Bonus Episode: 'Farewell' - Play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode

>Bonus Episode: 'Farewell' - Play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode.
Look at this shit!

square is locking down a crucial moment in the story behind a deluxe edition pay wall, fucking Bullshit!

>deluxe edition for a fucking episodic game
I don't even get the point of giving you extra costumes for a game like this but whatever, I just fucking know square is behind all this shit.

ISnt that a great one


Ok i need to know, do people unironically like this or is this a big tumblr-reddit meme?

I unironically liked it but that's not what this is about, it's about square being Jews again like deus ex MD and hitman.

Believe it or not "movie games" were kinda big in the 90s on PC, with titles like Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis, Day of the tentacle, Discworld they were called graphic adventures back then. The meme is to hate them all without playing them.

I don't have a console so the genre feels fresh for me.

>mixtape mode
what is this

>asking if you like the title
>talk about 90s point and click
>Game is not even point and click
>"The meme is to hate them without playing them"

>Episodic again
>No full physical release at launch

gonna wait

You fit in, congrats.

I think you need to learn how get your point across better with greentext

>he buys episodic interactive movie games instead of watching them on youtube with annotations to decide each option

I enjoyed it but I can understand why people hate it. The characters and dialogue are often taken to the far end the spectrum but I found them endearing even though the occasional "amazeballs" did make me cringe.

His point was that yes, people unironically like this game and games like it, and that's not even a new thing.

Also, you shouldn't be surprised about Square Jewing with the game. The whole thing is a shitty cash-grab. Dontnod is making a proper sequel, and Square decided to contract a shovelware dev to shit out a fan-service prequel in the meantime. It doesn't even have Chloe's voice-actors. I would not expect quality in writing, world design, or music.

Sup Forums likes LiS because the game is filled to the brim with vulnerable waifus waiting for decent man (of which there's not one of in the game ) to save them

the game reveals in it's indie hipster art direction,So if you hate Juno, Foster the People and the Decemberist this game will be a massive turn off, it is however far more interactable than any point and click and telltale game and there's a lot of neat things you can do with the game main rewind time mechanic.

>life is strange

who cares?

>Exclusive new mix tape mode - design your own playlist from the life is strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
aka pointless bullshit and waste of fucking resources to justify the creation of a goddamn deluxe edition.

apparently you can get all episodes from day one, defeating the fucking purpose of episodic structure for this game, not sure if it's season pass or deluxe edition, this means the whole game is already done and they are taking fucking content out of the game and selling it as a bonus episode just for extra money.

chloe's og va isn't in the game because she's on strike and wants more money

why would buy this shit on day 1? just get the "complete season" thing for 5-10 bucks or play it on youtube.

Just watch the bonus episode on youtube for free??

>crucial moment in the story
Pick one

that's not the point, I can do that for any game.

Good thing I don't play men hating sjw games in that case

>Max was the only character I liked
>I wasn't big on a sequel with her, but I would have taken it
>Instead get Chloe

>apparently you can get all episodes from day one
gonna need some sauce on that pal

If it isn't about how young chloe and max experimented lewd things with each other it isn't crucial.

>The whole thing is a shitty cash-grab.
This. Since the true sequel has new characters they want to secure easy money if it flops.

I like punk rock characters, but Chloe was poorly executed, I totally do prefer qt max over her.

Yeah, but it's just another way in which it will be a shitty game which is both a cash-in that exists only to pander to people obsessed with the characters, while also not having any of the things that made the original appealing to begin with.
