Fire Emblem Heroes

*teleports behind your Reinhardt*
Time to suffer!
*uses Glacies on your Reinhardt*
It was good for me.

Other urls found in this thread:

>roll bride banner every orb chance I got
>get two Lyns
>no Cordelia
>every Arena team now has Cordelia replacing Taco
There'll never be a rerun, will there?

There will be next year


Stop using dancers.

Rolled a Nowi. What are some good builds?

Back to see me again so soon, user?

*Uwee Hee Hees behind you*

What do you do?


>leaving wounded enemies alive during the EP on stage 7 Lunatic when the enemy team has a WoM memer (or more than 1 sometimes)

Do shitters actually do this?

>3 star
>-HP, +ATT
Is she worth working on? It's apparently a good setup, but I'm not sure how practical dagger-users really are in the long run. Although she has saved my ass against more than one armor unit.

I unironically want to S-support, marry and have children with Veronica.

Swordbreaker lets her survive and eliminate Falchion users.
Vantage is also good due to her weapon's built in distant counter.
I personally don't like Triangle Adept on Nowi, but others swear by it, so it's up to you.

You unironically realize that's pedophilia, user.
Enjoy your ban.

she wants -def
if a killer dagger ever comes out, felicia will be a good anti-magic unit

niles will always be better though because he can kill spring cam


Only good dagger is Kagero or a meme build with chip damage on Jaffar

It happened to me, now I check every unit for this shit. Had an Eldigan decide to do a Cain impression and whacked my Veronica-killing mage.

Same. Shame she still isnt obtainable. shame i will never be able to roll her when she will be

I married Elise in Fates and Nah in Awakening. You cannot stop me.


>reusing OPs

tfw pulled my first 5-star hero two times in the same session

Sanaki Kirsch Altina, 37th Empress of Begnion, won't tolerate this insolence!

>in b4 both -atk/-spd



Yes, now bend over

Who the fuck should I 5* as my Red unit?

Xander, Masked Lucina or +SPD Eliwood?

I don't understand this image.
Is reverse trap Lucina stretching Lucinas leg?


>wanted nowi for a while
>pulled my very first one today
>"Finally someone I can use some of these 85,000 feathers on."

Give me something else to spend feathers on already IS holy shit RNGesus hates me.

Sounds like a lot of work.
Will she be functional through the story and clearing up side missions? Or is she only good if you do whatever is involved to donate a bunch of skills into her?

Yo aceman, can you dump any of the following girls?


dont care if they are trash still i feel satisfied considering its my third summoning session so far :^)

Why do you even need to ask this question?
Xander is the only answer.


She will be available to everyone maybe as a tempest character reward in the future.

Well check out the IVs on them, even when she's neutral Tharja is a fucking beast.

Either keep Threaten res or give her a buff



how do i know their ivs?
sorry if i sound like a noob started playing a few days ago

Sexy dragon

This artist has a thing for Fire Emblem and submission holds.

if you ever really need to tank and kill a mage she'll do the job decently
plus she could help debuff enemies so weaker units could finish them off for quests or leveling

if you like felicia and want those two things, use her

>Implying she won't be the reward for the FINAL GHB of the year, Infernal difficulty only
>Implying she won't join you in the Story to fight Loki, ending the game's first story arc.

If she's 3 star she's probably not worth it unless she's your waifu

There's a neato phone app called IV checker, it's pretty handy since it checks them with equppied skills.

Is the PC one, not sure if it's the best. You have to unequip her weapon for that one.

Thank you for clarifying user. What a strange and fascinating fetish to have.

pretty fluffy girl

I feel the same user. I only got losers off of the Spring and Bride banners. No flying death mage, no OP archer. Just gay Chrom and titanmouth.

I dropped this shit ages ago, did my nigga Sigurd get in yet?

The phone app is IV finder actually.

not that user but is xander good with no meme team behind him? i just five stared mine for lack of characters and i dont know what to do with him. Vantage or quick reposte 2?

Sadly, no.

>on lvl 6/7 Tempest
>had to use my backup team, on my last chance now
>calculate all the combat numbers, I'm safe this turn
>enemy mage attacks my healer for 0 damage, gets ATK-6 as penalty
>2nd enemy Harsh Commands him, now he has +6
>dancer dances him
>kills my only red unit with his buffed attack
did they literally introduce new AI algorithms for Tempest or something

Yes, he's terrible.

thanks for the info m8

QR without a doubt

No, they've mostly been pandering to the babby generation games, Marth games, waifufags, and shilling Echoes.

>decide to roll for lucina/tharja
>have a 4* tharja but would rather save feathers
>get a five star tharja from the 10 orbs we got
>yay now I can sa-

Xander can be really strong on a mixed team if you're running QR. Vantage is better suited for cavalry team or setting up your defense team

Jesus Christ, Draug looks waaay too much like Luke

How sweet of you

>standing there calmly as a sun gets dropped on you

you mean Luke looks too much like Draug.

Wo Dao on Sthal.
I'm horrified but curious.

fury qr

you can bait so much stuff in arena

in not arena the fury damage will be annoying and TA is probably better

you do not need ta or swordbreaker to kill falchion units either have hone atk or have your threaten res proc on them and you can 1 hitko lucina

>If she's 3 star she's probably not worth it
Nearly everybody I have is 3 star and with the event over, I'm probably not going to be grabbing more until the next limited event. It seems like almost a waste of orbs, just hoping for any random 5*.

It's okay user, as long as it's not -SPD, any Tharja works because of bladememes.
t. -atk +hp tharja

How old is your account? If you just started you could always reroll until you get two 5 stars in your first roll

why don't we have a proper general/op?

Silque when


>have a 4* tharja but would rather save feathers

I'd gladly buy that Tharja from you for feathers of IS let us trade shit. But that'll never happen.

Which sucks because I have no red tomes, and not for lack of trying.

Henry, Sophia and Raigh don't count.

Because then it's that much sooner we get kicked to /vg/, newfriend.

>wanting a general

Everything that gets moved to that board turns to absolute dog shit.

Good red tomes are pretty rare since 3 out of the 4 really good ones are 5 star locked. So you either pray for a tharja or make do with a lilina

I like this

>How old is your account?
A day or two, but fuck that. I'll probably be playing Fate/Grand Order before I rolled something decent that I'm happy with. I'm more curious if choosing to just stick with midrange 3* and the starting units is doomed to failure, with challenge maps being pretty much impossible without 5* units, or if things are still manageable even with those 3* units.

I don't wanna keep going with this game
I'm sick of it
But I literally can't stop
I've tried deleting it twice and both times I felt some kind of guilt and ended up installing it back
Help me please I have a serious issue

whats the criteria to be moved to /vg/?

sucking dicks

Yeah but he was drawn by Eliwood's artist

got it, how about we don't suck dicks and still have a proper op?

Nothing, there's no rules.

Generals are good for continued contact with the same people, Sup Forums threads are a drop-in drop-out basis.

If you have a vested interest in this game reroll and pull on the vantage banner and pray for a reinhardt and you can build a horse meme team without needing to pull specific units since units like xander and camus are free

whatever it is we need to avoid it.
no linking from one thread to the other in the OP
no constant name/tripfagging
no 'info sheet' in the OP
actually discuss the game

Everything except the new mode can be completed with the free 3* units the game gives you, technically.

Continuous/recurring threads about the same game over a long period of time, or that's how it's supposed to be anyway. As long as we don't cancer up the board we should be ok, God knows the New Vegas threads have survived way longer than they should have.

>anyone on Sup Forums
>not sucking dicks
just be glad that what we got is still fairly civil and on topic.

>FEH wiki has Lucina on S+ tier
>Reinhardt on A+
What the fuck is wrong with them?

>Silque when
not soon enough

Pre-SI tier list, it's irrelevant. The post SI is not much better though, but it's stilll a decent guide for newbies, I guess.

I dont usually do this but I really have to ask you. Are you actually retarded?

Glacies or Iceberg on a Julia?

*Teleports to your grey unit*
You know what they call a flock of crows..... kid...
*uses Bowbreaker*

Glacies if you give her Quickened Pulse so she can annihilate someone, Iceberg otherwise.
