What is happening with Payday 2?
What is happening with Payday 2?
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they gave it away for free
Free giveaway on Steam
they made it free with microtransactions
the future of gayming
It was free for a while.
Is it pay to win now or a pay for hats sort of deal
Devs bought it back from the publisher, made the base game free for awhile and released the new ultimate edition that has all the dlc for $45
Both. Although, can it really be considered pay2win if it's a coop/PvE game only?
Game is piss easy
Buying the dlc guns isn't necessary
So I wouldn't consider p2w
>joined the payday 2 group years ago to get the meme weapons that were locked behind it
>leave once the game becomes shit and a meme(around the John Wick crossover?)
>still get notifications from the group that I can't leave because I already left it
>"I haven't played max level crime spree"
>no need to buy the good guns or explosives!
>he uses explosives
use stun grenades, you get 6 of them
It's the only example of a non-dlc weapon being a direct upgrade to a dlc weapon. There is no replacement for DMR or Thanatos in terms of raw DPS.
>game about 4 middle aged men robbing a jewelry store stealthily
>the men are known for being sneaky and avoiding the law
>game heavily promotes bringing missile launchers and fucking miniguns
>every mission turns into "sit in a corner and use military-grade weaponry to fend off literally thousands of swat soldiers instead of using it to blast your way into the money
>despite the fact they have stolen millions and have commited genocide, after walking around the place they're about to rob in juggernaut-tier bulletproof gear with no masks on, cops still can't catch this mystery squad who's getaway vehicle is a fucking transit van
its fucking retarded, i understand that when things go south you might need to shoot your way out, but this is fucking ridiculous. i don't know why i expected a game about heisting to actually involve stealth, rather than horde mode vs an infinite supply of cops
It does involve stealth if you're not a shitter
It's your own choice to bring that gear and go loud
dude it's like
it's a game
So why are Battleborn numbers low?
Cause it's fucking battleborn
it fucking never involves stealth because the fastest and most efficient way to rob $30,000 worth of jewelry is to "stealthily" walk into the store wearing a mobile nuclear shelter and spend $500,000 in ammunition and anti tank missiles to fend off an 1000-strong army of swat
yeah ''''dude'''', i know it's a game. but generally when i purchase a game about suave suited criminals stealing millions without a trace, i'm not expecting to spend most of my gaming experience just playing horde mode ft. drill minigame
This is what the game is about
Its a shit game and theyre giving it away to boost the dlc sales.
Its a pay2unlock 75% of the games content.
No advertisement.
>piss easy
user, no. There's a serious learning curve for One Down.
It's pay for appearances which makes no sense given that it's a fucking first person shooter
How they make money is beyond me
Did they make a lot of the dlc free or something? IIRC like all of the missions were locked behind dlc.
>Not being a shitter
>Playing stealth
>He can't ECM rush
>He doesn't know that one of the best powerleveling is to rush a stealth heist continuously
All new updates are free. They condensed all the DLC into one game. It was fucking obnoxious trying to buy DLC.
it's a co-op first person shooter
nigga what. Stealth is the shitter magnet!
>dude lmao ragequit/insta restart the heist if something goes wrong because I'm too bad to have actual firefights
Shadow Raid had its XP payout reduced to absolutely fucking nothing because of ECM rushers, as opposed to fixing the dumpsters that allowed it to be done in the first place. A full clear with every bag barely gives me more than a million XP with full infamy bonuses. There are absolutely more efficient ways to level now
Every DLC was condensed into a single "Ultimate edition" buy option.
$45 for the base game + everything else, no option to buy it separately.
Tries to play 3 different times, cause i liked payday 1 a lot...
OMG this Game sucks so much...
From the Hud, to level system, weapon system and playability itself...
You're not wrong about this game sucking dick, but that reddit spacing in your post was a real nice touch for this newfag b8. Good job!
Haven't played in a while, but I remember stealth being total fucking RNG bullshit.
>Final part of the heist that has you steal paintings from a gallery
>Have to break into some dude's apartment and empty out his vault
>Trying stealth run. Shooting guards, answering pagers, shooting cameras, everything is going great
>MFW the devs think this is good gameplay
I do this spacing because ocd not reddit shit.
Also my english sucks
Framing Frame. RNG hell fuck that heist.
>Neighbors reported suspicious behavior
I've played framing frame a shitload and have never gotten that message, no clue what you could have possibly done for that.
Are there even any neighboring houses on that shit heist?
The neighborn thing only happens on Counterfeit and Big Oil day 1
>Framing Frame Day 3
Wanna know how I know you're lying
We had no idea either but it kept happening. We were trying for hours to pull it off but that shit just kept happening.
Literally what were they thinking
I can understand making stealth DIFFICULT but it's literally impossible. There's so much shit that can go wrong, and then to add in some bullshit like 'heheheh the neighbors noticed some lights were on and called the police :3' is just ridiculous.
Honestly I'm glad I stopped playing that game four years ago. Fuck the devs and their bullshit. My only regret is buying the game in the first place because it gave them money.
I got the $30 bundle. Figured why the fuck not. The Jacket character is cool as shit, but unrelated to the bundle.
The fun thing is that 1 was pretty good.
Just throw some Maps and weapons ffs dont add a fuckfeast of shit
>mfw someone near me says Big/Oil/Framing Frame are good heists
No face cause the opinion is so fucking wrong it doesn't deserve one
Fuck. My friends and I spent two hours doing that heist rated something much higher than we were. We finally did it perfectly until the very end. We silently took out guards. Avoided cameras. Flawlessly executed. No one suspicious. And it was me. Carrying the very last bit of loot in what I thought was the exact path I had taken out a dozen times before. I tripped the alarm. The AI did not stop spawning. We didn't have enough ammo. We held out for a long time. But we failed. We all gave up for the night.
That was a week after launch. We haven't played it since.
I ain't lying but this is literally a four year old memory. It's possible I'm remembering things incorrectly. What's this supposed red flag you saw in my post?
Are you sure man? I swear the alarm kept tripping and it had nothing to do with how we were handling the heist.
No clue dog, I don't play those shitty stealth heists. Just pointing out what was apparently wrong with your story
Fair enough man. Thanks for being a cool dude about it
>game has stealth
>you can't lean around corners
Pretty fucking stupid honestly. Makes me just want to do loud every heist.
This isnt R6S
The first one had a really cool heist with the diamonds in the vault. Last time I played the best mission to stealth was Framing Frame. Haven't played shit fuck all of the new stuff.
Deus Ex has leaning and better stealth mechanics, and it came out in 2000. Payday 2 has no excuse.
Haven't played in years, does that plugin that gives you all the dlc for free still work?
t. shitter
37gb of ass
>not getting jewed for bad dlc makes you a shitter
Sure. But does it still work?
If its so bad they why would you want it
Wanted to update it but I guess the update was heavier than the game itself.
Because you need the dlc to host on the heists you might want to play? I'm just gonna assume it still works. Thanks, cutie.
it does, but it marks you as a cheater so I'd probably just host
what heists to do to powerlevel?
Safe House Raid