Could've gotten a Galaxy or 3D World type game

>Could've gotten a Galaxy or 3D World type game
>Get another one of this type because of autistic faggots who like le open word meme

Just because it's more open doesn't make it good. 64 and Sunshine are shit and I'm sure Odyssey will be too.

These sort of Mario games are just glorified tech demos, no focus, nothing. Just toss Mario unto these sandboxes and call it a day because some homos with too much voice in the gaming community has a boner for nostalgic shit.

This is going to be the only "Main series" Mario you'll get to play for awhile and I hope you all are happy.

>This is going to be the only "Main series" Mario you'll get to play for awhile and I hope you all are happy.
Thanks I am

>64 is shit
Pretty much anyone that has ever played video games disagrees with you.

Galaxy and 3D World are definitely shit though. They're for people that can't think and need to just press forward to win. Mario on Rails sucks.

Galaxy 2 was average as shit

>This is going to be the only "Main series" Mario you'll get to play for awhile
I'm exited.

This is bait people.
Please do not respond.

Shoo shoo phoneposter

me on the right

>lame hat gimmick
>large boring levels
>cringe soundtrack
This is gonna be the new Yooka Laylee. I don't know why they couldn't just make a Galaxy 3. I would rather have fun linear levels with variety than this shit

Bait is supposed to anger people.
OP's post just makes me laugh at him for having shit taste. If it's bait, then it's really shit bait.

You Galaxy fags are a blight on the fanbase.

Not our faults you're a linear fag

Don't try to pull that shit on me retard. Bait shit. If you can't argue it, don't post. SMO looks boring, empty. You actually have people running across empty desert to get to locations that look like they were randomly just placed on the map, no method to it.

And the hat gimmick is worse than Fludd

>Wanting another Galaxy / 3d World.

>64 is a 20 year old game and they are still copying the formula
>people are shilling the chore that was Sushine as good

Galaxy was perfect.

>implying 64 or Sunshine required that much more thought
Sunshine shows you where to go before you start the level for fucks sake.

the galaxy games are linear trash loved by reddit. kill yourself autist


okay buddy, time to get

>linear means it's shit!

When will this meme die?

3d world is mediocre galaxy is the best. Take those nostalgiafag googles off retard

>open world means it's shit!

When will this meme die?

I bet you also think the Wii U was colossal success too.

Galaxy is so shit that I didn't even bother finishing it. Again, it's for people that suck at collectan games, since everything is just a fucking straight line.

Who are you quoting?

Sunshine is the worst, how the fuck can you say its better than Galaxy or 3D world?

>this guy would rather have Galaxy game over a Sunshine/64 game.

Do me a favor and go ahead a toss Odyssey in that image too, I need that.

I need to shit post hard on Galaxy fags when Odyssey comes out

>putting words in my mouth

Wew lad.

I'm glad we're done with Galaxy. They were essentially prototypes of 3D World.

What the hell is this image are you one of those people that puts images through epic "glitch art" apps?


>tfw have unironically enjoyed almost every mario game to exist and cant understand why some people loathe sunshine and 3d world despite having more pros than cons

Galaxy 2 had hidden objectives and even over 100 hidden stars you had to find in order to 100% the game. Actually play the game before you type stupid shit like this underage circlejerk fag

>Open World
Do you even know what that means?

Mario 64 and OoT are both shitty game that forever ruined classic 2d franchises. Go hang yourself fucking normie.

I can understand wanting a new Galaxy game, but wanting another bland game like 3D World, and over something like 64 or sunshine, is astonishing

Inb4 Adventurefag

I didnt make the image I only pulled it from a certain Ecelebs video who I happen to share an opinion with.

if you've watched it you know who I'am talking about.

Good thing I enjoy all mainline Mario games!

>Tfw I like both Galaxy and Sunshine.
I don't know which side to pick!

Super Mario World was already the pinnacle of what 2D Mario could be. Can't improve on perfect.

I love them all as well, but imo Sunshine is pretty mediocre and the fact that the levels where you're forced to play without the main gimmick of the game are the best part of it speaks volume.

>64 and Sunshine are shit
into the trash your opinion goes

That bait is so fucking obvious that I have no choice but to give you a (You). Good job.

Don't compare that turd 3D world to Galaxy.

The pantheon of good 3D Mario games is 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and Galaxy 2.

3DL and 3DW are one-offs that nobody remembers.

>Not liking both traditional and open world Mario

You aren't a true fan, just a poser

>I am going to repeat what he said with a stupid reaction image
Nice argument on why it's wrong

ITT: OP tries desperately to shitpost and just comes off as funny

Here you go senpai, for all your shitposting needs.

I could also add Galaxy in a dumpster if you wanted

>being the cancer of the Mario fanbase
>wanting slow, incredibly limited movement
>liking floaty physics

suck chodes, bud

Linear Mario games are dumb. Odyssey is the first true 3D Mario game we've had in about 15 years and the creativity is really showing. I liked 3D World, but Odyssey definitely is a step up.

There's an /out/side board?!

add the other 4 in a dumpster, maybe a crying wojack with a Galaxy shirt on too

>instead of explaining why linear = bad, I'll just spout unrelated shit

Right back at ya mate.

So did Galaxy you retard

the uh.. crying/angry wojack*

here you go mate.

a future shitposting image is born.

Why are people falling for this?

linear 3D Mario games have 0 replay value

we're all STILL playing SM64 and Sunshine because no other developer wants to make a nice physics engine for their platformer, or platformers at all for that matter.

Literally kill yourwelf OP. For the first time in a decade Nintendo is finally headed back in the right direction and you're going to complain about it not being like fucking Galaxy? Burn yourself to death.

I liked 3D world,though I played it with friends
OP is a fucking huge faggot and should fucking hang himself

I didn't make it homo

ah, the Melee dilemma

>Get 4 straight games: Galaxy, Galaxy 2, 3D Land, and 3D World
>1 (((ONE))) game in the style of Sunshine/64 comes out after 15 (((FIFTEEN))) YEARS
Fucking drink bleach.

3D World was really fucking fun if you had other people to play with.

By having good taste.

Whoa... Now I understand why Sup Forums dislikes it.

they will re-release galaxy on the switch

>by caring more about movement options than actual platforming

3d Land > 3d World tbqfh

Had fun making this.

>acknowledges the SM64/SMS/SMO take on Mario as the "Main series"

subtle bait

Do it

98 in metacritic incoming.

Buckle up, sunshine. 3D platforming is back to stay.


>Odyssey and Sunshine's crowns are cut out

y u do dis

pick one.

hell, throw SM64DS in the dumpster too. that'll really piss off Galaxyfags.

Translation: It sucks, but it allows griefing.


Well the original pic is from Dunkey's vid, which had sunshine's crown cut out already.

Mario Galaxy is the highest ranking 3D Mario title, fyi.

Actually it wasn't. It was pretty much mandatory to use the infinite lives glitch or else you would be getting game overs all the time, let alone that half the players are going to be stuck in bubble 50% of the time.

>my shitpost is already getting people buttblasted


I enjoyed the Galaxy and 3D Land/World games a lot,
but I couldnt resist making some bait

Open world Mario games are better you autistic gay faggot.

I had tons of playing. The only reasons you'd have these problems would be if your friend is an asshole.

>mandatory to use the infinite lives glitch or else you would be getting game overs all the time
they gave lives out really generously.
maybe you just suck?

here you go

I had a great time with 3D World desu

tons of fun*

beautiful user. had to watch the Dunkey video, never heard of him. felt really good seeing the Mario segment.

OP still has a hankering for cocks, I see.

>playing mario games with your friends that don't suck at videogames

Are you and your friends autistic?

>tfw like both the linear games and the open world games equally

w-why not just enjoy both

Can't have actual platforming without rich movement options.

>fence sitters

>unironically having this reaction to who is basically an idort
Sup Forums will always be Sup Forums it seems

How can someone be so wrong?
World SUCKED ass man. Galaxy is great tho