Its obvious by now that Africans self inserting in to history is not popular among a lot of people.
So here is a question.
What if someone made a game that is set in a fantasy setting world that's entirely inspired by the African content and lore.
Like TES or Dragon age or Witcher but because of the lore only characters in it are black.
Would it bother you that you can only be black in the game.
Would this acualy make you not want to buy the game.
Its obvious by now that Africans self inserting in to history is not popular among a lot of people
Other urls found in this thread:
do you know any african lore or myths or are you just bullshitting?
>buying games
That would be fantastic, if the text allows it, or even was made FOR it then its ok, but to hamfist some black guy there and tell me its mandatory to like him or i am hitler is just not the right way to do things.
San Andreas already exists and everyone loved it
I would not be bothered by only being able to play a black character. It would have nothing to do with whether or not I bought the game though. I buy games if they look fun .
>Would it bother you that you can only be black in the game.
Wouldn't care if it's good.
>Would this actually make you not want to buy the game.
Wouldn't stop me.
Next thread.
>that image
This, OP.
Niggers want to be star athletes and gangbangers. They don't give a shit about being wizards. White people want to be wizards. Asians who idolize whites want to be wizards. Neither of those want to be niggers. No one else cares about or buys fantasy games. Especially niggers.
Fantasy to a nigger is having a lot of drugs and money and white pussy.
I'd play a Kirikou game
>playing anything other than sports games and shooters
I would buy it, if the gameplay is like the titles you mentioned then i am all up for it.
>implying any of the Sup Forumstards on Sup Forums know anything about Africa
>implying they care about the actual culture
Nobody would buy this game because the WE WUZ meme stared to become Unironic. Now any mention of blacks/or any Africans is portrayed as "WE WUZ" bullshit and I hate it!
>Tfw you will never be an Ethiopian camel rider with stolen Italian weapons kicking Mussolini's army's ass
>What if someone made a game that is set in a fantasy setting world that's entirely inspired by the African content and lore.
I think there was actually an Indie game like that coming out, a little bit like Indivisible in that it's a platformer with mechanics from fighting games. Can't for the life of me remember the name or if it ever came out.
>Implying niggaboos don't like them some anime fighters and JRPGs
This entire post is like saying a liberal wants to be white or that a nazi doesn't want separation by country
You tried way too hard to try an offend someone and just came off as a prancing child with abusive parents. Maybe you should use "nigger" for every sentence you write now.
I like the savannah, it's pretty aesthetic.
You''re welcome.
That's the one, thanks!
I don't think most people would have a problem with it if it was written well. pic related
You don't seem to understand jackass, the question is not "would you buy a game made for blacks?" the question is "would you buy an open world game with 100% black characters?"
Its a question regarding the importance of race representation, don't know if you noticed but only american white liberals care for it, even the races they try to appeal to can't give less of a fuck.
impossible, at least some SJWs will scream racism
Do you know what a question mark is?
Wouldn't care, I'm pretty tired of the standard European setting in rpgs desu
>tfw Witcher 3 bait you with Ofir
>Would it bother you that you can only be black in the game
>Would this acualy make you not want to buy the game
trying to summon barneyfag?
boobachs love dbz and naruto.
you mean like all the games at e3? the main protagonist and his mary sue female partner are black in bg&e2!
i honestly don't care about the whole thing, but i am hoping to get a white man vs. minorities and womyn game where the white man is the good guy. just to piss off (((journalists)))
No, lee is a niggerfaggot.
I just love horse pussy
Sure, why not.
I just don't think you'll have a lot of material to work with, and you better be a nigger because otherwise shitlibs will kvetch about cultural appropriation.
I'd call you a nigger for not knowing that they play a fuckton of fighters but that'd be contradictory.
What does that have to do with OP?
>I have never seen a black person who wasn't in a news report
At least 50% of the blacks I've ever known can't get enough of wizards and shit.
I'd give it a try. We need more fantasy settings that aren't medieval europe.
>I just don't think you'll have a lot of material to work with,
With how vast African mythology is it could be the African version of Nioh.
The main character in bg&e1 is black.
Also there are lots of black weeaboos around everywhere. That's not directly videogames, but one tends to lead to other.
You seem to care.
>Would this acualy make you not want to buy the game
It would bother me because the developers would be pushing a retarded agenda, however if the game is innovative and interesting enough to entice me (which I highly doubt from a group that makes such a game) I may get it anyways.
guild wars nightfall was one of the best fucking RPG experiences ever
I don't care what color any character's skin is as long as the waifus, if any, are actually attractive.
>It would bother me because the developers would be pushing a retarded agenda
But what if they weren't
If they weren't, then why would every character be black?
Literally how is it an agenda? Does Okami push an agenda?
>Would it bother you that you can only be black in the game.
Can I be a cute brown girl?
Go to Nigeria, if you can find one white person and take a picture of her I'll agree with you.
I'm surprised they haven't done this already what with the recent push for diversity. I'd guess it's either because they're afraid that an authentic SSA fantasy setting will be percieved as primitive and racist, or feel they need to stick to fairly conventional settings or the game won't sell. Shame really, there've been a few games with a setting like this but none of them had gameplay which interested me. It really is kind of ironic though, that anyone attempting to depict ACTUAL African history or a fantasy like it in games will probably just be accused of perpetuating racist stereotypes, discouraging people from trying and actually limiting diversity.
The only way they would be is if the dev team is actually african/black and have a genuine interest in representing their own culture.
Since this would be the first group of this kind to ever make a game, it would probably be shit anyways.
Because it's set in Africa and based on African myths? Can you read? Do you understand what OP is saying? Why would there be white people?
I'd play it.
I'd be fine with it, if it looked like a good game I'd buy it. I have absolutely nothing against black people. As long as the game wasn't trying to delivery some BS political message, I'd be all for it.
The problem is that its almost always done out of virtue signaling and political/social pandering, the message is always "See! Black people can be the hero too!" but fails to do anything compelling or interesting in and of itself.
Just look at the difference between CJ from GTA: SA and Heller from Prototype 2. Or that one black dude from that DLC in AC4. One is done right with just being a fun character to play as, the other two are done horribly wrong. They are annoying and sometimes downright preachy.
It could work, shotels, scimitars, camels and looted european/arabian stuff
Tell me the artists' name and nobody gets hurt please, I tried all saucing sites I know of
I'd rather have more Mayan/Inca shit but a game with African mythology could be solid
>They don't give a shit about being wizards
Well of course a nigger would never want to be a wizard. That's pathetic.
don't think I'll be buying it though
Sure, but blacks themselves should make the game.
Or do they expect the wyte boi to make it for them?
Somebody post the comic about the steriotypical black gangster asking for a game so he can be "Like harry potter" and shoot spells like "wazzaa motherfucker!"
It wouldn't bother me but I wouldn't buy it either. I am not obligated to fund products for black people. They can do that themselves.
If we're making a game based on African Mythology I'd go with the story of Makoma. He's basically Megaman and Thor combined, beatin' the shit out of giants and stealing their power. It would be like Shadow of the Colossus if Wander wasn't such a pussy.
>They don't give a shit about being wizards
Werehyenas my man.
I don't care as long as they're attractive
western games always try to make them ugly as possible
I don't get it.
Sorry user found it in a random futa thread on Sup Forums
Would you buy it if it was good?
I can already imagine it the shitposting about it
>that fag that goes full dex to dual shotel and spam poison darts
>that fag crying about camel+javeline being too op and not knowing how to even aim a bow
I know this story because there was a Hellboy comic about it.
So you want Skyrim: hammerfell?
>Not wanting to kill this thing
Why is it always blacks? For all this crying about diversity, the token characters they force sure aren't diverse.
What I want is a Native American game, where you roam the plains fighting rival tribes, summoning spirits, and fending off foreign invaders.
Hell no, because then it would make sense.
He's asking because Sup Forums has a problem with blacks appearing anywhere
>African fantasy RPG
>Diverse and unique weapon designs
>Tiddies errywhere
It'd be solid so long as they really pushed for it to spread. The big issue is whereas a lot of European and Asian folklore eventually got written down regardless of how muddled up it was beforehand via spoken word, Africa never really got into written history very well.
This isn't a racism thing, it's most likely due to a lack of necessity so as a result spoken word legends were and are still very much the predominant way of record. As a result, it's much harder to research an overarching "folklore," you'd have to just hope to find a tribe with a lot of people and study their specific "denomination" as best you can and try it. This is true in some European cases as well, my brother was busting ass researching super old school pagan lore for some RPG but ended up meeting several dead ends due to the fact the real details of it all were still stuck in the world of spoken word and he found nobody who remembered enough to regale him.
Well, a well made fantasy rpg based on African can include those and even more scenarios based on how big Africa and it's culture is.
You can even add egyptians,arabians and ethiopians based civilizations
No I would buy it because it makes sense to put black people in an african setting.
user, but that's an ammit.
>How do you want your dragons senpai
They would buy it because
>We will never get a proper sequel to Prey 2006
There is also the fact most of the West African schools that held nearly every scroll that recorded their works were fucking destroyed.
I'd be interested. It's probably mostly unexplored mythology, if not picked apart and amalgamated into most 'generic fantasy' that we know today; Sort of the same with Polish Fantasy feeling so foreign yet familiar.
>African RPG
>level 1 gear: spears and loin cloths
>level 100 gear: spears and loin cloths
>literally nobody would be daring enough to include a Popobawa in a game
just mix Mali,Egypt, Ethiopia, Berbers and maybe Muslism on it and it would go perfectly
Assassin's creed 3 but good? I'd be down for this
> His dragon isn't an elephant
as a jrpg fan this interested me, but i wish it had just a little more polish on the graphics department.
The issue is no one wants West African lore, they always want either North or East African.
Nigga if I want to play a game about being a nigga in ancient Africa why the fuck would I want be anything other than nigga? If I don't want to play a nigga I don't play a game about a nigga in Africa.
>Africa didn't have anything but spears
user pls
Jesus fuck those niggas are scary
>What if someone made a game that is set in a fantasy setting world that's entirely inspired by the African content and lore.
I'd love that. I get kinda bored of eurocentric fantasy. Not that it's bad, but it's just so fucking overused. I wish therw ould be more fantasy worlds that did the same for other culture what Tolkien and his followers did for European culture.
>African RPG
>level 1 gear: spears and loin cloths
>level 100 gear: stolen supplies, cargo cult as religion
>wearing heavy armor on a desert/jungle
Is like you're asking to get suffocated
>His dragon isn't part giraffe
You are a man of taste and honor and I respect you.