I was recently reminded that VR exists after not thinking about it...

I was recently reminded that VR exists after not thinking about it, seeing it or hearing any news about it for months on end.
So how's the VR revolution going?

Very fun, but very expensive. Doesn't help there's exclusives which keeps splitting an already niche market further

less games than ps3

Good. Especially in Japan and China. Also pretty healthy sales in USA.

Arcades are setting up Mario Kart VR and Evangelion VR. Id check out videos of that if you want a boner.

you can't divide 0


>All Vive games work for Rift
>ReVive lets you play Rift games on Vive
>Sony is paying for third party exclusivity and to remove VR functionality from other versions of multiplat games

I found funny how the Sony business man was spouting about what a success VR has become yet I agree that I haven't heard anything about it since the PSVR launch.

You can use psvr and move controllers as a vive. Not sure about oculus games

VR is good but it's a very niche playerbase, so you'd more likely get discussion about it on dedicated forums.

Believe me, I've tried making threads about the games but if they don't sink like bricks, they're raided by naysayers telling me how VR is a gimmick and that I'm not really enjoying myself.

Postponed indefinitely.

Even if you get past the huge cost of entry and other enormous accessibility issues (20% nausea rate, cords and other hindrances to mobility, the inherently solitary experience of it all, etc.) WHAT is the benefit?

The number of games I've seen that make actual use of the hardware in a meaningful way are just too far and few between to even come close to justifying the costs.

I WOULD be willing to spend $20 or even $30 at an arcade for an hour or two of VR play time, but no way am I going to drop $2500+ on a beefy computer and VR equipment that might make me sick after 20 minutes.

VR revolution is going the way of motion controls ... it's another fad overstaying its welcome.

Where'd you get your research from? Lucid dreaming?

it's fun for giantess porn but that's it

I wish Tekken 7 on PC had VR functionality so badly

I want to get into VR so fucking bad but I can't drop $800 on a first generation vive

I've tried gogole cardboard and gotten a small taste, but my phone has low PPI so it kind of sucks and the FOV is extremely small. I need more god damnit.

>playing games standing up

fuck off

>Fighting Game

you pause the game and you can look at their sweaty bodies and crotches

i think ps4 vr thingie is doing kinda alright. also, all of those wacky vive games like surgeon simulator in vr or superhot seem to be absolutely amazing. I had Rift DK2 rented when it was still a thing and Elite Dangerous was stunning. not to mention h-games, this feel when you see enormous thighs around your head in 1:1, i think i'll rent it again

if it'll evolve, i'll be happy because technology i like is evolving. if it'll die, i'll be happy because i'll be able to buy rift cv1 or vive for pennies couple years after official death and play my racing sims on it. i win either way.


Prices are always going to drop and the Vive is already being upgraded with wireless connection and tracking pucks that connect to various third party controls. Plus the flow of new games isn't slowing down. You're talking out of your ass, m8.

it's fun for binge watching watching 5 hours of Brazilian fart porn in 360 degree 4k video but that's about it

Wait for the next generation. Assuming it doesn't die this generation.

where the fuck do you find any 360 porn that isn't extremely normalfag tier?

I always imagined a fighting game having a VR mod where you're sitting in the crowd of spectators. Though that would become awkward when the characters hit corners.

>file no longer exist

>Brazilian fart porn in
Is there a scented candle for that?

mostly waiting for games like skyrim and fallout to be ported to VR and for the PSVR/oculus exclusives to be released on vive

better off just waiting a year or two desu

>vive with wireless data and battery
That sounds amazing and isn't even that unrealistic. Small screens need as much backlight as smartphones, only question is how long will battery last with wifi in full rush mode all the time, and can it (even dedicated connection that uses multiple channels at once) send data fast enough for compression to not be visible.

i mean, if i'd want to use laggy vr with compression, i'd just use vridge

I'll buy in when it's like, $500. That's the most I can justify. It's way too much currently on PC.

>You can use psvr and move controllers as a vive.

You mean if I have the Vive I can play PSVR games? literally how?