>Games in the UK are getting steadily more and more expensive thanks to the shitty exchange rate
>Even PC which used to be cheap is getting shafted
I hate this. I remember where you'd be paying £20 for a brand new AAA PC game. Now it's £40/£50.
>Games in the UK are getting steadily more and more expensive thanks to the shitty exchange rate
>Even PC which used to be cheap is getting shafted
I hate this. I remember where you'd be paying £20 for a brand new AAA PC game. Now it's £40/£50.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's got nothing to do with vidya, just the economy
Well maybe we shouldn't have voted for Brexit
well maybe the EU shouldn't be implementing a regime of forced population replacement
i haven't seen a single game up in price after the exchange rate worsened
if they had ( they haven't ) just torrent em
That's no reason to shaft the consumers
at least we're not aussies
That's the price you pay for not getting raped by Muslims every day.
Oh wait.
You're still getting raped my mudslimes every day.
then get fucked, pick vidya or mohammeds
Pee-Spew needs to be dismantled.
>he pays the list price
maybe dont shop at fucking GAME faggot they went insolvent for a reason
i get my weeb shit from japan for 20 bongistani rupees
Fuck off Sup Forums
That has nothing to do with fucking videogames, and I'm fucking sick to death of seeing threads shitposted to hell over irrelevant shit
That's my point though
Europe isn't going to punish the rich elite, they're punishing the normal voting in spite to try and ruin the economy
This. Jesus shitting Christ, the prison colonies got it hard.
>people fuck the economy through stupid ass decisions
>"Well that's no reason to shaft the consumers!"
What the fuck did you think happens when an economic system suffers?
>Whines about expensive games when his nation is under attack by terrorists
Would you not lay down your life for the Queen? Do you call yourself an Englishman?
Does anyone know of a good Brit PC gaming community?
I'm wanting somewhere that I could play random vidya with others. Multiplayer and the like. I used to be part of a community but I lost touch and now it's dead, and I want to recreate the past. There's a bunch of US communities but I just don't get on as well with yanks in general.
just stay at home, watch porn, and wank.
it's what I do
We were getting shafted even before the value dropped, it's just justifed now
>being so autistic you can only make friends with people from the same country
doesn't exist, we're all too autistic
i get on well with fucking leafs though
>blaming EU
It's not EU causing the GBP to plummet in value, it's the fact that people are losing faith in it as a currency
Funny, you're not sick of getting cited by the Truck of Peace.
No, Sup Forums is the -real- problem.
You mean that rkind of rich elite whose only worry is to post about videogames prices on a vietnamese painting board?
t.The eternal Anglo
Come on, I know there must be somewhere.
I just know that I can't use Sup Forums for this sort of stuff because it's too anarchic.
Keep a stiff upper chin.
Terrorists have not personally affected me at all.
Sup Forums shitposting affects me every day.
you fags have been doing that to yourselves since the 70's, I my Dad though he was in Africa when he went to England on his honeymoon
use Sup Forums fag
Keep calm and get genocided by the Religion of Peace.
>It's a "thread devolves into Sup Forums shit all over again" thread
The funny thing is that you could have shitpost about Brexit. That would at least be relevant. But no.
Why aren't you invading Normandy right now? Get back at those frogs for the misery they caused during the 100 years war!
People being businesses and investors
Businesses and investors do not like insecurity, and it just so happens that the UK will be in a state of insecurity and general uncertainty as far as its economic future goes due to it not being known if it'll have access to the free market in the future
It's still not the EU's fault, this was well known to be one of the things that would follow if brexit won the vote
>poo in loos
>expensive vidya
Sad times for europe
Honestly does ANYONE even remember WHY the union was created in the first place? Anyone at all?
To stop fucking war between the countries, which it successfully did and continues to do. Economic hiccups are a perfectly reasonable price to not fucking be at war all the fucking time.
>anything opinion right of literal Marxism is "gb2 Sup Forums"
Really pisses on the pineal.
fuck off Kraut its your fault in the first place
>Honestly does ANYONE even remember WHY the union was created in the first place? Anyone at all?
So not wanting to genocide non whites is marxism?
The EU didn't stop a war, the ability to transform a city into a pile of smoldering ashes in a matter of seconds did.
I've been playing COD and Battlefield too long to not get involved in war
What does that have to do with anything in this thread?
Did you miss every single "muh muslims" post?
>germany can't even control it's smaller, weak eastern european vassals
>expects to be the new leader of the free world
Muslim isn't a race, and are violently opposed to every progressive Western value.
White Muslims are the absolute worst. They literally just join to be terrorists.
You know you can buy games from other regions right?
>Games keep getting cheaper and cheaper despite shitty exchange rate
I dunno UK, i doubt its that.
Play Elite
It might be Euro truck simulator in space, but the community is fantastic and like 80% British
I'm sure ISIS has a forum somewhere.
Check your local no-go zone.
>eastern european vassals
the fuck are you talking about?
I'm more worried about the snooping shit May wants.
Unironically Sup Forums is some of the best communities to play with.
Couple of furry roleplayers and a troll every now and then but thats it.
It's fucking terrifying and the news barely touches on it. Why can she do that shit without a majority?
The EU was started to ease trade and industry between nations. Trade doesn't stop wars, it's basically all NATO that has kept the peace.
The sad part is that this image should be right
You'll be pretty damn "affected" when the government finally forces through some privacy annihilating bullshit in the name of "Fighting terrorism".
that shit will never pass in HoC
The average person doesn't give a shit about government Snooping. I asked close to 3 dozen people what they thought about it and 90% of them said "Doesn't bother me, I have nothing to hide, if it helps catch terrorists its a good thing".
Both Labour and the Conservatives majority voted in favour of the Snoopers Charter and it quickly passed, this new bill will probably pass with the same level of resistance (none).
>The EU was started to ease trade and industry between nations.
Which in turn deters the will to go to war, if you have profitable ties with a country you think twice before going to war with them. Especially if both you and said country are part of an organization who looks down on warmongering and would backup the threatened part.
The EU was made to fucking stop pointless wars.
Why? She lost her majority. That shit is dead in the water.
Well I work for the government. So not really.
The UK and Germany have historically incredibly close trading partners, didn't stop either World War.
Tally ho, good lad!
As a fellow brit, might i suggest sampling the most excellent catalogue of visual entertainment, of the colonial "Bethesda Game Studios"?
I'd make one if I could
This is the price of freedom.
You should thank Brexit every day and be ready to pay double and starve for your freedom.
You can't have your cake and eat it.
No fuck you,we only wanted to create a unified military and economic superpower able to stand against the commie hordes, but you had to side with the jews and look what that got you.
Now it's to late and everything is shit.But we're taking you down with us.
>paying for games
if you're THAT scared of the copyright trolls, just get a $5/month VPN and pirate all you want.
I'm feeling a wave of American patriotism wash over me right now.
basically how it played out in the US. people are stupid, news at 11
Everything east and southeast of berlin is so deep in debt to germany you might as well hoist the german colonial flag by now.
>I remember where you'd be paying £20 for a brand new AAA PC game
I, too, remember things that never happened
Standard price for a PC game use to be £29.99. Now it's £40-50 with 60 on occasion.
And don't give me bullshit like "but inflation" because wage growth has not kept up with inflation at all. Video game price has almost doubled, but wages have not.
I remember buying a physical copy of spec ops the line for 20 bongs about a week after it released.
Fucking this.
There is no metric by which vidya should have increased this much, especially not on PC.
The reason console games used to be more expensive was licensing for the console. That doesn't exist on PC. It's why they were traditionally cheaper. Obviously someone realised that they could just make more money from the games in general.
>mfw i went to england
>tried their fish and chips at tons of places
>its like australian fish and chips
>....if you left it in a paper bag for an hour to get soggy and shit
>mfw they told us what fish they used and its what we throw to the dogs because we consider it inedible, and even then the dogs rarely eat it
>Go to a trashy chippy in London and expect quality
Yeah nah
You mean the banning encryption thing that can't ever happen?
>Go to a trashy chippy in London and expect quality
Do those even exist anymore?
I thought it was all kebab stands and suicide vest emporiums in London.
That's part of it but she wants to keep your internet data stored for 1 year too.
Several groups will be allowed to look at this data.
>go with locals who have lived their for 40 years
sure. and even so, its fish and chips. australian trashy hole in the walls can do it and make good fish and chips. infact, until i made it to england, i dont recall ever having BAD fish and chips even from the equivalent of a trailer with a meth kitchen corner store. its like you guys dump fucking water right on it before serving it. its chips, not mashed potatos, and the fish should be crispy, not fucking sushi
Stfu britfags games are like $80 in canada now and even more in australia. Your former colonies always get it worse
CAD right?
Canada your economy is worse than ours, get your shit together.
Speaking of Islamic shitholes...
Ah, so you have poor taste
>Expecting quality fish and chips
>Fish and Chips
yes, not liking your fish and chips to taste like its been in a paper bag for an hour is bad taste
i dont think you understand. take any regular fish and chips from any hole in the wall
then dip it into a bowl of water and eat it.
Forgot to mention that im from Mexico.
Games are $40-60.
Who's this hot mess?
>neo-Sup Forums think this image is wrong
agree 100%, can't wait for the AI revolution to put all the Sup Forums brainlets, niggers, mudslims into economic starvation leading to a new era of post-scarcity enlightenment
Imagine living in Argentina
>game cost 50 dollars
>because inflation and shit economy now it cost literally 120 fucking dollars
God bless steam sales
The fish and chips should be moist. It's the whole point of how it's done if it's done properly. Chips from a chippy aren't supposed to be dry and crispy.
yes, moist
not fucking soggy