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Y tho? He just got out of his sabbatical
I was watching his on the spot thing and he was just bashing on griffin and being depressed as fuck
What happened?
you know she cucks him for niggers too
he knows his daughter's growing up to be a massive slut
Which is weird, the recent PUBG vid he was happy as a man can be
A sad truth that no one wants but we all have to accept
did something happen to jean reno?
His country got a new set of Muslims
Is this actually legit. There has been proof that she cucks him
The one I was talking about is #97
Lets be real, any white woman would cuck any white male for BBC.
It's so fucking shit that there's a handful of funny people in RT but they're surrounded by the most bluepilled cuck degenerates you could find
That newish podcast Always Open is just female degeneracy and bait for the thirsty beta virgins that is their audience, and it only gets worse when they get the token black on.
So ashamed of herself that she has a weave and deludes herself into believing it's her ''real'' hair but then turns around and claims to be proud she's black, like come on as if bitch.
50% of all their podcasts consist of ''rich white people problems: the episode" and they base their entire companies comedy off how stupid, ignorant and uneducated they are, then turn around with their hot opinions as if there's some sort of gospel truth to that shit.
The worst part is their audience is massive, and all it does is draw in more and more kids for the funny lets players and introduce them to the faggot political ideology because their favourite lets player said "hur i don't like de donul drumpfman"
I think the biggest mascot of the companies failings is Jack: A fat, white guilt liberal neckbeard who can't help but cram his political faggotry into everything and anything, with no skill or mastery of his work.
>is there proof
Take one look at Griffin and you'll see it my way.
kys yourself my man
saying the way she looks doesn't prove if shes cucking him (she looks like an edgy high school girl)
He doesn't look happy anymore
Any user kind enough to give me the quick rundown on this man? All I know is that he's a RTfag and people joke that he's cucked
Destroyed from within
>find a group of people with great charisma
>people like watching them play games together
>promote certain members of the team to managerial positions so they have less time to play games
>sell out to a bigger studio so they now have to spend their time flying round the country for bullshit reasons
>play Minecraft every week because it's a guaranteed half-million views even though you ran out of ideas years ago and it cost you the one person in the office who was actually good at games
>bring in loads of hideously unfunny nerds, over-compensating manlets and rich, well-connected diversity hires and make sure to include at least one in every video
Also, fuck Jack.
I was being a bit hyperbolic, but just her general attitude and the outlook on life she's put forth over the years, she doesn't seem to really love or even like Geoff based on their visible chemistry and I understand that they're not gonna be huggy kissy at work or whatever but it's still something you can normally tell that just isn't there for them.
Combine that apparent disinterest with the knowledge they have a kid together and would probably keep a shit marriage going to raise their kid makes sense.
Add on that she's a big radical feminist type, I don't particularly see her having high morals and thus combined with the sexual degeneracy she espouses openly and the aforementioned factors I surmise she fucks nigger cock on the side and probably doesn't even pretend like she doesn't.
There was an episode of trivial pursuit and one of the topics in the game was "Republicans vs Democrats" which obviously means questions about the two and I swear to god Jack didn't know shit all about it. He thought the elephant represented the Democrats..
Yeah, I was thinking of that among other things when I said their comedy comes from their own ignorance and stupidity.
Sure it's funny, and each of them has demonstrated they're skilled at a thing they've trained to do (Gavin with slow motion film & editing for example) but that doesn't make them intelligent.
Wow, what an ungrateful kid. The dude's wife is literally touring doing her art crap 70% of time and he basically has to raise the kid by himself too
Imagine an early teenage girl saying that to her dad in the 50s or some shit
That's fucking 10 belts and grounded with no telephone if I ever saw it.
The JUST hole goes deeper
Someone explain to me in quick notes what happened. Thanks.
Ryan, Ray, and Joel are the only brotier guys there
I wouldn't say the endless Minecraft episodes caused Ray to quit, I'd say it was the top brass fucking him over in regards to his twitch streaming that sealed the deal.
You forgot about Punished Geoff. Look at his smile
Fuck him.
It's gone
>the recent PUBG vid
Is that the one where, not even 3 minutes in, Geoff refers to the "white zone" as the "honky zone?" That nigger loving race traitor cunt deserves the rope.
I think Jeremy was a good add on for AH but RT as a whole is going downhill fast
Christ, Geoff is an idiot sometimes, but sabotaging this kid is definitely on Griffin.
because as he puts it, He married every girl who ever kissed him, and this is his second marriage.
Some of the weeb grunts in the Animation crew are pretty cool; Like Gray and Yssa. Most of RT's LP and free podcast groups are just faggots though.
>it's a Michael yells at Gavin episode
Where the fuck is Joel?
I haven't seen anything with him in YEARS
He cashed out on his stash of gold and moved to Cancun
There are even more parts
soooo....how long until he finally offs himself?
Michael and Lindsay named him the godparent to their newborn child, he's probably not going to off himself anytime soon
If you watch this jewtube cancer you should fucking kill yourself.
Why Geoff? I figured Ryan or Gavin would be a better choice.
probably to keep him from killing himself
True. Look at that man on the top. So proud. And the bottom? Disappointment.
Ryan, sure, but Michael has said that despite Gavin "being his boi" that he would be a horrible parent and couldn't be trusted to care for a child.
I guess. It just seems strange to make Geoff and not Ryan the godparent, as far as i know Ryan's got his shit together while Geoff look's like he's about to go off the deep end. Not to mention the way his daughter turn out.
Ryan's got two kids of his own, plus I can see another reason to make Geoff godfather in gratitude for even making this happen.
Pretty much. Ryan is based but he's just a friendly colleague. Geoff always acted as a sort of mentor for Michael.
Fuck off faggot
Come back to the podcast geoff and stop being a little bitch
He'd have to get his balls back and it's pretty clear Griffon carries them around in her purse.
he did already you idiots are fucking stupid
Millie's nanny/caretaker chelsea harfoush is an arab sjw sloot who is leeching rooster teeth fame and acts like she is into vidya but girl NEVER played vidya before, shes a poser
age is a motherfucker
Remember how she explicitly said she quit rt cause Burnie wanted a cut of what she made
burnie being a generic boss is not just a meme apparently
This ugly cunt triggers me as hard as that one bitch that Will Weaton whiteknighted. They even look similar. I'm glad she's gone from RT. Now if they'd only fire Mica.
You're telling me that this is raising her?
RIP Geoffrey on his parenting skills
yep she tweets all the time namedropping millie or other RT people. goes on vacations with the whole family
>Geoff is suffering
this is unfair. Geoff is literally the only cool person at RT. RT used to be fun and I used to listen to their podcast while at work when I was doing landscaping for a living. It all went downhill once they started expanding rapidly.
Joel spends most of his time on twitter, talking about the economy, retweeting other economy posts and liking Molyneux tweets
>Geoff is literally the only cool person at RT
Literally who?
This is some e celeb bullshit isn't it?
I live in Austin. Who the hell is this guy and where does he work. I might drive by his place and get him some beers.
I think he quit drinking
Stage 5 and Bungalow A austin studios
>get him some beers
I don't think he needs anymore user.
As a regular you cockmongling fucktard
he stopped
do americans really consider drinking beers "drinking" as in alcoholism sense?
Michael loves Geoff and Gavin is a retard
Plus I don't think most of them know Ryan at all outside work. Isn't the whole Enchilada Night joke a thing because they never go over to his house?
Ryan HAS to be the best guy in the office at this point. This guy gives zero fucks and gets shit done, gets super into everything that they play, and has the least annoying attitude out of everybody. Sometimes I just feel like he's a child in a grown man's body, he has too much fun.
>raises his eyebrows
>opens his mouth
>looks at camera
Is this man a comedy genius or what?
enough for him to quit apparently
And you think using Rooster Teeth brand and website does not warrant that?
pretty much, most of AH would hang out outside of work at times, except Ryan, who wasn't very social, most likely due to his and his wife's schedules.
I always hated jack
I think it's more that when he has fun, you can see its genuine. It's not just yelling randomly to entertain the 12 years old. It's actual jokes.
I dont watch these fags but anyways, is this his SJW wife? I mean what was he thinking? This bitch looks like she would bust his balls in front of 6 black guys
Cutest couple, coming through.
What the fuck are you talking about? An alcoholic is an alcoholic regardless of where the alcohol comes from.
>you can see its genuine
Definitely. Everyone talks about how joyous Geoff's laugh is, but Ryan's dorky ass laugh is literally a little boy having the time of his fucking life. Which is kinda funny, considering he's the guy on the team who act the most like an adult. Whenever he's legitimately pissed, it's fucking hilarious.
BBC is a myth. Blacks have their genitals as large soft as they are erect to disperse bodyheat due to being in Africa for hundreds of thousands of years. They're showers.
Whites and genetically close races are growers due to colde climates and the need to conserve bodyheat.
I wish Ray would ever hang out with AH again, but I guess after so long he doesn't fit in anymore.
He's just so boring to watch by himself. Shame all his comedic talent is going to waste.
yet it's so obvious the guy does this shit purely for money
he's so professional in his fun
don't think you could pay him to go back to AH at this point, He's enjoying working at his own pace too much to give it up.
God damn. Poor Geoff he doesnt deserve this.
I bet all he wants is to go back to the old RvB days.
Geoff's existence at this point in time is an example of why you don't have kids.
At least a visit or something.
Since he's left he went to both Game Grumps and Funhaus but not his old home team.
or just dont have kids with a terrible person
Stay strong Griff. You were always the best.
>it's another episode of Sup Forums will never miss the opportunity to say nigger and cuck in the same sentence.
You know this isn't the first thing most people think about right?
When does the RT podcast stop being good?
I'm at like 210, long past the Geoff age, still liking it but the new people sort of suck. Well, New at that point. How much longer do I have?
Ashley is thicc in the right places
The Willems' are a pure white couple
too bad she's annoying af