What do you guys think?
Microsoft lying again and Anthem tech analysis
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target gameplay footage
aka in engine movie that pretends to be gameplay
Disappointed that it can't even do native 4k for AC Origins.
Like most e3 announcements, there will be a massive downgrade at launch regardless
>6 months before Destiny launches
>Bioware: Holy shit this is going to be HUGE. We need to get in on this. Fuck Mass Effect, pass it off onto the frogs. We need to get our Destiny clone going now. We're gonna make so much money hitching our train to that money maker.
>Destiny flops
>Mass Effect Andromeda flops
>people wanted a good ME and not a Destiny copy
>Bioware: S-so here's Anthem...
>Destiny flops
>Bioware resurrects an old franchise hoping to redeem it
>They outsource it to make "fake 4K totally not Mass Effect x Destiny crossover"
>People STILL buy their games
It was critically lukewarm and the sales were good, but not ridiculously high like the projections
It's a flop compared to the game everyone thought it was going to be
>First multiplat game for Bungie
>First new IP without any connection to the Halo behemoth
>"Procedural" gameplay
>Voices by le memedwarf
>Infinite gameplay
>15 years of console shooter expertise finally refined
There was so much fucking hype. It was going to be the WoW of consoles.
But then it came out and it just did merely good.
Sucks to be Bioware now.
after this i dont trust e3 gameplay
Have they ever said that they're using checkerboard for XboneX?
Activision and Bungie were expecting WotLK-era WoW numbers. While it obviously sold reasonably well, it didn't reach anything near what it was hyped as.
They said it was native 4k
If I remember well they also said it was 60fps but I doubt they did because that's too crazy to believe
>not ridiculously high like the projection
But it was you twat
>"Anthem is the Bob Dylan of video games"
>June 14th, "Bob Dylan accused of plagiarizing his Nobel Prize lecture from SparkNotes"
>"SparkNotes is a website that offers students looking for shortcuts on major works of literature among other topics."
>be Bioware
>see WoW doing really good
>spend 5 years making a WoW clone
>kill your popular RPG franchise to do so
>see Destiny about to come out
>expect huge sales
>spend 5 years making a Destiny clone
>kill your popular RPG franchise to do so
>Microsoft lying
what a shock
Can BW do or say anything at all without BTFOing themselves these days?
It is
Isn't that Sony's bag?
Both are lying shits, but now Microsoft tries to appear like a good guy, but I it would stupid to think that something changed for Microsoft.
Checkerboarding still isn't a bad thing. It's not with PS4 Pro and it won't be with Xbonx.
I wish PC games had the option, as well as dynamic resolution.
Anthem is basically destiny with some extra shit that they stole somewhere else, it's true
As expected, it's gonna be doing the same upscaled 4k as the Pro.
Actually copies sold isn't a measure of success anymore. There's a whole virtual economy behind Destiny.
That is the future: get every goddamn normalfag to keep spending on micro transactions.
How difficult can these speeches be?
no shit. the metro devs admitted that their game was running on PC at the reveal, not xbone x
This is very true and it's killing gaming
Every fucking game needs lootboxes now
Every one
Oh boy, I can't wait for all the M$ shills to start backpedaling
So if this just does checkerboarding like the PS4 Pro, what's the point?
It's advertized as True 4K™
They lied
Sony at least said that they just use checkerboarding when it's needed. MS just screamed TRUE 4K all night
They lied, claimed it was true 4K. They're trying to justify paying $100 more for about 5-10% more power than the ps4pro.
I still want it though. It is looking like what Destiny should of been.
difference is it does run native 4k,but with checkerboarding while the pro upscales from 1080p,something the xbox one s can also do
>They lied
nah, some stuff was running true 4k
if you saw anthem and think thats reality, well, i guess youve never seen a bullshot
Nigger, the PS4 Pro uses the exact same """"native"""" checkerboarding shit for their 4k games.
Fuck outta here, the XBX is a scam for idiots, even moreso than the Pro.
No thanks.
no it doesnt,the ps4 was built for checkerboarding while the xbox one x has the power for native 4k if the devs want to make use of it
we all know that forza 7 is 4k60 native while we know that its literally impossible for sony to make their first party games even run at 4k60,ever
and im not talking bout remasters,i mean games made for ps4
>no it doesnt
Yes, actually, it does.
>while the xbox one x has the power for native 4k if the devs want to make use of it
And yet we've already found multiple games using the same checkerboard rendering as the Pro.
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Forza 7 uses the same checkerboard rendering considering M$ also said that Anthem would be "true" """native""" 4k.
>le memedwarf
This board is for video games. GAMES.
no,last of us is a remaster
come back when you can run something made for ps4 at native 4k
and im not talking about an indie game
gran turismo sport would be an excellent test
if sony can make that game run at native 4k 60 then ill believe ya
>come back when you can run something made for ps4 at native 4k
Just as soon as you can show me something that's proven to be native 4k on the One X.
And no, pre-release shilling from M$ doesn't count, so Forza 7 is out of the question.
I honestly thing only MS first parties and a selected few are gonna actually have native 4k.
Doesn't really bother me, all I want is 60fps
Sony was lying a lot with Pro.
They marketed it as true 4K console and as a response to Scorpio instead of XboneS.
In the end it was beefed up XboneS that could output better base resolution for checkerbox.
forza 6
even managed ultra settings with using the remaining 30% power left
>all I want is 60fps
Oh you poor soul.
>pre-release shilling from M$ doesn't count
Are you blind?
>In the end it was beefed up XboneS
The fuck are you talking about, even the base PS4 is stronger than the Xbone S.
Do you people not know the difference between 4k blu-ray and 4k gaming?
True 4k or not, it will be significantly better than the PS4 Pro version. The game was never said to be running in native 4k so no lying was involved. Sonybros are salty af about One X being so much more powerful.
MS first parties are all mostly 60fps, so a man can hope.
Thats not how it works a flop would mean the game failed and lost tons of money. Despite many mediocre reviews it still made over $500 million in sales on a $120 million budget. The game made a big profit.
Flop is one of the most mis-used words on this fucking board.
Andromeda failed so now they're trying to make a replacement
You're forgetting opportunity cost
It's not just about money spent vs money earned
It's about time spent.
If a game doesn't make the maximum of money it could have, then it failed. Opportunity cost.
>One X being so much more powerful
Well you're paying 150$ more for 20-30% more power.
Then every game flops dumbass
This game is why Andromeda was given to the B-team
This game has been in development for 5+ years
i said forza 6 not 7,are you sure its you that not blind?
AAA games that don't break new sales records are indeed considered flops.
And the One X isn't out and Forza 6 hasn't even been shown running on the One X.
>5-10% more power
Do you actually believe this?
It failed, and yet a sequel is coming out this year? Remember that Activision signed them on for a 10 year deal. Destiny was supposed to become a successful franchise by the end of it, building off the first game. So long as they're reusing assets they're not losing much in the way of opportunity costs.
>Activision and Bungie were expecting WotLK-era WoW numbers.
was activision expecting this? or were haters expecting it?
really makes you think
$100 more, for 30% more GPU power, 50% more ram, a 4k blu ray player, an online service that isn't garbage, a controller that isn't cheaply made and actual dev support
nothing could possibly save this game
bioware is dead
>PS4 Pro runs current gen games at 2k or 1800p with checkerboard rendering at 30 frames (with a few exceptions like GT Sport)
>Xbox One X runs current gen games at 1800p with checkerboard rendering (with a few exceptions like Forza)
I don't see any difference here
Might give it a try if it doesn't have any of that SJW bullshit.
Destiny was massively successful, you're a fucking retard m8.
From what I remember, Sony hardly said Native 4k because those are strong words and always said a generic 4k, without specifying if it was native or not
But Microsoft saying Anthem runs at native 4k is just flat-out lying
Karpyshyn is the one writing so who knows
actually the xbox one x runs at 2160p with checkerboarding,plus higher graphics settings
>in engine movie that pretends to be gameplay
it's called pre rendered.
but yeah, you are right, at least the first person part
I think Anthem looks good. If it can pull off what I'm seeing in the trailer, I think it could be really good. I hope BioWare is able to do it, because this seems to be their A-team. Supposedly with motion capture their animations will looks good this time.
There aren't even many TV's that support 4k60(because only a few adapters even support the throughput). I'm still waiting to get a 4k60 display with HDR that doesnt cost 2k.
>Bioware cloning Destiny
It was born to be garbage.
Xbox One X is actually worth it if you want a 4k console without shelling out the money for a 4k gaming PC.
>called "Dylan" because they wanted it to be extremely iconic and remembered
>they rip off existing games (Destiny) or big franchise concept (Attack on Titan)
>not one bit of originality in designs or aesthetics
yeah good luck with that
then could ya link to some that do?
If Anthem does succeed in being a great game how will the SJW devs that worked on Mass Effect Andromeda feel
Oh look, shills are here.
Oh Look, Fags are here
I don't like the general premise of the game. I liked Destiny because it blended the whole light and magic thing with sci-fi.
I already have enough to grind in Destiny and will be able to grind even more in D2, there are not enough hours in the day to grind Anthem as well.
The reason I, and many others, even kept playing Destiny for so long is that the gunplay was fucking spot on. This is a third person game and I have my doubts shooting will feel even half as good as it does in Destiny.
I think it looks good too, I will probably pick it up, after we get a Sup Forumsirdict and some decent reviews from non jewish reviewers
>there are not enough hours in the day to grind Anthem as well.
Especially if Anthem is gonna have vanilla Destiny drop and loot rates.
>horizon and other games get shit on for using checkerboard
>it's okay when MS does it
Looks like an Iron Man game without enlarging the image
Sorry Pajeet, Emperor Phil has no clothes.
2160p with checkerboard plus higher graphics settings and longer draw distances than the pro
need i say more?
Shooting was always one of Bungie's highlights with their games.
>Trusting console manufacturers
That's why you go PC these days, retard.
Being this mad
What is Bioware known for?
Or EA?
>That's why you go PC these days, retard.
Trusting PC manufactures
>Shooting is their specialty.
>At silky smooth 30fps
Joke's on you, I never owned a 970 because I'm not a retard.
The reason consoles still can't maintain a solid framerate is because they keep skimping out on the CPU. A strong GPU is worthless without a strong central processing unit. Both the Pro and Xbone consoles still sport cheap notebook-tier CPU's. Reading up on how shit works can save you a lot of pain friend.
I own a GTX 1060