Sony and MS pour their hearts out and reveal amazing games that look amazing and run amazing

>Sony and MS pour their hearts out and reveal amazing games that look amazing and run amazing
>Sup Forums: "Yeah, that's cool I guess."

>Nintendo puts the number 4 on screen for like 5 seconds

Explain yourselves.

__'_ ____ ____ Nintendo ____ __

at least they are not saying devolver win E3 with their meme show


don't bitch about Nintendo here :^)

Damn rigth

>reveal amazing games that look amazing
witch ones?

The one on the left.

Japan is getting pretty progressive nowadays.

minus the caret, actually


because nintendo shills are cancer.

all nintendo is is more of the same shit.

i mean look at how hyped people are for arms. it looks like an eshop game that should be ten bucks at most. these idiots hype anything that isnt mario and then still hype mario at the same time. they are retards.

It's okay when Sony does it

There is that one that is still creating shitpost threads.

>amazing games that look amazing and run amazing

More like.

>MS reveals amazing games, but they're all also coming to PC, so Sup Forums doesn't give a shit
>Sony shits the bed with generic as fuck games and another HD remaster of Shadow of the Colossus, only notable game (Monster Hunter World) is also coming to PC, so Sup Forums doesn't care
>Nintendo revives a dead franchise with 2 upcoming games, something Sup Forums has been begging for for years now. You also can't have these games on PC, so Sup Forums cares.

>games that look amazing and run amazing
Shame they are such a bore to play though.

You do know how localization works, right?
Both left and right are the fault of the West.

All the shitposting about that game i saw was all those HAHAHAHA TAKE THAT SWITCH FAGS, NOT ON SWITCH HAHAHAHA threads

and the gigant of reddit threads trying to bait Sup Forums and failing Pathetically at it

some people defend NOA and claim it isn't censorship

>giant amount

>tfw pc, switch, 3ds, vita and ps4
>tfw pretty much everything is coming out for pc so I rarely have to bother buying stuff for my ps4
>have switch, vita and 3ds for their exclusives

feels fuggen good

Well, that's stupid.

>Switch hasn't even been out for 6 months yet
>Already a more compelling lineup of exclusives than PS4 and Xbone

Man, the Wii U flopping really woke Nintendo the fuck up, didn't it?

Its not censorship by definition. It's still bad, but when you spout reactionary nonsense like that you delegitimize your own point.

man, what a lineup

It is censorship. If there was a movie that got an international release, and a sex scene was cut from one region, it would be called censorship and no one would throw a fit over the definitions of words.
People who say "B-BUH ITS NOT CENSORSHIP BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT DIDN'T DO IT!!!" are not actually interested in the discussion, and just want to muddy things up.

>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Now, let's take a look at the PS4
>Gravity Rush 2

Not bad, but definitely lacking. Let's see what the Xbone has to offer.
>[insert game here]

>>Splatoon 2
>>Mario Odyssey
>>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
so, like i said, zelda. mario isn't out yet. the other 3 are complete garbage, objectively.

>Sony and MS pour their hearts out and reveal amazing games that look amazing and run amazing
Sony and MS literally revealed zero First Party exclusives this E3.

>forgetting shit like Nioh
See three games.

>Shitty souls clone with shitty loot system

Nah, I didn't forget it.

Because I'm not excited for anything Microsoft or Sony puts out. I AM excited for Metroid Prime 4 though.
Get it through your thick fucking skulls; if you don't announce exclusives I want for your console then I will not buy it. Microsoft has a few games I'm interested in, but they're all coming to my PC. Sony announced SotC remake and new Monster Hunter, but SotC remake isn't worth 60 bucks to me and Monster Hunter's also on my PCNintendo announced Mario Odyssey, new Kirby game, Metroid Prime 4, and Splatoon 2 (even better because I didn't buy Splatoon 1), games that I will not be able to play anywhere else, and that is why they won.

>same as wiiu
>great game
>same as wiiu
>same as wiiu
>same as wiiu

ps4 release also have the ps3 games which where not dead att

Game companies themselves make a trailer and present it to either Sony or Microsoft. All either of them did was decide what trailers and when to show them

>same as wii u
Oh the excuses you'll make, the facts you'll fake!

>day one sold out
>not released
>not released
>not released
>not released

pretty solid lineup after 6 months

>Nintendo has more worthwhile exclusives and an actual console (and not a watered down PC like PS4/Xbone)
>Wonders why Sup Forums loves Nintendo

All I really want for PS4 so far is Bloodborne, but that alone is not worth $250.

Meanwhile, Nintendo has at least 5 games I want that are on the Switch, so I took the plunge.

So far, I'm not regretting it. Can't wait to play some ARMS tonight.

>Sony and MS pour their hearts out and reveal trash games that look like everything else and run sufficiently
>Nintendo puts the number 4 on screen for 5 seconds, confirming development of a game that will not only be amazing and unique, but resurrects a dead franchise

There's the difference

And I'm not fanboying here. Metro Exodus, Code Vein, and Shadow of the Colossus look fantastic, but Days Gone, God of War, and literally EVERYTHING ELSE had me falling asleep during Sony and MC's conference.

>confirming development of a game that will not only be amazing and unique, but resurrects a dead franchise
oh my sweet child that hasn't learned of the concept of vaporware yet
prime 4 is never going to come out

>overpriced old tablet tier = actual console
well i just as well buy it when its on a bundle with monhun


I could say literally the same exact thing for Beyond Good and Evil 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Those games will release, just like Prime 4. They need development time.

>confirming development of a game that will not only be amazing

So you're from the future, I guess?

confirmed metroid 4 for switch u


>One plays game right from its media and has fast loading times
>The others require installs and have slow as fuck loading times

If I wanted my gaming console to be a slow PC from 2005, then I'd just game on a slow PC from 2005.

>Sony and MS make games that look and run amazing
Who gives a fuck if they aren't fun? If I want to be entertained by """amazing""" graphics I'll watch a fucking movie. Rather than gargling shit just so I can justify wasting money on a weaker DRM PC.

>those games all feel the same
>even the ones that were just trailers
>what the fuck? Another Metroid Prime? This is going to be so unique and different by virtue of being just another entry in a dead franchise!

It literally is censorship. Why is the the NA version the way it is?

The thing is, Nintendo isn't getting a lot of the multiplatforms that the Xbox and Playstation are getting. The only people making games for nintendo is nintendo. the games you listed are the only worthwhile games coming out for the system while the competitors at least have multiplatforms to fill the gap between big releases.

Name me a SINGLE game series that plays anything like Metroid Prime

you don't get it. it's got the nintendo "magic". don't ask me to explain what the fuck that means, though.


>The only people making games for nintendo is nintendo.
Seems someone missed E3.

Every FPS ever?

Only every FPS plays better than Prime because you can actually aim with two sticks or without gimmicky/terrible pointer controls.

I can name a lot of shitty FPS with puzzle sections

Microsoft: "We* have zombie bears" *we includes PC, PS4, Switch, Wii U, PS3, Gameboy Color

Sony: "We have zombie bears too"


Doom. Any FPS like Doom. Any FPS ever, almost.


Metroid Prime 4 is the biggest announcement but they have many games in the works and for this year. Sony and Microsoft had nothing. Even Ubisoft was better than Sony this year.

Metorid Prime was good back in the day when shooters were still trying to find an identity, but I don't think it will fare as well nowadays. So many fps's have come out over the years, and some of them have revolutionized the genre so much. I think it'll have trouble standing out.

Sorry, FPAG.

>40+ exclusives announced at E3
>No games

MS announced multiplats that I can play on my PS4, only a couple of which I had even passing interest in.

Sony announced cinematic experiences with gameplay that wore out its welcome 5 years ago.

Nintendo showed something that might end actually being a fucking game. So did Bethesda and Ubisoft, now that I think about it.

>ever FPS plays ((differently)) because you can aim with two sticks
The lock-on and strafe systems are the reason it doesn't play like anything else.
By saying nothing else has it, you prove my point that nothing plays like Metroid Prime.
That's to say nothing of the soundtrack, stories, and atmospheres of the games, which are unlike anything else.

>the west gets ZR+spats instead of generic bikini

For once censorship wins, I guess

>40+ "exclusives"
>Doesn't even name one

>unironically preferring the Hannah Montana costumes
shit taste

>Nintendo won with Prime 4

I'm pretty sure people are more exciting how amazing the new Mario looks instead.

Spiderman was pretty sweet from Sony, but everything else they showed was pretty damn boring.

Metroid Prime isn't an FPS. That's like saying Myst is an FPS.

>people are exided for a long dead and beloved series that is being revived with two new games
>why are people exited?

Not even a metroid fan and I can understand that OP

>Sony...pour their hearts out
I laughed. Have some grilled cheese.

I will knuckle punch you in the throat.

Tell me all these great exclusives I gotta rush out and buy an Xbox to play

Uh, it's a first person game where you shoot things.

How is that not an FPS?

Are you kidding me? 90% of the posts are saying how shit it looks?

>Metroid Prime is a first-person action-adventure game developed by Retro Studios and Nintendo for the GameCube video game console

Ocarina of Time is a game where you attack things with a sword, how is not a hack and slash?

FPS implies that the focus of the game is on the shooting. All you have to do is Google Metroid Prime and look at its wikipedia article; first-person adventure game. The word shooting is never used. Refer back to .

>Arkham City Daylight version
>pretty sweet

>Sea of Thieves
>State of Decay 2
>Forza 7
>Crackdown 3

>Xbox has no exclusive-

it looks ok, im glad its on pc. im pissed they took the flexing and the cooking music out of the game
every thread is the same faggots just saying they are glad its no on switch
like it changes anything

>first-person action-adventure is the same as first-person shooter

by Sup Forums you mean nintendo autists who do it for free right?

why does this game even existence, it's actually so pathetic how nintendo must've begged for the crossover

I said sweet, not amazing

At least it wasn't a third person slow action game like the others shown. Sony is like doubling down on the Last of Us genre.

OoT is an AAG. Game genres are pretty stupid though since AAG can be applied to virtually every game that isn't a sports/fighting game. It's not really a genre.

At least it isn't a kickstarter.

Speaking of which, could a Metroid Prime 4 kickstarter have raised more money than Shenmue 3?

Fucking this. I legitimately have difficult fathoming what people saw in Spiderman. I thought it was one of the worst parts of Sony's conference, it looked like a Frankenstein of AAA tropes.

the left isn't SJW pandering

SJWs would complain about the entire game, because of it's sexual depictions of women

Xbox One X
>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

It is a hack and slash at its core.
I'm pretty sure the primary thing you do in Prime is shoot. I mean you
>Shoot to open doors
>Shoot enemies to kill them
>Shoot objects in the environment to activate/deactivate them

There isn't a point in the game where you're not shooting something.

>b-but muh scanning
Congrats. You're scanning things to learn more about them! With enemies, it's usually about what you have to shoot that they're weak to! And after all that scanning, do you know what you do?


It's an FPS.

classic resident evil is in real time and involves strategy, therefore, resident evil is an rts.

>>Sea of Thieves
>>State of Decay 2
>>Forza 7
>>Crackdown 3

Look at those game I don't need any Xbox console to play. Good job.

>>Sea of Thieves
Also on PC and will play better on PC.

>>State of Decay 2
Also on PC and will play better on PC.

>>Forza 7
Also on PC and will play better on PC. Nobody wants to play racing trash anyway. Who the fuck plays racing games? Gay kids that's who.

Also on PC and will play better on PC.

>>Crackdown 3
Also on PC and will play better on PC.

Every single game you just mentioned is on PC too and it will play better on the PC because PC is by definition superior. Go ahead and buy you underpowered $500.00 pseudo-PC with a restrictive operating system and play "true 4k" on your TV that isn't even capable of playing 4k though. (Only 10% of TVs are 4k capable)

There is no reason to buy this console. How can you even handle the embarassment of walking up to the counter and saying "yes please I would like the XXXXXX_XBOX_ONE_XXX_XXXXXX please, it is a mature 4k gaming console for mature adults, not edgy shadow lords. I swear."

This had been and always will be a weeaboo website fucktard. That's why.

>Sea of Thieves
Seems like a good idea on paper but looks very shallow and boring in action
>State of Decay 2
I refuse to believe that anybody actually thinks this looks good
>Forza 7
Looks like a legitimately good racing game. Forza is usually solid
Looks great, very excited to play it
>Crackdown 3
Looks like complete ass compared to the gameplay demo they showed a couple of years ago. Looks like they scrapped the destruction aspect of the game but didn't up the graphical fidelity to compensate. No telling how much else has changed

all consoles are trash and you are pathetic if you care about them in any capacity beyond being a lulzcow.