Core RPG Pokemon on way to the Switch

>core RPG Pokemon on way to the Switch

Where are you "muh Switch is not the 3DS replacement" faggots now?

Nintendo has been all about how the Switch is all about you being able to play anywhere you go. That's the point of a fucking handheld. The Switch is both a handheld and a home console.

There wasn't going to be a "new" handheld to succeed the 3DS. The Switch IS the 3DS successor. Goddamn you people are fucking retarded

I'd say the Switch is all about you being able to get your console stolen anywhere you go. I'm keepin that fucker at home.

I've been saying it's going to replace the 3DS since it was announced BUT only if it's successful enough to do so.

You have to remember the 3DS has sold close to 70 million in hardware so in order for the Switch to take its place it has to put up similar numbers.

>its in development guys
>not even a teaser
>"core" rpg

non mainline spin off grabo i bet

3ds successor to take advantage of the handheld line made more sense than putting your eggs into a last gen "hybrid" port machine that is sub par on both side

>this fucking denial
Do you not know what "core" means, retard? It's mainline.

1. gamefreak never made pokémon spin offs
2. core and RPG should give it away already
3. get your head out of your ass

>3DS fags in denial

>not even a teaser
Teasers mean shit in this industry. Both Metroid Prime 4 and this Pokémon game Will be released before Kingdom Hearts 3, a game we've seen several teasers for. Same with FF7 Remake.

someone refute this guy or i wont buy a switch

Are you retarded?
They're not going to "just go back" to the 3DS if the Switch "fails"
This is literally GBA and DS all over again
>l-lol guys, DS isn't replacing anything, don't worry
>lol guys guess what, no more GBA games. DS is the successor after all

No, they aren't going to keep supporting the 3DS very soon. All the shit we got at E3 is the last batch of games coming for the handheld.

But user, I'm fine with the Switch replacing the 3DS.

fuuug shuld i sell my gold zenda 3ds xl and silver mario and luigi 3ds xl and put that towards a switch then? fug dude muh niggah

Can't wait for Pokemon Colosseum 3


>>core RPG Pokemon on way to the Switch

I cant wait to play Gale of Darkness 2

Do you enjoy being retarded or what?

Nice spellcheck on the shitpost.

And boom. 15 million Switches sold in 2018.

This will be the first Pokemon game to flop.
$60 game on a $300 console, lol

Pokemon was successful because poorfags could easily buy the console + game ($150 console with $40 game) the same cant be said about the Switch ($300 console with $60 game).

>There wasn't going to be a "new" handheld to succeed the 3DS.
Of course there will be. Switch Mini.

>thinking the Switch will forever cost $300
>thinking Nintendo won't release cheaper hardware revisions like the 3DS
It's cute how retarded you are.

>thinking Nintendo will sell consoles at a loss

People paid 300$ to play Zelda.

ye but its a sincere shitpost niggah

not many people

i doubt gamefreak will put up with leaving a 70m install base for a tiny one for too long

>not many people
Zelda outsold the console itself and it's still sold out.

let me guess your age

RIP OP 2003-2017

No because you can't play 3DS games on the Switch and the 3DS still has an amazing library.

Im not touching that shit childrens toy with 240p res and resistive touchscreen that lacks quality in every single aspect ever ever again.

Not even once, and even less seeing they are going full for Switch and that they are even putting games like Layton in it, which absolutely confirms its the succesor and that it will get every single saga the 3ds has.

Fuck 3DS

I hope it's good but seeing gamefreak's other games on PC and consoles makes me think it's gonna look like ass.

pokemon turned to shit and unless they rethink the entire formula and make it more mature to suit the demographic it'l slowly die, give or take a couple of generations.

>Pokemon is dying guys, really, honest this time!

Amen bro. I loved it at first but since a few years ago I grew sick of how shitty the experience feels compared to consoles/the Switch. I wouldn't want to play it even if it was hacked and I had free games.

Pokemon died with sun/moon for me.

>cutscene after cutscene
>biggest forced story of any pokemon game
>shoves that faggot Kukui and that cunt Lillie down your throat the entire game.
>entire alola region is ass and super small.
>new pokemon assortment and allocation is ass.

Holy fuck. I didnt think it could get so bad.

>paying $20 yearly for basic features like online trading/battling
It may sound funny, but I'm not laughing.
Imagine if you paid $60 for a game as barebones as XY.

>Switchcucks don't care about games
Well, that isn't a surprise. You have none to play.
>b-but they're on the way!
That reminds me of something.

Did people here ACTUALLY think this wouldn't happen? The Switch was so obviously intended to blend their console and handheld markets into a single one you'd have to be clinically retarded to not pick up on it. Obviously mainline Pokémon wouldn't come to Switch if it sold like shit, as then Ninty would actually do a more conservative handheld to recoup losses but there shouldn't have been any doubt about that after we started getting sales figures for Switch.

Not everyone lives in a country with free-roaming niggers and cunts, user.

Japs don't consider the troubles of urban America.

>t. poor

Good luck having kids paying 300$ to play Pokemon
