>tfw MH world isn't coming to switch
Tfw MH world isn't coming to switch
The mods better not delete this thread
I could just play it on my PC or PS4 instead.
I'm convinced that Nintendo fans are actually homosexuals, since they draw more porn of Link than Zelda
stop pretending you give a shit about Monster Hunter Sup Forums. I bet you niggas haven't played a video game for months.
Anyone else kind of happy?
I honestly like MH a lot, and I'm glad I dont need another console to play it.
Everytime I buy a Nintendo console I get burned hard, its never worth it. So this is best for most people imo.
Monster Hunter XX.
Completely agree and is really not that outlandish after the wii u.
Don't tell them about that, user.
It'll ruin their extremely hilarious and completely not over done joke.
>mario-feels-guy-meme-Sup Forums
As a ninten-pony I don't even mind. Thankfully I've got a somewhat usable PC and I hope it's specs will be enough for me to play some MH on something else, but tiny pixelated screens.
If you don't have at least a PC and a console for games, you should honestly leave.
>amd clearly better than the intel and nvidia but still loses because blind fans would lose their shit if it won
pretty good, i just don't get why amd is crying
AMD is shit all round, it's been proven countless times you poor fucks. Their CPU's are garbage
>i just don't get why amd is crying
You just explained it.
Do you really want to play the 'we want the uncharted4/last of us audience' monster hunter?
Fuck yes nigger, I've been so thirsty for a MH on PC I literally take anything at this point.