Is this a compliment or insult?

Is this a compliment or insult?

Dishonored blows so there you go.

It's the less popular but better constructed game? Why are we still contextualizing things in terms of Skyrim?

considering Dishonored is constantly praised in the gaming media and has a highly loyal fanbase, I'd say it's a compliment.

I legitimately have no idea what they mean by this.

Because Skyrim gets released again every year at e3 for the last 6 years.

Same reason why Dark Souls is still used as a metric of difficulty.

It's the dark souls of arguments

Mario Odyssey looks like it will be the Dark Souls of the 3D mario games

People are paid to write this ass-backwards shit? I know gaming joirnalism is a joke but holy shit at least learn to write a damn header

Because you can possess people? Fucking hell, I've never once used the possess ability in either Dishonored games. Time stop is where it's at.

This is the Tetris of posts

What a dumb analogy

Mario doesn't play second fiddle to Zelda

"If Zelda is Nintendo's Dark Souls, this is it's Bloodborne"


At least it's not a food analogy

If Breath of the Wild is Nintendo's Morrowind, Mario Odyssey is its Earthbound.


I don't care what lefties say these days

It's Metroid with hats.

>""""""journalists"""""" knowing anything about vidya
It does look good though

He is fucking hot, isn't he?

>the dark souls of Mario

It's the Uncharted Collection of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round

It's the Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo of Dragon Quest

>A game made by industry legends that is clearly inspired by previous successes and harkens back to some of the best games ever made?
You decide.

And Sup Forums is the Rogue of websites.

>If An open world Nintendo game is the equivalent of bethesda's multiplatform open world RPG, then An Open world platformer is the equivalent of a Close cooridoor stealth game,


Its weird that people are saying what a great and orignal idea this is. Forgetting that kirby, one of Nintendo's most known and loved characters already does the shapeshifting thing, thats like his whole deal.

Posession =/= shapeshifting

YOu'd have a better time comparing mario to Bioshock Infinite in this case.


Never thought of it that way but its a fair point. I guess the difference here will be level design as this is totally 3D and not a racing game (air ride city trial)

Really makes me think.

I want the pot this guy is smoking, because it sounds fucking great to make you so delusional to the point where Skyrim is entertaining

What do you do for 900 hours in Skyrim?

I can tell he's an autistic furfag

>The code bethesda churns out must be guarded like the gold at fort knox

Anything that moves.

It's the Dark Souls of Mario.

Have there been any articles on the cultural appropriation of Mario Odyssey?

Go ahead and make one. Just don't post it here.

mountain climbing

It's a spiritual successor to a two decade old game that is mechanically inferior, has uncompelling characters, and a bland protagonist; yet still fun and worth your time?

but will Nintendo's Lightning be in it?

I think someone made a thread about some game journo crying about mario wearing a sombrero last night.

It was a literal who's twitter.

I knew it was coming as soon as I saw the trailer. I'm really looking forward to it.

Wank to weird mods

Grand Dad Mario

Hands off, he belongs to me, dearie.

Additionally it's the Kirby of the internet.

>zelda is nintendo's skyrim

do they not realize zelda predates skyrim by like 30 years?

Mario and zelda are the grandfathers of video games, how can you even say they're copies of modern titles

How is Daud ever going to kill him? The Outsider sees everything that's going on and can presumably take his powers away at any time, right?

They're trying to say the Breath of the Wild was similar to skyrim in that they're both financial and critical successes as well as open-world adventure games with RPG elements.

They compare Mario Odyssey with Dishonored because Dishonored was another Bethesda published game that was both financially and critically successful.

idk why this is so hard to understand.