Why do you pretend to like this game?

Why do you pretend to like this game?

Because it's negligibly better than Witcher 2, which was a gigantic downgrade from 1.

LOL not even close

I've tried to get into this game several different times. Everything and everyone is just so shitty, literally and figuratively, and boring.

I really want to like this game.

bbecausse iii woullllld succkks
Gjjjeraallld coooockkksc

Best RPG of the last and next 10 years

I am not. It's easily the most well crafted and immersive game this generation.

you wong young grlsshoppel
Cybelpunk 2077 the best LPG evel

Instead of captcha Sup Forums should require a breathalyzer test

Understandable have a nice day

It's a pretty good rpg

Hearts of stone dlc was pretty fucking good too

i agree
only drunk people should be allowed to post her e

I dont.
It's a huge piece of shit full of fetch quests and uninteresting characters and stories.

At least TW2 had the courage to try some new things, even if they didn't all pay off. TW3 is just a generic open world game. Weakest story of the three by far as well.

This. Stuck to polish fantasy batman. He's a moralfag but he does shit for money so now he's morally grey

>underages calling this an RPG
There are things wrong with me but at least I'm not these idiots.

witcher 1 is great despite all the flaws of the clunky engine and the bad voice acting/ mediocre writing . I fucking love that game and its the one game i will replay once a year
witcher 2 was good even though i didnt particularly enjoy the level design and hated the combat , the characters in that game make it more than enjoyable
witcher 3 is a great game with a lot of missed potential and a lot of console catering
the final product was a butchered version of what it was meant to be but its still very enjoyable despite the main storyline being so hollywood. The world design , music ,voice acting and writing are top tier especially for a company with so little background
the dlcs are some of the best content i have ever played

i dont pretend anything and even though im wasting time replying to a w3 hate shitposter whos favourite game is probably overwatch and who daily plays that battlegrounds meme game to be part of the bandwagon
keep in mind that no one from the moment this shithole of a site was made to the day it gets taken down cares about your opinion on them , you dont exist , just like in the real world

To be fair it's an ARPG which is a subset of RPGs.

And at least I'm also not as stupid as you either

you're such a faggot. you're opinion is just as equally worthless and stupid as his and it clearly mattered to you since you bothered to reply with a large wall of text

>wall of text
>1.5 paragraphs

lmfao brainlet.

Okay, what is it then?

>Wall of text.
Kid, sometime, you will learn...
Less than 1000 words should be readable, even to a retard like you.