Just saw the trailer to this game. Holy crap, I love the way it looks. Anybody else excited for it?
The Last Night
o-oh... I just saw this...
Oh my, what monsters.
Women should be in the kitchen n stuff.
I'm so mad.
>not agreeing women are cancer
>forced to apologize by his cuck handlers
Just wait two months after its out, he'll probably tell SJWs to go kill themselves. Nobody legitimately goes from "Wow, gaming journalism is shit" to "haha I totally love Zoey now" unless they're being threatened with being fired.
ignoring this crap, what else has he done?
If I recall correctly, frenchie said he believes in egalitarianism, and not feminism.
Which I guess makes you Hitler to SJWs.
I guess he made posts supporting GOOBERGATORS years ago.
Which makes him a double Hitler.
You literally can't be an egalitarian without believing in feminism. You should work on your vocab.
nu-male pixelshit
Everyone's gonna bring up muh politics and GG, but honestly I am interested in this game's story premise since its form of cyberpunk is a lot more likely to happen in some decades than many other cyberpunk settings. But there's no gameplay footage at all; we have no clue how it plays.
Being egalitarian requires being opposed to modern feminism.
I believe the difference lies in the difference between being treated fairly under law, vs enforced equality of outcomes.
>Tim Soret 4
Imagine being such a sad, internet-dwelling piece of shit that you had multiple images detailing the statements of some two bit indie fucktard and his non-game studio because of some arguments about nothing
>no gameplay
It looks cool. Eugenics will end everything. It's all fucked.
This game used to be about pic related. Now all of that has been removed from the website, and you can guarantee the story is being reworked.
If you look up the words in a dictionary, yes, you're 100% correct. However, actions speak louder than words and I can't remember the last time feminists had a rally to have more women working as ice truck drivers, or have less women winning custody of their children in a civil dispute.
>everyone will choose to be white in the future via genetic engineering
I just hope Muslims don't blow everything up before then.
I know you're baiting, but I'll respond as if you're serious because some retards actually say things like this.
Egalitarianism is treating people equally. Feminism is female supremacy, often at the expense of men. That's what it has evolved into and that's what most feminists believe, whether they openly admit that or not.
I fail to see how it could be reworked to that extent.
Its likely close to finished.
It would be like trying to cut Nazis out of Wolfenstein.
>Wrongfully mischaracterize
>Even though his interpretation was correct, it doesn't agree with OUR interpretation, and as a dumb white male he caved to our thoughts
Thank you Strong Independent Womyn who make this possible!
I strongly doubt the guy actually had any kind of change of heart, other than thinking these hambeasts are fucking crazy. Likely got attacked left, right, and center by the whales and their trusty white knight fishermen.
I'm sure Raw Fury can find a clever way to gut the story since it's just about changing dialogue and narrative. All in the name of appeasing people who don't even play video games. Love it. Love this fuckin' world.
I always had the impression that egalitarianism was about allowing people to perform on a level playing field while being agnostic to the results, in contrast to modern progressivism which argues that any difference in performance is evidence of an unfair playing field.
Really like what I saw. What's the release date?
It's a shame that every discussion on this game is going to devolve into political nonsense.
because the game itself is based on politicized nonsense. the premise is fucking asinine, as is every discussion that intersects all viewpoints related to it.
sorry, i was only referring to designing games. it's his first?
I know you're baiting, but I'll respond as if you're serious because some retards actually say things like this.
Egalitarianism is treating people equally. Feminism is woman equally to men. Look it up.
>hyped as fuck for this game because it reminds me of Gemini Rue/Technobabylon with action combat
>MC looks badass and damged, perfect for a cyberpunk setting
>every single thread will be about the gay controversy surrounding this shit
>no one will ever talk about and appreciate what's to come
>premise is fucking asinine
Not really. I'm really interested in a game that provides well thought out commentary on a future where robots do all the work.
I was until I found out the dev was a bad person.
it feels nearly impossible to get away from this crap on this board
The fuck you on about?
> you can't be egalitarian without supporting White Nationalism and the complete extermination of the Jewish concept as an ideal, a race and as a physical genetic code. All history, all records erased. Complete Damnatio Memoriae.
See how silly you sound :^)
The term itself is feminism. FEMINism. Not humanism. Not egalitarianism. There is an intrinsic bias towards women in the term. Feminism is about making women equal to men in all of the beneficial ways.
So now I ask you once again and don't ignore me this time, how come there is an uneven proportion of deaths in the workplace between the genders? How come there are more men working the more difficult jobs? Why are there more men in prison? Why do mothers tend to get custody of their children more than their fathers? What is feminism doing to combat this inequality?
Feminism only cares about the positive perks. It's not the same as egalitarianism.
>the premise is fucking asinine
Objectively false.
Its the most interesting premise with the most interesting implications I have heard in years.
Whether it follows through with them has yet to be seen.
/our guy/?
A few years ago I started a similar project like this. Also the same premise with cyberpunk mixed with pc culture running out of control, censorship not coming from the goverment but encouraged by the people, etc. Should've kept working on it, apparently.
They need to reveal more things for us to be able to discuss anything about the game.
>looks good
It does look good.
I usually hate pixelated graphics, but this one actually looks good. They must have had actual artists instead of indie hipsters.
So how did this guys tweets come up in the first place. Were they digging for shit on people developing this game and if so why?
Yeah well it's also too bad that the ONE indie dev who at some point didn't toe the liberal line and swallow the kool-aid caused this much of a ruckus. We can't criticize shitty games like Gone Home for their politics without being bigots and must accept them but this guy can't have his politics without the entire media and the rest of the indie scene wanting to toss him out. I'd be a lot happier with there being so much fucking San Francisco-tier "progressive" shit in gaming if we could have at least a few games out there that slant the other way....but essentially the entire gaming culture (except for the people who actually play the games as GG showed us) has been co-opted by these fucking obnoxious nutbags and we have to pretend that's OK. They have an ideological monopoly and they WILL shut down a game if it doesn't suit their tastes, they'll even censor japanese games that unintentionally cross lines they find distasteful.
>expecting actual video game discussion from nu- VIDEO GAMES
Eh, if a game has good pixel art is it really 'pixelshit'? I genuinely enjoy a lot of pixel games but there are examples of 'pixelshit', this isn't one.
>if we ignore what words mean and the history behind them we can just say retarded shit and pretend it's accurate
Not entirely. Those tweets at the bottom were actually fabricated by people trying to make him look bad.
That's literally it.
If you realize how shit gaming """journalism""" is, then SJWs will try to get you blacklisted.
>mfw didn't notice this when I saw this live
how did they show this. kids are watching :(
makes other pixelated indie games look like the ugly lazy garbage that they are
Wow, you're really making an effort to fit in :^).
Relax he's flowing like water, playing it safe whilst he's vulnerable. Game looks super fucking cool, it and Blasphemous and Ruiner were my best of E3.
Equality vs equity. Modern feminist ideology desires that everyone under their banner should be given easier routes to success.
why cant all pixel shit look as good as this
>If you don't think "manspreading" is the most significant civil rights issue of the 21st century you want ban women from voting
Fuck off you baiting cunt.
>During GG
"Oh WOW you found out examples of yet another journalist obviously being corrupt or doing something illegal or fucking kids from tweets a few years ago....fucking LOSERS don't you have something better to do? So much for ethics!"
>after GG
"So I found out this shitlord has political opinions I don't like through tweets or straight-up doxxing......this piece of shit nazi needs to burn. I'm so tolerant!"
>Nobody legitimately goes from "Wow, gaming journalism is shit" to "haha I totally love Zoey now" unless they're being threatened with being fired.
Didn't the guy who developed LISA do just that? I don't think he was even working for anyone.
>Still no release date
Didn't he go trough some kind of big personal issue before doing a 180?
Also the original description of the game still had the basic income thing in it so I doubt that a lot of things were changed if that is still in.
Nice bait dude. You completely ignored everything I said after the first sentence. Dumb nigger SJW.
His father died. It apparently made him reconsider some stuff. I still like dingaling. I'll have to see what he's working on next.
There's no fucking gameplay shown so there's only two things to discuss about the game
>The beautiful art style
>The retarded story and premise
So naturally all discussion around the game is going to devolve into bucket 2.
I guess it's an adventure game? It's hard to really tell what it is.
>The retarded story and premise
Both are kino
What could you possibly consider retarded about either, given what we know?
have you purged your dev team yet?
What's retarded about the story and premise? Can't be more retarded than Bioshock's, or literally any fictional story.
If you're going by the dictionary definition of feminism then you're right. By that definition, the majority of Sup Forums and even a good portion of Sup Forums would be "feminists". But if you're applying that to the modern feminist movement than you couldn't be more wrong, as we all know that isn't what modern feminism is about.
Applying the dictionary definition of "feminism" to third wave feminists is like applying the dictionary definition of "democratic" to the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea.
Left wing ideology could never lead to a dystopia, it's a stupid concept.
Yes but why now? Are they just trawling through random dev twitters now? Or did something grab their attention like the universal oncome being bad shit?
Looks like it's going to be a sidescrolling platformer with various elements beyond run and gun.
Did he go "haha I totally love Zoey now"?
I follow him on twitter and most of what he was saying just made it seem like he was just against Trump and the alt-right.
Reminds me of pic related.
Is it french?
When will pixel meme end?
watch him say it's because it's not real cyberpunk for disingenuous reasons
it's an SJW meme
I think the premise is pretty cool.
Also wasn't there a gif around showing how the conversation is changed by you using the gun?
Like a receptionist not allowing you to go meet someone and when you point the gun at her she shits herself and lets you in.
Try being a tad more subtle with your bait next time.
Depth of field effects on "pixel art"
What hell hath we wrought?
This game used to look like shit, must have taken a lot of work.
That last gun looks like shit. What's with that backwards brick of a grip?
I think the developer is.
looks like the gamejam flash version senpai.
Of course it took a long time to not look like shit. That's what progress means.
Game was shown on E3. Drama gets click bait. Click bait leads to money.
Pretty basic stuff. They just want an excuse to have a next drama in the industry for the sake of click bait.
Well no shit. That build is from 2014.
Isn't that the gamejam project that was done in 3 days by him and his brother?
That's literally just a P90.
Yes, I'm sure the dev loves getting harassed by rabid cunts just for drama's sake.
This looks like another one of those games that started out as just pretty wallpaper art, and then somebody down the line said it should be made into a game for the sake of it.
Seems like all it'll have going for it is looking pretty rather than having any interesting/fleshed out gameplay. Kinda like how Owlboy ended up being.
The art direction doesn't even look that great. I'm surprised Sup Forums's interested in this.
I think he is talking about the grip going the opposite way, it looks painful to hold.
Well no wonder it looks like it.
Nice first post derail Sup Forumstard
Yeah, of all the indie shit shown at E3 this is the only one that caught my eye and made me go "Hey, that looks pretty rad."
Too bad discussing it online will forever be out of the question.
These are very bitter people who hold grudges. They have transgressions of indie devs catalogued to try and tear them down in case their games get anywhere like a Microsoft press conference.
The pixel art looks beautiful, not "faux sub-NES retro pixelshit".
I can't speak for the game play, but I hope it lives up to the visuals.
I think it looks very pretty, the concept for the world is interesting and not just mega corps rule the world now with private armies and stuff, and honestly if it's just a more fancy point and click adventure game with some good dialogue thrown in there I'll be satisfied.
I was a fan of "Space Quest" series, so maybe I'm biased, but this might be my buy for the year.
I'm pretty sure Tim Soret is french. I listened to his apology and he had a pretty heavy accent. I think it was french but then again I'm just a stupid American so who knows.
man i never got anywhere in that game back when i was five
i wonder how it emulates
No, its like someone who knows nothing about guns looked at a p90, said that's cool, and made something to resemble it but completely fucked it up.
Look at how you would grasp the p90, it's natural and comfortable. Look at the other gun, there's no way to reasonably hold it that won't make you shut your pants in rage. And that stick thing going down is completely unnecessary and takes up space. Its not even part of the grip, mag, or stock.