>dark souls was always hard
Dark souls was always hard
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wot m8
what the fuck are you trying to convey here?
If you're somehow implying that 3 is hard you're sadly mistaken
He's saying that in the first DS, the enemies attacked in front of themselves consistently, so all you had to do was make it to their rear and attack. In DS2, they could also attack behind themselves, so the strategy was to attack from the side. In DS3, their attacks go all over the place and can hit you from wherever.
I haven't played DS2 so I can't comment, but the only hitbox issues I really remember from DS3 is wonky backstab placement on enemies in certain states (most noticeable in the first phase of the final boss of AoA).
there's a fuckton of enemies in DS3 that have huge areas where they're dangerous. the pontiff beasts are one of the worsts examples of this, no matter where you're standing you'll get hit for a shitton of damage
oh so he's retarded, got it
DS2 has fucking horrible hitboxes, saying 3 is worse is outright wrong
I get it user. It's a good infographic. The only thing that bothers me is how you've placed the "enemy" on the left and the "player" on the right in your diagrams. Other than that, good observational piece.
>dark souls 3
>Enemy does a lunge attack
>It's entire body becomes a hitbox
if your instinct is to just roll anyway I don't see the problem are you rolling directly into them or something?
He's not saying it's worse. He's saying it's harder to fight bad guys because there's no simple way to cheese them.
all of the souls games have their fair share of wonky hitboxes
It's not about general attack radius, but individual creature movement/attack patterns. You dodge them, learn their flow a little, and outsmart the AI for maximum satisfaction.
Or you could cheese it lol
is that a bad thing?
3 is harder than 1 at least, if only because of how the AI is tweaked. You can circle strafe+backstab your way through Black Knights, but that shit doesn't even work on the beginner mobs in 3
A lot of the enemies in DS3 also have big frenzy attacks where they'll hit a bunch of times in a wide area. There was shit like that in DS1 but it was always with weak enemies where they were dangerous if you weren't paying attention, but could be dealt with if you knew what you were doing.
I the only enemies that had dedicated back attacks were the walking hippos that would butt slam you and the Chariot horse that would kick you. Everything else just had sweeping attacks.
I had a much easier time with 3 than either other game. Enemies hit hard sure but they have lousy health and go down very quickly, the only ones that don't are the ones that are hard to hit to begin with
NG+ is also a joke, If anything is even changed it sure doesn't feel like it, unless you need to get to +7 or some shit like in 2 to see any difference in enemy strength
Turtle knights had back attacks, and Flexile Sentry had no back.
A bunch of the enemies in DS2 were a response to how many enemies you could circle around and backstab in DS1
Not the guy you were talking to but in my opinion it depends. You can make the arguement that having a strategy that consistently works allows the player to get better and better at it and always have a reliable way to win most fights, even on their first go.
You could also argue that a player should have to learn every boss fight's various moves and how they are telegraphed. The problem is that this obviously requires EVERY move to be well designed so that the player can react to what it is in a time frame that's humanly possible. I think it is a good thing but will lead to worse fights if not done well. I think most fights in 3 are actually pretty good. Boos fights are definitely where it shined in my opinion.
Yeah I swear like half the characters have a 5 hit combo where they flail around like crazy. Usually I just take a few steps back and let them finish before attacking.
Don't forget the fat ass ogres sitting on you
Nah man I can't remember who but some enemy had this combo where if you went behind them they stabbed their spear backwards. I think it might have been those living statues in Dranglaeic castle. Also the turtle dudes.
It was, but for different reason.
1 was hard because engine limitations and area specific issues performance issues. Shit like O&S was found brutal be most not because it was actually crazy hard, but because the game wasn't very conducive to letting you 2v1 well.
2 was only hard at the Dicklurker. Fuck that guy
3 is actually hard because bosses do more complicated attacks and patterns now, grab attacks exist and fuck your day, and mechanics are just more extensive.
What? Did you respond to the wrong person? Possibly this guy
Imagine being an autistic souls fan like this user.
Didn't all 3 have grab attacks?
I think 3 is different because it feels like you can't mash out of them for less damage, but I can't tell since I always mashed out of habit anyway
I actually think dark souls 3 was the easiest. Two was probably the hardest in my opinion, but only due to that fucking soul memory shit. DS one was fair.
DS2 was definitely the most difficult. And it is because it is geared to be co-oped. Everything attacks in groups in this game and has infinite stamina.
No, I just wanted to remind you about the fat ogres sitting on you, lol.
1 does have some but after replaying it recently, only the Iron Golem and Titanite demons come to mind as having them. I feel like 3 had a good bit more at every level, with Dancer, Preachers, crabs, ghru and crocodiles quickly coming to mind.
If you played them in order, three will seem the easiest thanks to good habits carrying down the series.
>only the Iron Golem and Titanite demons come to mind as having them.
A fair amount of the enemies had grabs, actually.
The problem was that they were all extremely easy to avoid and always offered large attack windows when you inevitably strafed a meter to the right.
The 4 kings, Darkwraiths, sludge mosnters that fall form the ceiling, Ornstein, and Gwyn all have a grab attack
Most of the problem grabs were because people didn't realise you can't interrupt some of them, or they had long range and/or fucking homing. Some also ignored rolls if I remember right.
So it just took people time to realise that being up in the enemy's face and being aggressive was why they were getting grabbed rather than backing off so it whiffed.
Don't forget the treants and the squid monsters in the prison
This. I played them out of order (2-3-1 because I refused to play DaS without 60fps) and DaS was a complete fucking joke. Kindle up to 20 Estus, Humanities full heal, nearly every single enemy can be backstab cheesed, INCREDIBLY generous parry timing, upgrades are completely fucked allowing you to get broken weapons like 30 minutes into the game, bosses are pathetic etc... It's a great game but it's only difficult compared to other contemporaneous action shit
Many of the things you mentioned are only feasible if you followed a guide on your first playthrough. Your opinion on difficulty means nothing.
everyone knew about the drake sword the day the game came out tho
One that's not true. Two you already outed yourself as a guide using faggot.
>Many of the things you mentioned are only feasible if you followed a guide on your first playthrough.
You didn't know how to parry and backstab on your first playthrough? Sounds like you're just a worthless fucking retard
>Your opinion on difficulty means nothing
Ironic coming from someone who can't figure out how to play the game
>You didn't know how to parry and backstab on your first playthrough?
You're a retard if you think that's what I was talking about.
it is true, I played it on release day on 360 faggot. and I'm not even that guy.
What the fuck were you talking about then? Kindling? Healing with humanity? How retarded would you have to be to need a guide to figure out those mechanics?
OK so why would you expect to know that first of all? Also he mentioned nothing about the drake sword so why are you talking?
upgrades are completely fucked allowing you to get broken weapons like 30 minutes into the game
Yea dude I bet you just STUMBLED on upgrade materials. Fuck off faggot.
>make some vague shitpost and get mad that people can't read your mind
>broken weapons like 30 minutes into the game
drake sword is indisputably broken early on, fag.
>Dark Souls 3 Not mirroring Dark Souls 2 image
>Bottom Image not being Bloodborne
So when you said "many things" you meant literally one part of his post. Glad we cleared up that you're an idiot.
>Yea dude I bet you just STUMBLED on upgrade materials
I realized that you can farm twinkling titanite infinitely from the crabs in Ash Lake fairly early on in my first playthrough, which subsequently broke the game. And that's only one example. Also players leave notes trailing to the Great Hollow since I know you're going to comment on that as well. People like you just don't understand that not everyone is as stupid as them.
>dark souls is h-
Do you have to know autism to interpret this?
they're just as hard as Contra, just more forgiving. Contra is 3 lives, 3 continues, and very few checkpoints if any, which you can't utilize anyways because you don't want to use a life. Contra is literally "eat my quarters" hard, from a different era of design.
if you want actual retro hard, look at stuff like Actraiser 2.
I felt the same but I did just finish sotfs before I played. I think I only had trouble with Dancer's wonky ass second phase double wide swipe and nameless. Beat every other boss within two fights and enemies were easy to take down with r1 spam from raw battle axe
i love all 3 souls games. even demons and bloodborne. i love all of them.
Never understood that soul memory thing. Didn't care about it.
Non-farmable enemies are bothersome though.
Just turn on Covenant of Champions then or don't farm
Try playing PvP faggot. Deadangles, spellswaps, toggling, chaining, consecutive kicking, combos, parrying, WotG cancels, cancelling backstabs, ringswaps, weapon swaps. Fighting solo against gankers, fighting against the various types of hacking, you'll never be truly gud if you stay in babby mode PvE.
>try playing PVP
lol why would i bother
No, not if you like tanking, you can only tank until way later in game, I fucking miss tanking like in 2. Difficulty wise, I found 3 to be harder at the beginning, with difficulty going down as you progressed, same with every other DaS.
>Boos fights are definitely where it shined in my opinion.
You mean the gimmick boss fights? Where if you don't use a weapon, like the giant, you are just fucking tormenting yourself because any weapon you use it's fucking useless. Or the fucking drake where is get to the top to win? Yeah no, III is still the worst game by far.
me too friend
i don't understand the constant >BUT WHICH IS BEST wars
they all have something that keeps me coming back
>worst netcode of any game, ever
>retarded RPG bullshit
>sooOooo competitive!!! now THIS is hardcore!
being invaded and invading is fun, when they're just trying to play through the game. dedicated PvP is literally autistic.
Because it is fun.
>that post
it's clearly not
Oh? Here we go again. Time to review that matthewmathosis video!
>broken weapons like 30 minutes into the game
The netcode is part of the fun nerd.
>retarded RPG bullshit
I'm not following, please elaborate. It's not about competitiveness. You asked for difficulty, I presented you with something difficult.
what exactly are you linking me here?
you genuinely have autism, don't you?
Literal who. Anybody with half of a brain could come up with the same arguments as to why DS2 is garbage.
>You asked for difficulty
OP here I didn't
Dark Souls isn't good when it's difficult
Then what is your post disputing?
Oh gee I don't know, maybe a weapon that is powerful enough to breeze through the first half of the game? And that you can also get it very early on? Maybe try reading what you wrote.
not him but read the comment chain dumbass
you're really, really, really, really, really dumb.
>Get lucky and first black knight drops any of his weapon
>Breeze through first half
>Get Dragon Kings GA and Power Within
>Breeze through the rest
Dark Souls
>use a shield
Dark Souls 2
>power stance and roll when needed
Dark Souls 3
>roll arround without any though
>also fuck any kind of magic
>not him but read the comment chain dumbass
Aw fuck, yes. I fucked it up.
that dark souls was always hard, that's what it said in the OP