New Chemical Plant gameplay:
Sonic Mania
It's sad to see the sonic fandom are more hyped for Sonic Forces because a OC maker.
>all these recycled levels that have already been remade
It's sad to see the sonic fandom are more hyped for Sonic Forces.
Because of a OC maker
>2 Sonic games
>Monster Hunter world skips Switch
sad year to be a nintendo fan
>expecting a small team of 3 people would get a deal to make a brand new 2D sonic game
Sega may do this if Sonic Mania sell well
>Open video
>No over the shoulder camera
>No cutscenes
>No press X to win
>No esports commentator
So basically Sonic wins e3?
>he didn't see act 2
dumb frogposter
So a couple of game journos, one of which was Giant Bomb got an early preview of the game and mentioned that one of the bosses was Puyo Puyo, I'm betting that that's gonna be the Chemical Plant boss.
I'm a bit disappointed that Chemical Plant Act.1 is more like the original than even Green Hill's was, the new path looked nice though. Act.2 on the other hand makes me want to cum bricks.
>World on PC
>Switch isn't region locked
>Nintendo still crushing Sony
>Chemical Plant Act.1 is more like the original
What are you talking about? The majority of it was a brand new layout, hell even that underwater block climb section had the blocks move in a new pattern compared to the original, at least as far as I can remember.
I'm certain it is. Another previewer mentioned laughing out loud at the CPZ boss, which matches that puyo comment/
Not to mention the fact fact that act 2 is filled with all kinds of slime and goo gimmicks, it's a perfect fit to reference Mean Bean Machine. But speaking of gimmicks, the way you make the blocks move in a stair patter is the same as in Star Light, so that's dead.
>Forces will outsell this despite being critically inferior on every level
Fucking clown world.
>all those alternatives on Chemical Plant
Both acts will have much shit to explore
That's how it is. Those guys don't even care about more gameplay footage, or a 2nd level to show to see shit other than a corridor level for modern Sonic
Look better. Both acts have more paths or shortcuts or hidden passages. You didn't noticed because "blast process" or the springs pulling Sonic back to another path
What are you talking about? The person playing was pretty competent at the game
>using Tails assist for no reason
>getting hit by baby tier enemies
Alright, I replayed Chemical Plant in Sonic 2 just now, there are only 2 new paths in this video but they mixed original Act.1 & 2 a lot closer together than I noticed since Sonic took what would normally be the big shortcut in Sonic 2 is now part of the normal path now.
It took him about 50 seconds to get to one of those brand new paths and it stops 30 seconds later to an older one (0:54-1:18). This happens again at 2:18-to the end of the video and even then that's mostly the same layout as the old game but you go there as a new path that leads to those block stairs things instead of it just being a punishment with for you failing to jump on a moving platform, also they changed the 1-up to a Bubble Shield in this case.
After replaying the original & seeing them mashed together so closely in the beginning, I'm not worried now. Also at 0:34 they fucked up by making the background part of the ground, they'll probably fix it but I noticed that.
Finally some clear audio for Green Hill act 2:
Holy shit that's good. Very sega saturn.
>you can run out room at the boss
>Green Hill and Chemical Plant are back for Forces and Mania
>both were already in Generations
if you have to rehash levels from 1 and 2 why not rehash literally anything but the two levels that you already brought back? what the fuck is sega's problem?
Please tell me you're joking about chemical plant in forces
Characters mention a chemical plant multiple times.
Fuck sake Forces has nothing original going for it. Well, aside for the OCs
Fucking finally, this shit is jamming, it just screams fun.
Pretty much this. Act 2 is so new that it more than makes up for Act 1's lack of new.
I know it's a r*ddit meme but: eargasm
Gathering everything from the various videos of Mania, there are more paths actually. Like the tubes goes into 3 to 4 directions, instead of just 2 in each main-tube in the original
The problem is Iizuka because of his games
Silver mentions Chemical Plant to CA's green hill level, like "don't worry about chemical plant, we are handling that". I hope is just a mention, but Forces is sure forcing too much shit from Generations and even Mania, which is a scary thought
That's a reddit meme now? I thought it was just really old 2007 internet lingo.
Everything currently attributed to reddit is just how people acted on the internet a decade ago it seems.
Spacing sentences out in a post?
Unironically enjoying something and expressing as much?
Using emoticons?
Internet shorthand lol?
Reddit or 2006? You decide!
how do you make the same typo twice
Forces probably has a shit budget, so they are reusing assets.
Holy fuck, this looks better than anything Nintendo has shit out at this year's E3.
It's like as if Metallica finally made a good thrash metal album again after And Justice For All.
this desert level looks really good, don't give a fuck about green hill zone or chemical plant
Guys. What if sonic actually beats Mario this year.
starts at 2:50
I've been waiting to play this fucking desert zone since I was like 7 years old
Sonic Mania is probably the first Sonic game I've been excited for in 15 years.
Sonic Forces just looks like Generations 2, and I personally didn't care for Generations.
So the remixed levels seem to follow a pattern so far: Act 1 is (mostly) old shit retooled to look/sound pretty, and Act 2 gets a bunch of crazy new shit thrown in, completely changing how the level's experienced?
Sounds good to me. I'm sold.
So how many people here never played a 3D Sonic?
I think many people simply didn't get a Sega consol after the genesis compared to a PS or N64.
>dose delicious physics
agreed. at first i was exciting because it was like "holy shit, a new proper 2D sonic game". but then i just started hearing more bad news, seeing full levels, its the same shit but rearranged. should have been called sonic remix or something. mania makes it sounds like theres an explosion of creativity and shit. ill just pirate it or wait until its $5 or some shit, $20 is way to much if its all old stuff being repurposed for such a simplistic game.
Before you answer, remember that Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations don't count as 3D Sonic games. They are Modern Sonic games, sure, but if the game is more than 50% side-scrolling then it ain't a 3D Sonic game.
Ohh, that updated drowning theme.
The last one I played was Sonic '06
>2 Sonic games
>Both on Nintendo Switch
>Implying anyone still gives a shit about the old Nintendo-Sega rivalry
did anyone mote that the music sounds fucking DISGUSTING?
i love the classic gemesis osts, but this "remastering" is just really, really bad.
I played through all the ones that had Gamecube releases (Adventure DX, Adventure 2 Battle, Heroes, Shadow)
I generally liked them, but overall felt that they were average compared to Mario's 3D offerings, and the PS2 big 3.
The remastered music sounds fine to me.
>The last one I played was 06
Considering that 06 and Unleashed were the last actual 3D Sonic games, saying that doesn't really mean much. Have you tried Utopia?
I don't see much issue with the music, I've been jamming to most of it beyond the Act.1s which have been just fine, the closest song that's bothered me so far is Flying Battery Act.1 and that's just because it feels like it's lacking the oomph the original had if that makes any sense.
it pretty much nails the bass at least. the rest i find pretty unpleasant desu.
i guess i could get used to it over time tho
>That boss theme
Then the last ones are... Heroes, Shadow, 06 and those wii games...? Then Heroes was the last.
I won't to forget i ever played 3d Blast for the megadrive though and think either Sonic Jam or R were the first 3d one.
It seems that some like and others don't. It's not some mindblowing thing where almost everyone gets hyped about
They were demonstrating the level and tails' abilities
I'll agree on Flying Battery being off. It sounds like they de-emphasised the guitars, making it sound less like a rock-ish song.
Holy shit you can't spell at all.
Agreed. Although I would have preferred both acts to have a bunch of new stuff. If I wanted to play that level I would play the original games. I hope act 2 is at least long so I can play around a bit with the new stuff a bit before the Zone ends.
What about those dumbass storybook games for Wii? Also I have not tried Utopia but that WebM looks kinda interdasting
Have you actually watched the gameplay? Most of the old levels are completely redesigned, specifically the second acts. And the new zones look great so far.
everytime this is posted in a sonic thread, i open it and watch it through. it's become a habit now.
i'm gonna be beyond pissed if it doesn't give you custom hair/facial customization options
Judging from every gameplay I've seen so far, all the second acts look like they're about twice as long as the originals
Utopia is more about introducing a fun movement system that makes you feel like you're playing the Sonic CD opening. The level design is a bit bland with not a whole lot to do, so try not to judge it based on that and consider it just a "what if Sonic played like this?" sort of thing.
I wonder what would happen if they announce a map editor for mania.
So fun fact I try to play sonic 06 once every 5 years mostly so I can appreciate other games more and also because my suffering is fun to watch and drink with people to
>it's become a habit now.
Same as posting it in every Mania thread, but I get you, I watch it every time too.
You're probably so good at the game now that you accidentally make it look good.
Am I the only one who dislikes the trashy dialogue in forces?
It feels so stupid and reminds me of the dark age of Sonic Adventure 2. Shadow, Heroes, etc
The only one I haven't cared for is the chemical plant act 1. The DUH DUH DUH is pretty fucking grating in that one. Rest is fine.
No friend there is no being good at sonic 06, there is only being less bad
The level design (or the lack of it I guess) isn't final either. The final is confirmed to be more compact while still offering multiple pathways.
yes, the act 2 looks good. but the act 1s are very lazy. they should know by now that we have been tired of the blatant rehashing since 2010 started with sonic 4. mania and forces are BOTH reusing levels from generations. it just screams heavy budget slashes. imagine if mania had the budget of sonic unleashed and was all new? it would easily be the best game this year.
>Sonic is so shit they keep having to go back to the Genesis style
Why do they even bother anymore with these games?
Secret Rings and Black Knight aren't even true 3D Sonic games. They're not unlike Modern Sonic's playstyle in that they force you to go forward all the time.
Mania will perform well and get a successor with 100% original levels. Sega's giving its developers less room for originality, but once Mania smashes sales expectations, the devs will get free reign.
Screencap this post.
Pretty sure SEGA told them to show features like Tails co op and hidden items, etc
i hope just worried forces will do better than it. sonic team doesnt get to experiment anymore and my favorite sonic team games are not sonic games, isnt that funny? they need to take a break for a few years, make another nights game. journey of dreams was absolutely beautiful, its one of my go to holiday games. meanwhile, this mania team can get a proper budget and free reign to make a brand new 2D sonic.
>Am I the only one who dislikes the trashy dialogue in forces?
What trashy dialogue? They are literally just explaining what's going on.
Mania doesn't really need much of a budget. If you look into its development, it's essentially being made by fans, some of whom have spent almost 20 years working on ROM hacks and disassembling classic Sonic games.
You think the people who wrote this shit in their spare time for free need a budget to make a Sonic game?
This guy did his shit for free too, and he's composing Mania's music. The game will be stellar even without a "high budget" and 100% original levels, and THEN they'll get to make what you'd call a "proper" Sonic 4. Personally, I think Mania's already better than anything else I could ask for, so the next game will just be icing on the cake.
Help me Sup Forums. Should I get this game on PC or Switch?
Switch if you already own one or plan on getting one regardless of Mania. PC otherwise.
It's not that it's shit. It's that the fanbase is shit.
And SEGA takes the fanbase's opinions on shit more seriously than any other fucking developer. So the fanbase is the reason why shit keeps being rehashed, shit goes through the roof, and then Sonic gets left behind by fucking fangames.
Sonic Team (and by extension Izuka) is notorious for looking at criticisms and successes and taking the completely wrong idea out of them. If Mania does well, they'll just think it means we'll want more rehashed levels in an actual 2D game instead of a 2.5D game. I mean, that'll still be better than the alternative I guess, but it's not going to immediately mean Mania but with completely original zone themes.
The Sonic modding scene will get hold of info on how to mod Sonic Mania by Christian Whitehead himself, and the scene will probably explode with more stages when a modding program is made for it.
So if you want mods, go for PC. If you're not interested in that, Switch is fine.
that sounds damn good
Not him, but while I do agree that it would've been better having just 100% new levels, I find that Mania is a few steps above Generations and 4 when it comes to handling returning stages.
Are there any advantages to the switch port besides portability? Because I'll have that with my laptop.
Switch for portability, PC for mods, take your pick. I'm going for both personally.
Odyssey looks far better than Forces or really any 3D Sonic game.
Christ they are so bad it's almost painful to watch
odyssey looks mediocre at best
would have been better if the generations picks werent picked again. should have broken conventions like sonic advance 3 or sonic unleashed where you dont start in a grassy hill. start with star light, then go with aquatic ruin or shit even take garbage like oil ocean and make it a good level.
I got pretty pumped hearing buzz about it being tauted as a return to 64 and Sunshine's form but seeing gameplay videos have been underwhelming as fuck.