> Boot up Pokemon Sun
> Start new game
> Literally 15+ minutes of tutorials
> Turn off 3DS
> Rinse and repeat
I'm sure it's a good game, but Jesus Christ.....
> Boot up Pokemon Sun
> Start new game
> Literally 15+ minutes of tutorials
> Turn off 3DS
> Rinse and repeat
I'm sure it's a good game, but Jesus Christ.....
Other urls found in this thread:
It's inferior to almost every previous entry in terms of everything except battles.
fpbp can't believe I managed to miss X&Y already
>rinse and repeat
Are you retarded?
>I'm sure it's a good game
It's not.
cutscenes aren´t tutorial op
Game picks up once you finally leave handhold island.
Not by much, but there's at least an improvement.
I feel conned. I got this game just before they announced a third version with likely updated and highly improved stuff. What the hell, Gen 6 didn't have a third version but now this one does?
Imagine if pokemon games werent awful and railroaded to shit.
It never gets better. You can't take ten steps without some asshole stopping you to spout exposition.
>Literally 15+ minutes of tutorials
oh user. you wish it was only the first 15 min...
This, it's actually a couple hours
I remember back on release how Sup Forums sucked its dick relentlessly for weeks
There's two things you can do to offset this "problem" you have.
Alternatively, take your ritalin and stop being such a fucking sperg with a 10-second attention span.
>Playing Pokemon gamnes
maybe if you weren't a min maxing autist you would have the ability to actually PLAY the game and enjoy it
At least it's not XY
>Ultra SM will have even more cut scenes
You're not missing much, the game is pretty shit.
And I will buy it
These people don't play any JRPG but Pokemon. For them, it's unusual.
How many tutorials do you need for fucking Pokémon? The game is not that complex.
>I unironically enjoy gen 1 & 2 the most