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I fucking wish they would run off after saying that, not get up and fight you some more.

First time playing skyrim i would always stop after hearing that. When i saw they kept fighting, i submitted a bug report.

Essentially got told to fuck off.

your supposed to take the time ther're down to get right in front of them and power attack, cuts their head clean off

In typical Bethesda fashion, they just wait for the community to fix it with mods

shit is so cash

ESRB won't allow that.

it's *should've* you fucking ass burger

So is the intended game design for you to simply brutally kill everyone who begs for mercy?

You're supposed to take their back and suplex them

How hard is it to make him run away instead of this shit from a programming point of view?

If I remember correctly there was already a fleeing mechanic so it shouldn't have been more than a single line of code.

run away to where though

Yeah but what if he dicked off somewhere and it just so happened you need a quest item he had? Gets killed by a wolf or something and body dissappears after a week.

You can't wrap your head around a bandit begging for his life when he loses, then trying to kill you again when they get their breath back? They're still the bad guys in that scenario

not every npc disappears after you kill them
i think most of the forsworn faggots in jail dont disappear after you kill them

I didn't play the original but in SE bandits would run away from me all the time?

So take all his weapons
Or knock him unconscious
Or bring him back to town to be thrown in the dungeon
Or tie him to a tree somewhere

Is it so hard to be creative for a FANTASY video game?

>You can't wrap your head around a bandit begging for his life when he loses
I totally can though, it's obviously completely plausible that a bandit would want to not die if given the choice.

It should be like this

>I yield!
>prompt comes up, press button to spare, press button to execute
>if you spare there's a chance the guy attacks you after anyway, or he runs away and despawns when out of view, maybe even gives you some loot in thanks

How hard would this be? If that's too complicated they shouldn't have a "i surrender" period at all

They could even have fun with it like

>go in dungeon
>spare 6 bandits
>when exiting dungeon, all the bandits you spared are back and they brought friends or a monster

To the nearest city, or any point of interest really.

I don't really remember bandits having quest items. But then again it's been years since I've played Skyrim.

Are you also Ron Burgundy?


>>I yield!
>prompt comes up, press button to spare, press button to execute
>if you spare there's a chance the guy attacks you after anyway, or he runs away and despawns when out of view, maybe even gives you some loot in thanks

They have mods for this. Usually involves rape but it's annoying to have that shit pop up everytime.

Not sure if its a mod I have doing it but whenever they say they yield if I put away my weapon they promptly fuck off.

>press E
>[rip out heart] - feed - talk
>human heart GET

Fucking americans

>>when exiting dungeon, all the bandits you spared are back and they brought friends or a monster

That would be amazing. Thus Bethesda would never do it.


It could be as simple as

>enemy is in surrender mode
>attack buttons kills them
>block button spares them

and not interrupt gameplay at all

When they say "never should have come here", they meam the player, not themselves

you know there is a mod for that

Not gonna lie, OP here. This is fucking hilarious watching my thread generate serious discussion. But in all seriousness you never should of come here.

Why can't you have more than 8 characters on screen is the real question

It had to be capable of on running on systems with only 256mb RAM





>sneak archer an enemy down
>allie of the enemy tries to find you can can't
>"Guess it was nothing,"

cant wait to count your coin

Stop coming here.

>*slides along the ground*

Why were they so hell bent and making you hate the Legion?
Did they assume everyone would pick them over the Stormcloaks if they didn't?