I need key btw

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it needs to go free to play.
playerbase is so small that as someone who bought it day 1 i now have trouble finding matches.
game is still great but they need to open the floodgates.

send ;)

check your gift inventory op :O

i thought this game was kinda meh to be honest

it wasn't fast enough to be exhilarating and challenging in a fighting game kinda way, and then it wasn't strategic or tactical at all either, just focus fire your bullshit at an opponent until he dies

maybe i didn't git gud enough

My bf gave me one

It's really fun I ended up buying it a couple games into it anyways, you get all the champs and all of the new ones when they make them.

once you get to the level where you cancel moves, fake attacks, bait counters/parrys, and coordinate with your teammates to crowdcontrol the right targets, it gets really fun and deep.
the sad thing is that when you play with randoms they most definitly are going to break your stuns and shit.

show me ur cock

it felt like the overall time-to-kill damage was too low for stuff like that to feel meaningful

i would've preferred if it was very fast-paced and brutal, like 3-4 mistakes and you're dead

i guess it just wasn't for me then. i'm not really an MMO player so that's probably why i didn't enjoy it

sent :)

Who 100% winrate here

fuck off

Send key steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073226461/

That's gay mane

Meme flavor of the month Reddit game.

I'm glad it died.

Play two (2) more games and post screenshot again.


Thoughts on the new champ?

What it do

is that an original? or another botched redesign of a classic BLC character?

furry tracer??

Does the controls for this game work like dota2. Click to move then hotkeys for skill?


it's WASD and your skills are skillshots.
it also has meter management similar to a fighting game where you can spend it either on EX versions of moves or ultimates.
i guess technically it's a dualjoystick shooter

It's nu-dryad.

wasd to move
LMB RMB A E Space R F for spells (can be changed)

It is 3-4 mistakes you dead.
Its super heart-racing, instense game.
You just haven't played it at all, and only played complete noob ranks and then judged on that. The very fact you can't judge how game's mechanics are gonna play out in high mmr games tells me a lot about you. And then you form opinion based on no data. Typical scrubbery.
>I'm not really an MMO player so that's why I didn't enjoy it
Ok, clear bait, or just retarded.

Wow, thanks m8.
Sorry OP.

Lol OP got cucked.

OP here, just got one from plebbit

i did play it but i didn't get any taste of stuff like that. fights dragged on for too long and using your attacks didn't feel fun. then the game went out of beta and i left feeling uninterested.

i largely think it's the game's fault for only letting me play for a day or two, and then yanking the carpet beneath my feet before the game has a chance to actually get interesting

also i'm within the top 1% percentile in most competitive games i play even somewhat seriously, sometimes 0,5%, so i'm not really bad at video games

all you did was throw a bunch of buzzwords at me and then pretended you made a point, so i'm not impressed with your argumentation either

>Next time I'm sure you'll do better!

fuck that op shit

This sucks

nope, the gameplay is actually the best part of the game.

Fuck off with your dead shitty game

it's actually a good dead game tho

I bet you suck nigger dick and play The last of us or Beyond 2 dicks

But it's fun

Had a lot of fun playing the beta and free weekends, can't really bring myself to buy it though cause I already know it's a F2P game I guess. Maybe I should try harder to get a battlelite key

Nerd on the reddit key thread and maybe you can find one


I have a friend who wanted a key, he went on the Battlerite discord server and asked, he received 4 PMs

tell him to drop some here. :^)

if anyone has a spare key, id love one.

[email protected]

>cute doe satyr in loincloth

would fug

>Half a million copies sold
>Averages at 1k concurrent players

The weak,spammy basic attacks are laughable, character kits make every single character a jack of all trades and by extension making each one of them forgettable and dull. This game is just plain mediocre.

I can't wait for it to go out of EA so I can refund it. It's such a fucking letdown, nowhere near the depth or nuance of BLC.

i got a key from someone earlier too and it said "F2P keys"

what does that mean? it's a free to play key?

>character kits make every single character a jack of all trades and by extension making each one of them forgettable and dull

What the fuck are you taking about

never heard of this game except from today, nomatter how hard you shill i still wont play this garbage

It looks like every other fps areana

Every character in the game is capable of dealing damage, has plenty of mobility and almost all of them can regain health.

You'd probably suck at it anyways