Hi I just bought this for $10 is it good

Hi I just bought this for $10 is it good


For that price certainly.

You tell us

It's very mediocre

you'll probably like it if you haven't actually played any shooters made before 2006 or so

Hope you have fun user

It's good but short.

Yes, one of the best games of the past 4 years/this gen. Some of the most satisfying shooter gameplay I've ever played and the story is great.

It isn't as good as nuDoom but it's still pretty good.

Yeah it's really fun, if you save the kid in the beginning you get a cool Jimi Hendrix character

I just bought the standalone DLC the old blood, how is that? Played through the main campaign and really enjoyed it.

It's one of the most OKish games I've played in the last few years. Don't think I'll play it again.

It has some pacing issues (a shooter doesn't need thst much cutscenes or downtime, goddammit) and the weapon selection could be more varied, but the basic gameplay is smooth as fuck and it features some really good locations. Certainly worth ten dollars.

It opens up with a horridly paced forced stealth mission, but after that it becomes a more streamlined and more action-focused experience. I liked it.

A solid 8/10 game. Disregard all naysayers, they are cunts.

Almost dropped it because of that forced sneaking part, what a bore.

Its almost an old school shooter but not quite.

Its a very confused game.

>Its almost an old school shooter but not quite.

I don't think it even tries

there's some stuff that feels like half life like the puzzle solving weapon you always keep (except TNO's is shit) but the rest is very modern

>No weapon limit!
But almost all weapons feel like generic CoD core
>Medkits and armor!
But so plentyful it will be almost like having regenerating health
>Complex levels!
I hope you enjoy grey branching corridors
>Enemy variety!
Enjoy fighting a mecha doge every so often

It's not a bad game and they definetely had good intentions, but it definetely felt kind of bland a couple of hours in. I've been told the expansion is much better.

It has actually regenerating health tho, your health bar always regenerates 20% of your health, so if you got shot down to 10 live points you have 30 live points if you wait a few seconds.

It's basically an old school shooter but better.

Its a little too dialogue heavy imo. But the action is damnfun. Old blood is better a lot more action.