Games will be running at 1080p@60fps or REAL 4k@30fps

>games will be running at 1080p@60fps or REAL 4k@30fps
>Consumer friendly
>crossplatform with nintendo and pc players
>backwards compatibility
>GPU is on par with the GTX 1070
>only $500
Why aren't you buying one Sup Forums?

But I already preordered user

It looks like a good piece of hardware, but I already bought an Xbox One and got burned by nogaems.

I wasn't impressed by any of the games they showed at E3.

If I could run Windows on it I would get it.

>on par with GTX 1070
neck yourself

Because I already beat Halo

>OC'd RX480
>laptop cpu

Yeah, nah. I'll pass

>not wanting a proper dbz fighting game
>not wanting to fly around in bioware's destiny ripoff
Do you not like fun user?

Digital foundry confirmed it, sorry pc cuck.

This. Don't forget


Because only Xbox exclusives will be 1080/60 or 4K/30. Xbox exclusives are shit.

>consumer friendly
>GPU on par with a 1070 GTX
>real 4k

If Microsoft was seriously consumer friendly they wouldn't charge for online and ditch the shitty low-power laptop CPU than holds back the rest of the platform.

>gpu is half a teraflop weaker than 1070

Already got the xbox one

Can't wait for



Sea of Thieves

State of Decay 2

Because I already have a PC that can match it.

Barely match it, if the performance is legit, which it almost certainly isn't, but still; the same performance and the same games since basically everything on the bone is going to be on PC as well.


Theres no reaction image for how big the bait is

Don't really mind the graphics if it runs at 30 I'm ok with that

Also got a PC that can play games on ok settings

PS4 is outselling PS4 Pro 4-1
PS4 is outselling Xbox 2-1
Nobody wants an xbox, nobody give a fuck about PS4 pro's performance. Why would anyone buy a more expensive xbox?

>On par with 1070
people dont actually believe this do they?

DBZ will be on PC and Anthem looks bad.

>tied to UWP, another in microsoft's endless line of anticompetitive hijacking attempts

That's about all I need right there.

It is better than 1060 but it won't run anything in 60fps because developers prefer to expand to 4K instead of give 1080p/1440p60fps option

but muh digital foundry, muh favorite youtube channel that sucks microsofts cock says so!

>>GPU is on par with the GTX 1070

Microsoft is marketing the Xbox X as a real 4K device and basically a next gen console. Xbox x is really going to sell like hotcakes

You guys think console devs will give X1X users the choice to go from 1080p->1440p->4K?

>On par with a GTX 1070
Do xbox dude bros really believe this? Is this how far they go to convince themselves that the console they're mom got them for their birthday isnt shite?

>consumer friendly
Actually Microsoft is like a bountiful god compared to Sony and Nintendo these days. Getting laughed off stage in 2013 really forced them to change. The PS4 and Switch don't have proper backwards compatibility like the Xbone because they don't care about the consumer.

>Forza Horizon 3 will be dynamic 4K in 30fps


The thing is on pc you can just go 1080p ultra and watch the framerate skyrocket

On one x ur stuck at medium 30fps thanks to 4k meme

>Getting laughed off stage in 2013 really forced them to change
they haven't changed. They only got rid of Kinect and always on. They haven't improved in anything.

1440p seems doubtful. The vast majority of people are hooking consoles up to TVs, not monitors, so 1440p makes no sense.

Between 1080p/60 and 4k/30 I'd guess that the game dev gets to choose, not the person playing.

Microsoft already confirmed their definition of "true 4K" includes checkerboxing, upscaling and dynamic resolutions.

It has no games though

+ parents will get confused and buy a S instead of an X, similar to wii and wii u

>Why aren't you buying one?

>be them
>work in game shop
>sells used consoles
>get xbox ones in 4:1 against ps4s
>have to reset them
>sometimes have to test xbox one game disks
>which means taking a formatted xbox one out of storage and turning it on
>you need an account to use an xbox one
>have to spend 10 minutes to input information to get xbox one to get to home screen
>cannot skip this process
doing this dozens of times has made me hate the xbox one to an unfathomable magnitude to mere plebs.

hi desperate marketers. i honestly hope you get paid per post because we all need money. how many of you were recruited during E3?

Can you list the bad things they need to work on then???

What would they have to do to better improve in something?

>Why aren't you buying one Sup Forums?
because i like video games

>Playing Halo only for the campaign

What the fuck dude. You're supposed to do everything. Campaign, forge, multiplayer, customs. You're literally playing Halo wrong.

So you hate the Xbox because of your job right?

>They haven't improved in anything
You obviously haven't been paying attention.

I hate Xbox because of the setup process and necessary internet connection.

>Microsoft is marketing the Xbox X as a real 4K device
Except people are upgrading to 4K TV's en masse yet because there's barely any 4K content available. It means fuck all of there's no games, and there aren't.

if you can guarantee that it can
1. Play 4k 60fps
2. Play 95% of all games at 60fps or higher on high settings consistently

I'll buy it.

Do you have wifi at home?

Oh yeah cause everyone and their mom is buying up 4k tv and 4k content right?

>destiny lock 30fps
>ass Creed no 4k
>people still think I can go 4k or 60fps when these AAA titles can't


>games will be running at 1080p@60fps or REAL 4k@30fps
kek can't wait for this shit to overheat quick and for performance to fluctuate like crazy thanks to that shitty cpu
>GPU is on par with the GTX 1070
maimum kek I'll believe when I see it

Your amazing argument is going to be, "Then I don't get what your issue is."

If you don't understand the importance of increasing your liberties and reducing restrictions, then you are the perfect audience for microsoft.

I already played Minecraft

b-but muh forza at 60fps

>Why aren't you buying one Sup Forums?
Because I already have a PC

Consoles are what drive adoption. PS3 came out in 2006 with a Blu-ray player when almost no one had an HDTV. By 2009 when they released the PS3 Slim only half of households had adopted HDTV. Now nobody doesn't have an HDTV.

Xbox One X needs to have 4k before consumers will buy 4k TVs not the other way around.

>games will be running at 1080p@60fps
This isn't an achievement.
>or REAL 4k@30fps
Either upscaled/checkered or 30fps* with wild fluctuations
>Why aren't you buying one Sup Forums?
No reason to buy a locked down PC where I'm forced to use a controller and pay for online.

I already have a more powerful PC and there are no true exclusives on it. It's a completely redundant device for most people on here.

> they added refunds similar to steam
> OG Xbox & Xbox 360 BC
> improved UI
> cross play with PC and Switch
> better games with gold


I already have a great PC and 99% of the games ill play are on PC OP.

Consoles are what drive adoption. PS3 came out in 2006 with a Blu-ray player when almost no one had an HDTV. By 2009 when they released the PS3 Slim only half of households had adopted HDTV. Now nobody doesn't have an HDTV.

Xbox One X needs to have 4k before consumers will buy 4k TVs not the other way around.

Still no games to run


I probably won't pick it up but in all seriousness 1080p/4k should be a toggle for all games

The focus should be 1080p with 60fps

Anyone who doesn't have a current gen and just wants multiplats then would get the most out of it.

>reducing your liberties
Ok user can you please explain yourself cause I don't get what you mean by "reducing your liberties"

>reducing restricitons
As far as reducing restrictions I get where you are coming from I should be able to play my xbox offline all the time even if don't have wifi at home. Although I do see it as an issue it's still not enough of an issue for me to hate it.

And yet Xbox one x still is 1080@60 or 40k@30 along with h checkerboard upscaling and dynamic resolution......

So no exclusive games but you get a 4k bluray player

>OG Xbox & Xbox 360 BC

The library of OG Xbox games available will be tiny.

Currently, they only allow about 300 titles of the 360's 1200-odd game library.

You mean pc games? Coz xbone has no games

So is this a next gen system like Xbox to 360 or is this an improved in gen console kinda like the 3DS and New 3DS?

the console is nothing. games are a certain resolution or whatever. has nothing to do with the console

To play pc games on this limited steam machine!

Going for a powerhouse with no games didn't exactly work with the OG Xbox so I'm not sure what Microsoft are thinking exactly.

I have a question.

If I only have a 1080p Monitor, what do these machines usually do in this scenario?

I-it's only 300 guys they're not adding more

Very comparable to new 3ds. Should be buttery smooth gameplay experience.

Is this console fucking magic or something? How can it achieve 4k/60 on all games when its specs are vastly inferior to the type of PC required for this level of performance. I understand developers can optimise for consoles better. but it doesn't seem realistic to me.

Seems like, as is always the case, some fairly substantial compromises will need to be made to achieve the 4k goal on most games, which is pretty poor for a premium product released towards the end of the console cycle.

This is what's holding me back from upgrading to a xbone one x. What's the point if most games aren't even going to be 4k or go above 30fps

the only reason to have a console is exclusives and xbox only has shit ones?

like $500 can go to a pc man

>the game dev gets to choose, not the person playing
Yeah I was thinking about this and it had me pretty butthurt, 10/10 times I would choose framerate over 4k

Might super sample to 4k, depending on the developer, you will see crisper edges with super sampling.

I think you should always be able to choose between the two though.

Is there a reason to buy xbone instead of full-value pc?
Seriously now Sony only have pc as a rival

Laptop editions of video cards have achieved near equal performance levels to their desktop counterparts for just over a year now.

>How can it achieve 4k/60 on all games when its specs are vastly inferior to the type of PC required for this level of performance.
It can't.

Because there are no games that take full advantage of the 4k. I mean, thats the only benefit the system has going for it. It is basically just an xbox one.5. Not only that, but all of their "exclusives" will also be on windows 10. Why should I shell out 500$ just so I can play games that I already could before?

Except people won't buy XOX because people already aren't buying XO's. It's not the performance that's the issue.

Console peasants believe it then meme terraflops as if it means shit. The vicious cuck cycle continues.

That's the thing it can't

>Because there are no games that take full advantage of the 4k.
Sure there are. Some games already can't manage 4k on the box because it's not good enough. The issue is that the games that do take advantage of all that 'power' can also take advantage of the power available on a decent PC, where they will look their best.

They don't do it because it would cut back on profits and it's not like they fucked themselves in the ass with drm like faggot retarded Microsoft stop acting like a business gives a fuck about you

>Microsoft allowed 300 backwards compatible titles in two years
>Sony allowed 0
Really makes ya think eh lad?

Fine, I should have said "A console needs to have 4k before consumers will buy 4k TVs". Not necessarily Xbox One X, but some console will be the thing that drives 4k TV adoption. Same as PS3 was for HDTVs.

>REAL 4k@30fps

Kek, its checkerboarding. And remember when you shills said it would do native 4k 60? lmfao.

>GPU on par with the GTX 1070
Pic related

I forget where I am in the title halways through and just end up saying it twice accidentally end up saying it twice accidentally.

>Xbox One Xbox One Xbox One X

Already beat the Mass Effect trilogy. Don't know what else I could ask for, spec ops the line maybe? Never played it.

Haven't played lost odyssey either.

I'm gonna go full idort and buy one because I wanna play Halo and Forza

Because I already own a Xbox one s and most of the "exclusives" they showed on e3 is also coming to pc

So why bother?

>games will be running at 1080p @60fps


Because you can have had supported one of the largest multinational companies on earth senpai

The will just keep adding X's

Xbox One XX
Xbox One XXX

Xbox One XL extra T I C C

>>crossplatform with nintendo and pc players

Won't even be fun for the non PC players.