Thank you, devolver. Now we can weed out the newfags easier

Thank you, devolver. Now we can weed out the newfags easier.

Where were you when Devolver won E3 with 14 hours of shitposting?

Other urls found in this thread:


wait what? I thought they only had a 15 minute shitty video

on reddit watching it like everyone else! They sure were funny huh guys? I gave the devolver account gold yesterday

what happened?

As unfunny as that video is, I still like that they called out all the typical E3 bull shit.

Devolver did fourteen minutes. The rest of the time was all Twitch.

dat satire

devolver is better at presentation than most of the people at e3

Badass! never before done!

Speak of the newfag devil, and he shall appear.

it was pretty boring and stupid.

>makes fun of e3
>all the while showing off some good games coming out

no. twitch staff after microsoft conference were discussing games they announced and somehow they talked about this conference. it was all devolver
rerun in friday

is this stream still viewable somewhere? I was sleeping when this was going.

>Devolver characters re-appear throughout it several times
okay buddy.

They basically blew all the other corporate kikes out of the water and laid bare all the issues in E3 and the industry at the moment.

One guy lost his hand and somebody lost a testicle, though.

they showed off 2 games, and 1 of them was good and not throw-away trash.

edgy E3 criticism that has been leveraged on the internet for half a decade isn't really impressive :/

>rerun in friday


>women are funny get over it xDD

opinion discarded, nintendo won handsdown

idk. looking for vod to have a source btw.

nice forum noise

>Nintendo won when they didn't even fucking doing anything
This is what the youth of today believe. They're cucked so young...

>The people who think Devolver won are also cuckposters

What other conferences have done that?

they had a 10+ hour 'live stream' of williams street style improv shit punctuated with more random skits and short films just like the 'conference'. they actually did play some of their upcoming games, as well as a bunch of hilarious parody games made just for this, making fun of derivative indie game tropes and some Adult Swim games in particular.

What the shit, why is his hand darker than the rest of his body?

clips.twitch tv/SolidSteamySlothUnSane

I was watching it on Demo's stream, then I went to sleep. I had an exam the next morning. Also has anyone uploaded the 9 hour pre-pre show yet?

that was not devolver, it was a twitch stream dummy
>Just do Hotline Miami again...

nope see

No, that's saying that the devolver thing was shown as part of the twitch pre pre show

Are you telling me that the show that was led by the network content director of twitch was not in fact organised by twitch? Your clips kinda makes it seem like you are taking words out of context.

>literally posting cucks
Well, at least you can prove you're wrong.

I was being a newfag and not giving your secret club any attention ;^)

It wasn't. It WAS devolver's show. It says that all over the fucking place, their characters are deeply sprinkled through it, and they even showed off some devolver films. Idiots.

>their characters are deeply sprinkled through it, and they even showed off some devolver films. Idiots.


Because that's not his hand, that's the lesbowhore's beside him.

tldr: nintendoposters are cucks.

I mean by that logic I would rather believe it was organised by adult swim or eric andre.

Watch the fucking stream you faggot.

I did, all of it. The Devolver stuff was at the very start, there wasn't any other devolver stuff.

It was. They wrote the script.
Adult swim and Devolver are in bed together,

blog.twitch tv/watch-twitchs-first-ever-second-pre-pre-show-at-e3-93853376c55

>newfags this delusional and desparate to fit in

I mean there were a lot of retards in twitch chat that thought it was devolver's show too, don't feel too bad about it. You're still pretty dumb, though.

>Implying it wasn't
Faggots just salty devolver stole the show with a loophole.

Remember a few years back how Microsoft did a show and it was purely just tv shit, sports, kinect and and gimmick crap with no games at all?

Devolvers show was worse than that.

I really do hope they replay the entire pre-pre show on Friday

Damn that yellow ranger was cute

good old burgerbear

Hi microshill

I'm amazed that the Jon Carnage guy isn't actually just putting on an act

clips.twitch tv/ArborealVictoriousTortoiseThisIsSparta

If you think that was shilling for Microsoft you are seriously a low IQ retard.

I was saying that Devolvers show was actually a new low. Microsofts ground breaking garbage conference a few years back, which was the worst E3 conference we've ever seen, was actually better than Devolvers crap.

I used to like Devolver as a publisher since they occasionally release some good games. But holy fuck just stay the fuck away from making conferences, that was so fucking bad. It actually makes me slightly dislike the company. Knowing that the retards running it thought that was okay to show.

>ground breaking
>not shilling
okay shill

Oh they had 10 hours. I watched EVERY glorious moment. KILL IN IT! 200%

I linked you the official announcement of the stream on twitch blog, open it and read it, or are you too much of a mouthbreather to do that, too?

What's it like living with sub 80 IQ? I mean you have ONE chance at life, and you were born with sub 80 IQ holy shit, must be frustrating. Tell us your experiences. Do you often have trouble entering fast food restaurants because you try to push the door open when it says pull? I'm sorry if this brings up bad memories I am just very curious about how low IQ individuals conduct themselves.

>Taking a joke seriously

To be fair the main conference was only 15 minutes and got right to the point and had satire and was glorious.

The pre pre show is not the official conference. So on a technicality all the things your criticising devolves pre pre show (which aired after the main event) are null since they didn't expect anyone but the weirdly sublime people to watch that show.

Also they did show new upcoming games on the pre pre show through the whole night. I'm keeping my eye on Graveyard Keeper for sure.

I think the idiots who tuned into that show and expecting it to be a conference for 10 hours were the dumb ones. I seen an idiot in there complaining about it for 3 fucking hours they were just showing wolf cop the movie with commentary and I was like dude.... why don't you leave? Are you an idiot? Do you not understand satire and jokes?

He naturally got offended.

The pre pre show though was simply magnificent. It was a real work of art that will be fondly remembered by many.

>Now we can weed out the newfags.
>Credits Devoler and not Twitch for the pre pre show.
You're right OP, we can finally weed out the newfags and retards.

>wolf cop

patrician taste

>Suda 51 directed 3d Hotline Miami

I've never watched any of the things the pre pre show supposedly ripped off. What are they, and are they good?

Last I checked it's still all archived despite the possible copyright infringement being breached by archiving (Wolfcop, Ninja Slayer, etc).

I knew it was going to be short. It's Devolver. What else could they show off, they are a tiny indie publisher.

But whatever that "satire" pre show or conference was, it was fucking garbage. Not funny at all. It was over the top and it was just Devolver trying to cash in on all the E3 cringe.

Crowbcat and all that have been making E3 cringe video's for years on Youtube now and people watch that shit for laughs. Devolver tried to do what Aisha Tyler had done and "make some le ebic meemes" and be cringey fuckwits to get views and get in all the E3 cringe video's, and thought they could get away with it if they framed it as a satire. But it didn't work. It wasn't cringe you could enjoy like EA or Ubisofts. Since you know EA was going for corporate professionalism and was trying to get in on the "gamer e sports scene" or something like that and just failed spectacularly. The end result was just cringe at EA's conference and it was funny to watch them fail.

With Devolver. They were going for cringe in the first place. So it just ends up being edgy, boring, unfunny shit. You can't laugh and say wow how did they think this was acceptable, because you know they did it because they thought it wouldn't be. It's actually just pure edge on Devolvers part. It was a very unfunny unenjoyable conference and all the "epic criticism" was just the regurgitated contents of forums posts that have been going around for years.

>(Wolfcop, Ninja Slayer, etc).

I'd bet that they just got the licence to them.

after the main event?
Isn't it supposed to air before the main event? Or is it a joke as well?

You know what, fuck you, and fuck the term "cringe".

Devolver did a short satirical video. It wasn't "cringe". It was silly, sure, but it wasn't awkward or embarrassing. It was just daft.

I hate the term "cringe" now because it's what edgy sixteen year olds use as a response to anything they don't personally find funny while watching fucking filthy frank videos and calling him a genius.

>She will never step on your dick while forcing you to buy over-priced DLC and pre-order the special edition of a game that comes with a poor quality statue.

You might just get that chance, user.

Hello Devolver employee. I'm sorry but your conference was cringe and a very bad kind of cringe.

Cringe is when you get second hand embarrassment just from watching someone else do something embarrassing. When you cringe it means you are embarrassed to even be associated with that person so badly that even just watching them makes you want to get away.

That is how fucking bad Devolvers conference was. I actually watched E3 with some friends, we came over, brought snacks and set up couch chairs around a screen. So I can tell you that it was definitly a high degree of cringe I was feeling watch that show, and just looking back at my friends and everyone else was looking either disgusted or was also cringeing. No one else was laughing, people were just saying "what the fuck is this shit" or calling it lame. I actually suggested just not even finishing watching it.

I mean when EA had their show, everyone was laughing at the stupid cringe there, when the EA guy was narrating about the BF1 players, or when that fag forgot to name of the game and talked about how he was a youtube creator. We all laughed at how cringey and badly handled it was. But Devovlers was just outright embarrassing to watch.

It's amazing that it took you so many fucking words to say "I'm sixteen and my taste in comedy is fucking superior".

Go on, cringe at this post. Cringe at everything. God forbid someone does something a bit fucking different.

That's a nice projection there. I think only a reddit teenager would actually find Devolvers conference funny.

Devolvers conference was outright awkward to watch with a group of people.

ITT: local man likes the taste of shit

You talk like a faggot, no one cares about your shit taste. Take your stuffed animals you watched the show with and go.

Butthurt Devolver employee's in this thread.

You're the reason I'm finally legitimately thinking about trying to find a way off this site.

>all the corporate butthurt ITT

devolver won baby

Thanks, it feels good to know I have personally driven a shill from this website.

The corporate butthurt is coming from assreamed Devolver employees defending their shitty conference though.


Only newfags like shitposting, ironical or not.

You're right.

Thing is, satire isn't shitposting.

Seriously, I keep seeing people who are the exact opposite of reddit (racism, actual funny people) being accused of being from there. I`m convinced it`s a half-assed false flag of some sort meant to confuse and drive us off the site.

Very few women are funny. This one was.

>even at 128x speed it takes forever to fast foward twitch vod to pick up where you left off on the pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre show.

>yfw Devolver won

Rerun on friday? Holy shit.

Thing is, "racism" IS reddit now. What racism was here back in the day was dumb memes like dressing up in suits with an afro in habbo hotel.

What it is now is the invasion of people who have heard Sup Forums is the new hotness. It's not funny racism, it's just edgy as fuck. Underage posters going on about "kekistan". That's Reddit.

rip dose

he did it for the motherfuckin kids

>It's not funny racism, it's just edgy as fuck. Underage posters going on about "kekistan". That's Reddit.

Man i genuinely miss the silly wit that went into those things back then. But dumb fags thinking they in good company always gota muck shit up and ruin the fun and cause of it we are now stuck with this type of lame boring shit, regardless of one being racist or not or even whatever shit just aint got no real wit and is just trying to offend instead of seeking a laugh.


The thing that pisses me off most is what I can only describe as pavlovian memeing. People see their trigger word or thing, and are obliged to respond with the designated meme response.

Examples include seeing a black person and saying "WE", an Indian related thing and saying "POO", and so on. It's not witty. It's not funny. It's just shit. It's not what I liked this site for.

Ruiner actually looks pretty damn great
It and Monster Hunter World are the games I thought looked best

>You share a board with people that can't understand irony, sarcasm, or banter
>You share a board with autists

>"it is it is it is"
>"this is bad this is good"
>no reasons listed in any post
Sure thing buddy

>You share a board with autists

To be fair, I've known that for a long time. It's just sad seeing how people don't appreciate old Sup Forums humour. Now we're only allowed to like all politics, all the time, and shitty attempts at memes.

ITT: devolver shills

neo/v/ is real and its basically reddit.

Yep, and you're a great example of that.


> i like lolsorandumb humor but im totally not on summer vacation from reddit