They cant keep getting away with this

They cant keep getting away with this

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Get used to it. Your hobby has been infiltrated and subverted.

there's already a thread on this you cock gobbler






What's up with companies being lazy as fuck and adding females just for the hell of it.

Females were present in WW2, mainly snipers for soviets (though rare, still believable if they had one).

Females for US Airborne though? That's fucking lazy, that's the definition of not doing research and just adding shit to be PC. Females for the West played a role back home, and adding them as soldiers would defeat that role they played at home. In fact, a large amount of the women's rights movement was due to so many men leaving for WW1 and WW2.

It fucking bothers me when games based on history are changed for SJWs, ESPECIALLY WW1 and WW2.


How did I know that this thread would be littered with this meme?


Sup Forums please recommend me a new hobby


This is what they wanted. Let them eat themselves


there's nothing wrong with giving the player extra choices in video games
it's call of duty not the history channel

>all white dudes only want to play as white dudes
Stop speaking for all white guys, you autist.

retarded choices are still retarded choices. And they aren't portraying it as an "alternate reality" shit. The fucking veterans are still alive, at least wait for them to die before subverting their history.

>Let them eat themselves

>The fucking veterans are still alive
Yet I see zero complaints from them about the game. The only ones bitching about it are white male millennial civies.

If you want to play as a black woman for anything other than a meme you need to kill yourself as soon as possible, retard

I fucking hate this. when will it stop? I fucking hate this shit.

As soon as George stops spending billions to fund these shenanigans

He's probably keeping a few devs afloat through all of this


What's wrong with playing for a meme?

Was it Jews?

If you gonna have female soldiers at least make it accurate and only put them in the Red Army
Fucking hell

It's universities, colleges, "scientists". It has already taken it's roots

>Every gun has supressor.
>Only airborne SMG class.

Is it wrong to be aroused by the idea of some half-German African lady talking about racial purity and demanding you give your life for the Vaterland?

>a game where one person can easily take down hundreds in a war and this isn't considered noteable or extreme by other characters in the game
>a game where getting hit face first by a grenade, shot at dozens of times won't kill you if you just take a quick breather
>a game where the actual events and stories it's based on have creative liberties used in order to allow the above two points to happen
>but being able to play as a black character or a woman is going too far and ruining the realism of the game

Funny that the Sup Forumstards that laugh at those that are easily offended by dumb shit get so triggered by something so minor in a videogame.

>not wanting to play a weird war game with neon-haired tumblr drag-queens mowing down nazi on dinosaurs

Sorry, I thought this was the vidya board and not stormfront

Did you not see Naruto when Madara eleiminated 3000 shinobis with a single attack?

I saw a multiplayer match and it was basically U.S. and German soldiers on two teams.

However. Both U.S. and German soldiers were on both teams. You gonna have a bunch of matches with German waifus and U.S army men Vs. German soldiers with sassy black womans. Apparently customization is skys the limit this time.

>black lady is representing the fucking american airborne
>the single most manly and gruesome group of people on the american side of the war
>their signature song includes a guy dying during training and having his entrails splattered over the ground (ain't gonna jump no more)

What the actual fuck are these people thinking

Many years ago people advocated for gay rights. Now thay are advocating for pedos right.
Just saying.
Also, devs promoted this game as most authentic WW2 game ever.

might as well just remove all the guns and make them use super soakers, and instead of it being WW2 let's set it in someone's backyard

Oooga boooga where da wehrmacht at

Hitler with a RPG and a french tank. what the fuck is that shit?

Reminder there were 2 divisions of WEWUZ that actually did see combat throughout the war.

That's called a slippery slope fallacy friendo.

Then why not bitch about the player character being able to carry more ammo and weapons than a realistic person can. Why not bitch about the regenerating health. Why not bitch about the one guy mowing down thousands that never happened in ww2. Your agendaposting is really obvious and you're just latching onto any excuse that lets you whine about seeing black people and women in your videogames.

>trying to compare game being made easier so that casuals can experience the story without having to worry about if their character has drank enough water or if the character needs to take a nap, to absolutely lazy research and game design just for the sake of DIVERSITY because that's what's trendy for idiots like you


oh, wait until black women groups get ahold of the fact that they are being portrayed as nazis. they are going to fucking love that.

2 or 3 years from now the whole industry is going to be looking back making that gesture where you put your thumb and forefinger over the side of your eyes and groan

The developers have admitted that it is historically inaccurate and just to pander to people.

I don't give a fuck in that case. I only care if they pull a dice and try to re-write history

>Nah guys 1/4 of the Germany Army in WW1 was white guys auxillaries existed so reeeeeeeeee!

That shit doesn't fly with me.

Letting you play as what you want and openly admitting it is not accurate is fine if you ask me.

>two out of a total 134 divisions


My agenda? LMAO, it's not me who is pushing blacks where they do not belong for diversity sake. It's the definiton of racism.

pls respond

it's fine with you because nothing matters to you and you have no perspective on anything

putting women on the ground in a combat uniform is an insult to the literal tens of millions of men who died face down in the fucking mud

>wait until black women groups get ahold of the fact that they are being portrayed as nazis

It'll be fine.

Segregation was alive & well.
The rest of them were cooks, logistics, cleanup bullshit.
Oh, and all those bomb blimps you see on the Normandy beaches were put up by them.

So technically they WUZ.

Well it's multiplayer. No one should give a shit about historical accuracy in an arcade arena shooter.

>imagine this song being played as a 5 foot 2 black womyn with an afro jumps out of a plane while sassing her CO

>Then why not bitch about the player character being able to carry more ammo and weapons than a realistic person can. Why not bitch about the regenerating health.
People constantly bitch about those things, but what this things have to do with rewriting of history?

is that a black women?

Making a fucking videogame out of realworld tragedy is an insult to the literal tens of millions you dumb fag but you had no problem with that

And you're the same fags who always chortle about "muh six gorillion" so don't pretend you respect shit

How many were female airborn?


Games like arma have shown that it's possible to do a more realistic military shooter without going overboard with micromanaging stats. Again, there's facets of the game in regards to gameplay that are unrealistic that should be more pressing than multiplayer customisation options. I don't remember ww2 having arena shootouts where every soldier out in the field had neon coloured clothes and other customised accessories.

See above. The MP aspect isn't going to be accurate by nature of the gameplay setting as well as all the other multitude customisation options available to players.


No no no, you don't understand.

This is like making a movie about Anne Frank, but instead of her being dutch they decide to cast a six foot four chinese man, and then saying how they're making the most authentic biopic of Anne Frank to date.

You get to shot NIGGERS user.. NIGGERS!

How can't you be happy about it?
People of COLOUR will pick them to fight the WHITEY

But you white ass can demolish them negroes.

I actually thought Red Tails was alright.

>The MP aspect isn't going to be accurate by nature of the gameplay setting as well as all the other multitude customisation options available to players.
We are not talking about gameplay.
Multiplayer is set in WW2 setting and game i promoted as accurate representation of WW2. What exactly are you trying to prove here?

>then saying how they're making the most authentic biopic

That's literally the opposite of what they're doing.

The holocaust never happened so why would I respect that in the first place?

Videogames aren't real so why are you mad?

Arma cannot compare to any of the games we've been discussing because it's a military simulator that's often used by the US military as a training aid.

It's pointless options being added to a game calling itself authentic and real for the sake of "diversity". I would be fine with it if they came out and designed the multiplayer death matches to be reenactments or directly stated that it isn't trying to represent any historical battle, like the ardennes or the battle of the bulge, or D-Day.

>You can make a black female character in the multiplayer
>Can't have her wear the nazis uniform

I wanted to be a strong independent black nazis who need no man.

They're too afraid to put the swastikas in the multiplayer.

This game will bomb. They're alienating what's left of the core audience and they're not going to draw in new players with a dull ww2 game on the same outdated engine.

Don't worry he will ignore that just like sledgehammer.

>see this
>suddenly remember i can be a qt aryan stronk german SS woman fighting for her homeland against the burger invaders

I'm fine with this as long as it doesn't seep into the campaign.

You're right, my mistake.

When polygon makes an article like this praising it, I think I realize exactly what they're doing.

>why are you upset about us taking a gigantic shit on history but still call it historically accurate?

If they're going to break it they should at least be fair-handed about it.

>Making a fucking videogame out of realworld tragedy is an insult to the literal tens of millions

no, it isn't. it allows you to gain perspective on the events. when VR is developed, this will be a traumatic and life changing experience. these video games have been until now a relatively realistic attempt to show a slice of what happened. putting nigger nazis insults reality. why not unicorns too? why not elf nazis?

>randomly bringing some Sup Forums shit into your post

Will there Japanese waifus loyal to the emperor in this?

That by virtue of other customisation options like clothing colours, modifiers, guns that certain countries didn't use, etc, the setting is already unrealistic. Changing the appearance of your character's physical features is on the same level as that.

>include strong induhpendant black womynx because they want to make their "players" happy
>won't include swastikas

really makes you think

Post the video

Wait you can use other countries guns?
This is fucking bullshit. Who the fuck greenlit this game?

The white teens who play cod see through the SJW shit and have been rabidly turned against it in the last 3 years. Even if it can be rationalized by just giving the players more variety it will not go over well. Just check the youtube comments on the gameplay videos.

Hi George

Not that dude, but this is what pisses me off they talked about how this was going to be the most realistic ww2 game ever and tackle racism... but instead of having shit segregated and realistic they seem to have just made a mush. Now maybe the campaign will be super realistic but I fucking doubt they won't use the we wuz nazis and female soldiers everywhere. Like yeah there were black german soldiers but it won't be realistic at all how they handle it, you could have a white unit get saved by the all black tank crew but I guarantee we will get some dumb bullshit with a mixed race squad and stuff while pushing it as being super realistic and we will go to a death camp at a sight that wasn't a death camp.

Also anyone got the anita at sledgehammer games tweet?

They won't include any sort of nazi imagery into the game.

>60 year old coworker talking about comments on a news video he watched
>"They were calling them didn't do's, because they said they didn't do anything wrong" in a sort of hushed tone

Memes are one thing but you people need to stop corrupting the elderly

Don't forget his soviet styled officer's hat (with an eagle pin) and telnyashka.

>it allows you to gain perspective on the events

No, it doesn't.
You're not playing these games to gain some newfound perspective, you're playing these games to get a sweet K/D ratio, bitch endlessly about game balance, call your teammates dumb niggers because they aren't playing the way you want them to, and breaking your keyboard in half when the server hiccups and you die in a way that you dislike.

It's an inherently disrespectful activity, and pretending to be offended over a character in a videogame while hiding behind pretend respect is even worse.

isn't that the same comic that had hitler dressed up as a Fallschirmjäger on some sort of battleship?

They removed all nazis images from the multiplayer.

THey're only in the singleplayer where you fight nazis.

>trying to play some sort of devil's advocate by projecting his own faults and mistakes


this is exactly why I have no interest in this game or any AAA game

Cry more you retarded faggots

>Implying a single vet from ww2 gives a shit about video games



>putting women on the ground in a combat uniform is an insult to the literal tens of millions of men who died face down in the fucking mud

The game's existence is just that. Every day you let lefties spout their bullshit is just that. Every day you remain a NEET and don't start a family and enjoy your freedom is just that.