I want this fat bitch deleted from the game. Why the fuck did they make a fat piece of shit hero...

I want this fat bitch deleted from the game. Why the fuck did they make a fat piece of shit hero? Couldn't they have made her skinny like most Asian women?

She is skinny though

>be asian girl
>want some asian girls in gaming and to be represented
>finally get one
>shes a fucking landwhale


And shes for noob casuals with no skill

On what planet, fatty?
>b-b-but muh layers of clothes
You can literally see her triple cheeseburger chin, disgusting fat shit

May has a pretty good spot in the game. She counters Dive comps pretty well and is the only Hero who can quickly separate a teams tank from their back line. I think she is a bit niche but otherwise in a good spot. I remember when they added her on beta and some heroes like McRee have it way to easy without zoning abilities like May's wall.

The funny thing is that she's both for noob casuals and actually a fun scrub killer pick as well. I pick her in qm and bully people who like to split off from their team and try make MLG xxSn1perxx plays on their own.

They start panicking once they start freezing and their aim gets all messy, then it's over.

Super fun.

Literally ALL of her art depicts her as a thin asian girl with a great rack. I don't know why people try to force this MEI IS FAT WTF shit outside of fetishes

I stopped playing autistic heroes and tried mei and I've yet to get my fill of satisfaction. Wish I tried her sooner

thats only pixiv and ching chong artists though, but of course its why theyre always going to beat western artists by a long shot
>muh fat acceptance