. Don't expect a raid boss killer weapon or something like that from the exclusives in Destiny 2.
Are they still not doing dedicated servers? I'm probably going to play anyway because I always wanted to try the first one but never did because console FPS. Still, not having dedicated servers is a glaring flaw.
when is the beta
>†Beta early access period is July 18-20, 2017 on PS4™ system and July 19-20, 2017 on Xbox One. Open Beta period for all consoles is July 21-23, 2017. PC open beta and early access to follow in August.
I might just go full shrill and get it on PC and PS4
I just want to play it ;_; I can't wait 6 weeks more.
>posts the steam hat
>game isn't on steam
put some effort in
Strike exclusives suck, but the armor stuff is some what of a non issue. I believe that Bungie probably picked the shittiest strike and exotic weapon to make exclusive too.
Hawkmoon was the only good exclusive, the strikes sucked, and I actually liked the look of the exclusive rare armor sets