I can't believe Mario dumped this hottie.
I can't believe Mario dumped this hottie
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I don't blame him.
Unless its a prequel
jesus fuck the height difference
It's because she couldn't understand his illiterate Italian ass
>not a dress
She's wearing a dress when she's performing. She's the mayor. She needs to look professional.
They never officially broke up. Just kinda drifted apart.
They were each others' firsts. They got their first apartment together, she supported his plumbing business when she was just a zookeeper. There will always be something special between them even if their lives have become too different to stay together. It must be sad, warm, nostalgic, and exciting to see her again.
horse face
She was sucking Mario's dick and the wind changed
>leading to nothing
>time lost with blad relationship
>probably stole him some coins
Royalty to huge Kingdom > Mayor of some literally who city
Mario is going up with his sugar moms.
Oh please let DK be in this game with a ZuitSuit!
she looks like she would suck mad dick. look at that mouth! its barely closing inbetween her words. would facefuck until vomit 10/10
I imagine she gets in a dress during the performance
mario """""""lore"""""""
I want to vote her
I'm not a waifufag or anything but for some reason I'm really happy to see Pauline back. Maybe because I always thought it was weird how neglected she was, considering how important Donkey Kong was as a game and how it propelled Mario and DK to prominence. She deserves better.
Someone give Mario a shroom, this is just sad.
mario is gonna give her a shroom if you can understand the subtle insinuations veiled by my superficially innocuous-seeming use of words.
why do all the women in Mario games have carp faces and carp mouths.
don't underestimate causality
mario like blondes and drop brunettes
that's what white people look like to asians
What do you mean?
She's lost her big fat ass.
5'8, 6'2 etc
To me she's kind of like the bridge between Mario's cartoony world and the mostly realistic world of New Donk City. She's somewhat realistic and somewhat cartoony.
She looks like shit with these weird proportions, huge cartoon head and realistic body while Mario and Peach retain their normal cartoony proportions.
She never really did.
Is there any explicit information in the main games that Mario and Peach are more than just friends?
No user, this is mario with a mushroom, he's like 18 inches tall without one.
Peach, Daisy and Rosalina are just the same.
>Smash heights
Olimar, Kirby, Bowser, Ness, Lucas, etc
>5'11" vs 6'0"
So are the humans in Mario's world some kind of different species? Mario seems just a little short for his world standards - he stands close to Luigi, Peach, Wario and Daisy who would all be shorter than Pauline. Hell, Waluigi who seems lanky and tall for their world would only come up to Pauline's shoulders. Would also explain why Mario humans can endure a lot more physical damage, they're built different.
>theres a construction site level
begone thot
Either she's grown or Mario's shrunk.
He had to return to his homeland when it was invaded by turtles and the entire populace detained in some way. He and his brother were the only ones who could save it.
What if the game is set in a timeline split where Mario fails to save Pauline before heading to the Mushroom Kingdom, DK takes over the city renaming it to New Donk City and makes his prize Pauline the mayor?
>implying japs, even the ones working in nintendo of japan, know or care about the mario vs DK series
That being said, she wasn't twice his height in DK94 either.
Guess it's always possible that Pauline was a teen or young adult and has a growth spurt between then and now.
After all even if Kongs have short lives the current Donkey Kong seems to be fully grown and is the original's grandson. Could have been at least 20 years between the original Donkey Kong/minis games and now.
woah.... such amazing animations
this must be the power of Nintendo
Democratically elected official> Monarch dictator
Mario is canonically 25, so I doubt that much time passed. I think it's safe to just put it under Toon Logic.
Why does she look so scared of a midget
Everyone looks the same in New Donk City. Maybe the longer you live there the more it changes you to look like everyone else there. Pauline must've originally been from somewhere else which is why she used to have proportions more like Mario's, but living in NDC for such a long time changed her to have more normal human proportions and if she lives there long enough she will be indistinguishable from any of the other citizens there.
Either that or maybe Mushroom Kingdom is a Never Land type deal that stops aging. Toon Logic is a better explanation though.
Mario has a 10 inch cock, read up on your lore faggot
>its only a matter of time before Sup Forums is swarmed with ninbabies posting screenshots made at awkward angles displaying assess of peach rabbid or this girl
>this is what people unironically masturbate to rather than porn or have sex
But does she have a Donk?
Mario never dumped her. He just went to the Mushroom Kingdom while Pauline stayed in the real world, waiting for him to come back.
Why would she be scared of cock?
All she wants is Kong cock. Complete slut.
>New Donk City
>Bitch has flat booty
Mario did nothing wrong in drop that match stick
What exactly is the Mario timeline?
Christ I don't know why I watch through his shit, there's always so many fucking holes.
>lmao everyone's giant because every single person in that world is eating some super charged banana I have no factual evidence actually makes things giant. Where's my proof literally everyone in the city eats them? 2 restaurants named after Donkey Kong characters and a blurry sign that might say banana on it
Matpat's theories are fucking garbage.
>3 minute Merch advertisement
Jesus, is Sonic really that tiny?
You can see Rosa is taller in that very webm, you dolt. And she is even shrunk in the game compared to Galaxy and the kart/sport games.
Yeah, remember in SA1 Sonic is about the size of children in the city and during Sonic X he's smaller than Chris who is also a child
Well he is a fucking hedgehog.
>Mario upgraded from Mayor to Princess
Dumping a mere major for a fucking Princess is the most intelligent decission, especially for a fat manlet plumber
she looks like one of those cheep blow up dolls
so can red mario possess her with his hat or not? this is important, whether I buy a switch depends on it.
> implying Pauline hasn't been propped up by goomba hackers
> implying she is not Bowser's puppet