This will be a great game

This will be a great game.

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Hopefully with less bullshit than the first one

But the first game was bad, why would this one be good?

Have you played the current version of the first? It's great now.

The first game was pretty fun, only the story and otimization were shit

Quitted right now on chapter 11. I wanted a silent hill, not a re6 with zombies with full automatic guns. After the first half of the game is no more horror, just shoot and stuff.

The game literally marketed as a Resident Evil 4 clone, why on earth would you expect Silent Hill from it?

Only good game from e3

Uhhhh i dunno, from the silent hill guy and from a good starting something better than this shit?

Too bad no one will buy it

You mean Shinji Mikami? He is the Resident Evil guy, not Silent Hill

>singleplayer game has bad story

then whats the point of playing it?

Im stuck on chapter 10 myself. Fuck that boss

Laura confirmed, I'm buying it

Gameplay? Also some of the enemy designs are pretty cool

I'm afraid you are mistaken

Never got round to playing the DLC but it was supposed to tell a lot more about the story.
What happens? Will most likely buy this.

>same month as Wolfenstein, AssCreed, Shadow of War, Forza, South Park

its dead

Yeah 10 euros wasted. Should have checked before.

Yeah but is a prequel or will keep with brevik? If i remember correctly we see a priest so could be during or before the church incident?



Go read a book if story is so important, fag

Seriously, why are publishers throwing all those games in one month. Same shit happened last year and TF|2, Dishonored 2, and watchdogs 2 all flopped despite them all supposedly being better than their predecessors.

>i don't know the difference between publisher and developer
look it up jimmy

It's a few years after 1, I believe.

>Bethesda publishing
It'll probably be very good with niggling issues.

Bethesda is probably one of the best publishers in the industry at the moment.

Hi Todd.

When will this "the story was bad" meme end. The story was not bad, it is not one of the flaws of the first game.

>When will this "the story was bad" meme end. The story was not bad
You need to play the game to completion to know that. Guess what, casuals and game journos can't do that.

It's a Silent Hill ripoff with a scientific twist.

Evil Within was an incredibly shitty third person shooter, almost Spec Op: the Line levels bad

t. filtered by village sadist

That game has not even a gram of silent hill, except perhaps the first 3-4 chapters.

I havent quitted for the difficulty, that boss can be killed with 2 ice arrows and 20 pistol bullets. Its just stupid.

It might be good, but probably not much more.

>3 games to buy in one month

What a nightmare to my wallet.

Alright faggots, I will try first game one more time. I remember shitty first and second chapters, give me something to look forward to.

>try playing TEW again
>get stuck in the chainsaw guy in the beginning

C'mon Mikami, why did you make that part so hard?
I wonder if these fuckers are going to return or if they will be replaced by the camera-obscura monster completely.

Kill everyone in the vicinity be it stealth or guns blazing. Trigger the Chainsaw boss then constantly lure him to the spike traps in the house each and every time and he'll die eventually.

I hope Pyramid Head's brother returns.

There is an achivement for killing him only by backstab right? Im gonna to retry just for doing that.

I liked it more when it was kind of a stealth game with a few bullets as a last resort.
After chapter 10 the game goes full Resident Evil and just starts throwing bullshit after bullshit at you.