>Nintendo are actually listening to their fanbase
I-I'm scared user, w-what's going on?
Has hell frozen over?
>Nintendo are actually listening to their fanbase
I-I'm scared user, w-what's going on?
Has hell frozen over?
>E3 two years ago
>Reggie: "We have no problem transforming our IPs to whatever we want, because if you like them you will buy them for the characters anyways. Animal Crossing fans have been heard, and they are getting amiibo festival. Metroid fans are also being heard, and they are getting Federation Force"
>E3 last year
>Reggie: "We are only showing Zelda because we don't want people to be excited for games coming next year. E3 isn't about being excited."
>E3 this year
Like you have said OP, something about them has changed. This might sound bad but....you think this change is cause of Iwata's death? Was he the one holding Nintendo back this whole time?
It definitely seems like there's been a shift in their overall mentality since his passing. I was hoping it'd lead to them finally having decent online, but I guess I'll have to keep praying for that.
How have they listened to their fanbase
They've definitely started to listen to fans but it's also because they saw how the Wii U failed they realized they gotta make different kind of games if they want fans to buy their console. Basically all nintendo fans skipped the Wii U even if it had quite a few Nintendo games that were good to great. They could see the huge impact BotW had on sales and SMO is going to be even bigger because it's Mario.
Did Reggie kill Iwata?
You realize Samus Returns was in development already way before federation force was announced, right? Remember Tanabe in 2015 said they were making 2D and 3D Metroid games.
Metroid was never dead, FF was just a spin off they thought of because real Metroid games were already being made. I kept saying this and nobody listened.
I mean, who else even buys their consoles at this point? Casuals are happy with phones.
>hand Metroid over to an actual shovelware company
N-Nintendo listened to us Metroidbros...!
>Breath of the Wild
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Metroid Prime 4
>Splatoon 2
>Pokemon RPG
>Pokken Tournament
>Pikmin 4
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Rocket League
>FIFA 18
>Possible Animal Crossing
>Possible Melee
Nintendo wins.
>listening to their fanbase
>put up a logo they pulled out of their ass at the last minute because they know people are pissed about the switch having no games
None of what you said is remotely true you dumb faggot.
Fuck off I'm tired of Sup Forums being a fantasy land.
>>Possible Melee
Jesus christ, stop this meme. It's not going to happen.
>Mario Odyssey and a bunch of shit
>conjecture of maybe good games
based nintendo
Fuck off they confirmed that they are not porting Smash 4 or melee.
Iwata was cancer on that company.
I'm glad Nintendo is back to their roots.
>no waverace
Nintendo lost
lol where did they confirm that
How has Nintendo listened to their fans?
If they did and you just happened to strike gold with a Metroid remake that may or may not suck, then one of the following would occur:
> new Switch "joycons" includes a real D-pad
> Mother 3
> F-Zero
> Super Smash Bros. 5
>source: my ass
You forgot Mario XCOM
They are never gonna make a JoyCon with a d-pad because it goes against the entire "gve it to your friend for 2 player" concept that Switch is being sold on.
F-Zero is dead, Mother 3 port is possible, and Smash 5 is going to happen, but probably not for at least 1-2 years.
It's dead, give it up already.
Nintendo is still dead to me until they bring Rune Factory 5 to switch. Once they do that I will eat whatever shit they want to feed me again
They haven't user, still melee won't happen but SM4SH could
>he wants yet another Smash iteration
Are Pokken Tournament, Arms, and Splatoon 2 really not enough for you?
They haven't announced any blatantly bad games or non-game IP rapes. It's still a long way from what the majority of fans want (third parties, good handheld titles, indieshit, the idea that 'mature' shit and casual party garbo can co-exist on the same platform), but it's better than the xXbone420Xx showcasing pc indie games to sell a 500 dollar chadbox.
I didn't really like Arms until the last final match where the dev fucking destroyed the winner. Clearly it's got a high skill ceiling
>b-but xbox
genuinely fuck off, something being more shit doesn't justify another bad product
I'm probably getting a box just so I don't have to shit up a perfectly good gaming pc with windows 10.
>listen to their fanbase
>still no official way to buy/play Mother 3 in the west
sorry OP but this simply isn't true. Nothing has changed and Nintendo is doing what they have been doing forever: making the games that THEY want to make. It just so happens that a good chunk of those are also games that you want.
Iwata business plan was called "quality of life". Im sure the new president of nintendos plan is "make good games, make good money". Nintendo spent years trying to resist the tastes and wants of people who play games.
Everyone who would play it has already. You're just throwing money into a hole, like buying old books by an author who hasn't written anything good in decades.
Who said I WAS a Nintendo fan? I was just pointing out how wrong the OP was.
I should've brought up how the relationship between Nintendo and their fans is like an abusive relationship, in case there was any uncertainty.
Right, that's my point. Instead of giving all those people a chance to support and give you money for the game, they basically just said "fuck it" and told people to pirate it.
And like the other guy pointed out, one is a certainty, one is probably gonna happen, and one franchise is dead. Seriously, Nintendo is listening to fans now. One guy even did an interview on reddit. Compare that even 6 years ago and it was very different.
Iwata tried to be games at the core, Kirishima still into games but decided to dip a little in the jew pool.
>people are pissed about the switch having no games
>have more worthy exclusive for the rest of the year and likely 2018 than the competitor
you sound mad. are you mad?
Maybe I want some multiplats.
you get good taste and maybe a PC
Well it's working cause i'm getting a Switch soley based on that "1 Up Girl" song. This will probably be the last console I buy and Mario would be a good way to cap of my gaming journey.
That's exactly what a PC is for.
That's exactly what Reggie said.
I want multiplats while I fly cross country and waste away in hotel rooms 3 months out of the year.
>actually listening to their fanbase
Does that mean censorship will stop?
Bottom looks better. Also nintendo is for girls in the US.
Fuck off retard it doesn't look better
>2 years ago
>before Fed Force and other "transformed IPs" bombed
Ask him the same question and he'll backpeddle hard now.
to everyone posting that things suddenly changed,
tfw these were all final decisions by iwata before his death and his ideas/legacy will end within a few years and nintendo won't have any idea what to do next
>average game
>fez mechanics no original
>average game
>fun cardio game
>crap game
>cencored game
>havent finished vanilla
>indie shit
>not frostbyte
If you weren't such a sperg about it, you could probably get a girl who's into the same games as you.
The Swapnote fiasco seems to have spooked them too much
That was Iwata slowly letting go of the company as his condition worsened. Post edgy memes all you want, the guy was clearly the problem.
X2 on E3 was using the translated version and so far I enjoyed Pyra ass. so maybe
well, region-locking stopped, and with it censhorship is effectively gone, too
>Castlevania LoS
Are you getting them confused with IGA's games, hy any chance?
>changing the subject because you know you're wrong
Since this is a Nintendo thread, I'll post this here
>“There are few times in my career that I’ve been as surprised as when I was watching that presentation,” Solomon said in our interview. “Just like everyone else, my jaw dropped a little bit when I heard the phrase, ‘As you see, Luigi has taken half-cover.’ What world am I in right now? I couldn’t believe it.”
It really depends on what their online service is like and if we're actually getting a Virtual Console for Switch
Until that's confirmed it's 50/50 either way, but it's looking positive, especially given they listened to criticism of online have one free game to rent a month and changed it
Does Reggie even have any actual power or is he just a hype man? I was under the impression that it's the latter. He's just trying to sell the company line.
Yeah, at the time they couldn't expect the reaction. I'm guess the 'transformation' applies everywhere and they DO plan ahead of time. It's a matter of whether the transformation clicks right with fans.
They don't put english subs in their japanese games so the region free thing is kind of pointless
Switch is region free. That said, unless Treehouse is purged it probably never will stop.
hes a mascot
You have to go back
>tfw no Reggie amiibo
>wanting to see underage kids on underwear
you are a disgusting waste of human
None of them are underage, dumbfuck
he is a mascot at this point, just like any Regional head
Regional Head
oh I get it, we should call all regional head mascots reggie
Don't get too excited. Learn from my mistake and keep your hype in check.
Why do people look down on Yoshi and Kirby like they weren't actual exciting games that were announced? You see this reaction in every thread on Sup Forums
>How did Nintendo listen to anyone?
>Yoshi and Kirby dude
>Like I said, how is that Nintendo listening to anyone?
If we get f-zero next year the apocalypse will happen
I really want f-zero again
Where do you come from where underage girls have a rack like that?
Literally any civilized country. Are you from fucking Saudi Arabia or something?
they are not bad games, but at this point have had a tad bit too much entries in the past year while other IPs did not.
So don't buy games where you have to use two screens to play it? Lesson learned.
Well regardless they're not underage. You just look like a retard now
Fuck off
Didn't he push for no region lock on the switch?
>possible Melee
Daily reminder that Melee HD will L I T E R A L L Y N E V E R happens and if by some chance all hell breaks loose and it does come out, they're going to take out all the fun competitive tech and make it play like Sm4sh
Really? Would people have gotten mad if they announced the third DKC returns game? I would have been excited for that.
It's probably the fact that Miyamoto has taken a backseat and new people are actually allowed to contribute.
The yen is weak and japs have no incentive to import.
Anyone could have guessed this was gonna be shit, it was the very end of Nintendo trying to justify the gamepad, it wasn't even being made by Nintendo themselves, and it's a remake AGAIN.
last straw
>t. British Muslim raping 8 year olds
You had him on the rope after he moved the goal posts. I think the clothes on the bottom are better than the bikinis on the top(I'm not a fan of frills). He however switched to an ad hominem because he is a faggot then, you started pedo posting because you are a faggot. Turns out everyone on this site is a fucking faggot!
>it wasn't even being made by Nintendo themselves
Yes it was. Stop with this stupid meme.
Platinum was only brought on so they could fix the heavy FPS issues the game had, and the FPS issues were caused by Miyamoto forcing the game to render on both screens.
From what I've heard and seen, the biggest problem comes from Rabbids. No one likes them. In another timeline, Rabbids would have been kept as far away from this project as possible and this game would have had a decent following.
You should've just not replied and saved some dignity
A platinum made star fox bullet hell game would have been so cool. It just sucks the retarded controls ruined the experience over all. What a waste of potential..
I think most people in the industry would want to work with Nintendo one way or another even if it was just for a single game. Most companies went to shit but Nintendo have been extremely consistent over the years.
The new onwer wamted it. More games this way.
Even on the ehop is region free. Jp snk fighters nd indy games.
>Miyamoto has nothing to do with Metroid
feels good man
>A platinum made star fox bullet hell game
fuck this sounds amazing
at least the dream was sort of realized with Nier Automata
Optional outfits
>Muh censorship