Why do you guys stay inside and play videogames all day? I'm genuinely curious - I know that this might seem like a disingenuous question, a question spiked with spite and sarcasm, but it really isn't. I want to know why. Why do you sit inside and manipulate pixels on a screen when you could be going outside and getting pussy? It's not too hard, I myself had trouble talking to girls for years because I had a WoW addiction. One day, however, my internet went out, and I walked out and talked to a girl and got laid that very day. If I can make it, you all can make it too.
Why do you guys stay inside and play videogames all day...
I dunno Chad. Your mum told me last night that when I play vidya it turns her on, she couldn't stop sucking my dick.
I'm a construction worker, I get more excercise and sun than anyone really needs and I bet my arms are thicker than your numale legs.
Weekends are for barbecue and vidja.
im fat and i have a tiny penis
Because I can't stop go On Sup Forums
I walk around all night long at my job. I have no energy to do anything other than play video games during the day
my life would be better if i took an axe to my computer
>not doing both
>thinking those two things are mutually exclusive
All my friends moved away, and I live in bumfuck nowhere.
Plus I spend all day at college and I dont want to socialize anymo re.
>he doesn't play vidya with his fwb
Part of me pities you, chad.
I don't play video games that much.
Very little of Sup Forums are heavy gamers.
I literally only go outside to shop, drive to work, and run. Outside is too slow for my tastes and I get extremely bored and antsy waiting for something to happen. I don't like people even the family and friends I love and would take a bullet for, I even think my current crush is a terrible person. Socializing with people who are unnecessarily descriptive or slow talkers while drinking at a bar is not fun to me. Even going to the basketball court I'm the guy who rushes everyone to hurry up and fucking play. I guess I'm a control freak.
Video games and reading are better since I can control the pace. I play arcade vidya only, I absolutely hate movieshit.
>talked to a girl and got laid
eeeeeeeeewwwwww it's a breeder
Video games are better than real life. Fuck off.
Maybe if playing games means playing a game of madden every once in awhile on your Xbox. They don't need to be exclusive but they usually are
I dont, you're presumptuous
Fuck off
Yeah, cute story but that never happened.
To answer your question though, I just don't care. I don't even play video games all that much, I just never leave the house because nothing outside interests me.
>"getting pussy" next sentence
sageru, desu
It's a harmful trope and stereotype that Chads are all meatheaded dumbfucks. I graduated Valedictorian last year, and I am good at "getting pussy."
Are you jealous?
Hey user, question, are you bara? OwO
There is someone right now who is taking this post at face value and going back to /r9k/ as if it were fact.
because there are too many fucking mosquitoes out there
You're not a Chad.
I think you were never fucked up at all
Normally I save playing vidya for when it's either too hot, rainy, or cold to do anything productive outside. And even on those days there's usually something inside that I end up needing to do. I don't actually play games as much as I used to.
>tfw no chad to bully me and fuck me
>go outside to play some baseball with my buddies
>get shot to death
Video games are much safer.