Atlus loses 570 million yen in revenue despite Persona 5 sales

I will say this again: there's no reason for Atlus not to bring Persona to PC and Switch.

Had they keep sucking the Sonygro cock, they would go into a deeper red and eventually become bankrupt.

PC and Switch are where the real money's at.

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P5 overperformed, the shit on the 3DS underperformed. There is no reason for atlus not to bring SMT HD Project to PS4.

Console war shitposting aside

With a game like Persona there's no reason not to go multiplat. At the very least putting it on PC would be fairly simply with the game's simplistic control scheme.

>P5 overperformed
>2 millions
so thats how low they expected it to sell

>3DS underperformed
>Comparing dev costs of a handheld vs a Consoles
anta baka??

Persona would sell more if it have full frontal nudity and sex with your waifu, just like a Witcher game.

your post seems like it might make sense, except you forgot the part where you clearly know nothing about accounting or how a business works

>3DS fag in denial

The 3DS's dev cost is small as fuck due to the shitty hardware.

Never ever, keep fucking crying.

Can someone explain how they loose 570 million yen? The article just said that they lost it.

Oh shut the fuck up.

nice Assource pepe

>where the real money's at.
>gonna pirate it but if i like it ...

Well, Mr smartass, tell us how it works then?

>subtle nintendo portbeggar thread #4948

The Atlus HQ got robbed by a heroin addict at gun point and he took all the money out of their cash register

PC gaming is not profitable without micro-transactions.

>and Switch
but nintenbros didn't buy SMT4 or apocalypse

>570 million yen
what's that like 14 dollars?

fuck off cuck
go play your stupid league of legends game somewhere else
persona is never and should never be for PClosers

>Bring game to PC
>Master race pirates it
>Make no money
>Master race wonders why japs don't care about the PC "market"

5.13 mil dollars

Was this because of TMS #FE.

Are you implying P5 was expensive game to make? Did you even play it? Characters' models are low poly and arguably worse than Catherine's models. Fucking Personas doesn't even attack you, they just swing in the air and magical "physical" slashes hit you. The game on technical level is quite simple.

>bring game to PC
>sell 100k copies
>make a million or two
>mustards celebrate
>atlus still lost like 300 million yen even after pc sales
Nice going lad.

First of all, this is the cost of 1 year, and P5 development was probably like 5 years. Most of the cost of running the company this year probably wasn't even related to P5.

Second, this is FY17 which for them, ended in March. P5 came out worldwide in April, which means these numbers only include the Japanese release, which obviously wouldn't be affected by a PC or Switch release at all. Check back for next fiscal quarter's report and the number will probably be pretty big.

Third of all, you're still retarded.

I don't really get why they would bother with the Switch when XFE tanked and Nintendo would force censorshit editions on everyone, but the PC and some other platforms are perfectly logical.

I seriously doubt it.

Also they can still milk P5 like they milked P4 for massive profits after the release by making cheap spinoffs who sell half as much but cost a tenth to make.

And they still have the nerve to ask for console games to come to PC with the lame idea of "they would make so much money"

>the shit on the 3DS underperformed

Didn't Etrian Odyssey V sell fucking well?

>There is no reason for atlus not to bring SMT HD Project to PS4

Oh, console war shit, you haven't even looked at sales numbers.

It was more expensive than the Persona 3DS thing
and unlike Nintendo, other companies burn tons of money in advertising

How much did Nier sell again?


Tekken 7 also just sold 200k in two weeks

>Oh, console war shit
>there's no reason for Atlus not to bring Persona to PC and Switch.
>there's no reason for Atlus not to bring Persona to PC and Switch.
>there's no reason for Atlus not to bring Persona to PC and Switch.

Anywhere I can read this not in fucking chink?

having persona 5 in development hell for a decade might have had something to do with it.


Please Switch fags we know you want games but this is so desperate

>Three years later
>Game drops to five bucks
>Buy a million copies
>Pretend that PC is saving niche Nip games

Damn, you're pretty smart. Can you teach me more?

SMT IV sales were pretty good though, the real issue is that Eurocasuals didn't buy SMT IV.

Kek, changing the subject after "pls bring Switch games to PS4"

Run out of Vita games to port to PS4, user? Maybe if you ask Microsoft nicely, they can share some with the PS4.

Stranger things could happen.

Do you think it has something to do with atlus releasing the game in europe a year later than anywhere else on a region locked console?

Kek, portbegging is literally ONLY okay if nintendo does it.

Run out of third party support already, user? Maybe if you ask Sony nicely, they can share some with the Switch.


Pretty much confirms Switch ports.

I can't see Persona coming to PC at all, but Yakuza would be awesome.

This is shitty management.
Nothing to do with sales.

I think they're waiting until Yakuza 2 gets its Kiwami treatment as well. Then again, releasing Y0 and Y1K would be a good introduction for new players.

Mismanagement of which game though?

This is why we don't have Etrian Untold 3 yet

>still begging for ports

Can you at least admit the sorry state of the PC game library? I'm sure people in charge would be more likely to sympathize with you if you told them the shitty games PC is flooded with.

>There is no reason for atlus not to bring SMT HD Project to PS4.
But it's already coming to PS4, you fucking retard

>-300.000.000 ¥
>-2.695.977 $
>if they would sell 100k P5 on steam at 30$
> 3.000.000 $
Nigga u retard or what?

Topc yeah sure but nintendo is shit

Just port Persona games to Switch and there you go, profit.

>Muh shitendo
Nope you will never get persona

Not really.

I blame the 3DS and Wii U releases. Had #FE been multiplat, it would have sold better

Also no one played EO and no one wanted SMT4 to be handheld

I hope SMT5 is handled better now that they can reuse Persona 5 assets

They just just did...

EOV had like 100 VA in the game.
Fucking VA are ruining videogames

It took nine fucking years for a fairly modest payoff. Compare TF2 which was also in development for nine years. Consider that Atlus has two studios, one for Persona and one for non-Persona, that means the Persona studio had to rely on P4 spinoffs or the other studio who was making actual RPGs.
>no one played EO
There's an EO post in this thread you fucking mongoloid.

Can Nintendo buy them and put Joker in Smash now?

I'm glad, what a shitty company. Maybe when they die we can have Demon's Souls remastered.

>Nintendo product going to other platforms.

They can't Nintendo paid for TMS #FE. Also I heard that EO5 sold a lot.

Persona 5 is literally the perfect game for Switch.

In japan only

Persona 5 is literally the perfect game for me to have beaten and for you not to play on Switch.

>SMT IV sold more than Nocturne
>Atlus' Facebook and Twitter got swarmed for a year demanding EO V
>#FE was shit outside of gameplay

>port beggers

tired of BOTW?


Never ever!

They're owned by Sega I don't think something like what happened to Monolith would happen again.

Well, now we know that people who blame nintendo are mentally challenged
#FE was fully funded by Avex Group, kinda like Bloodborne was funded by Sony
Companies didn't waste any money on it at all
First japs va are dirty cheap
Each /va/ voiced 2-3 characres you could pick during creation of your character

I would never want to play that garbage, though. I didn't want to play Persona 1, 2, 3 or 4 and I sure as hell am not interested on this new crap.
The only good SMT games are the mainline ones, but they are average at best.

>First japs va are dirty cheap

>most high profile fighting game on earth sells more than robowaifu combat drakengard spinoff sequel game 7 years after original


Pretty much, I'd say that every game is the perfect game for switch, that's why switch is just a useless wii u port machine.


I hope you aren't implying that almost 400k is bad for a niche jap game on PC.

Is p4 golden worth buying a vita over?

>Had #FE been multiplat, it would have sold better
You know how I know you're 100% wrong in all aspects?

> japs va are dirty cheap

I swore Nintendo also paid for #FE, not as much as Avex, but there was some speculation that Atlus more or less funneled the #FE money (from either Avex, Ninty or whatever) into Persona 5 and then shat out #FE to make good on the contract.

That's literally 5 million bucks. Saying they lost that much money means they put more than that into production but that game wasn't more than a single year. Unless they are including equipment costs and assuming the price over the P5 foundry.

More like when
>port comes out
>if the port shit: I won't buy it because shit port
>if the port is good: I won't buy it because it doesn't worth full price

PC doesn't deserve this game.

neva eva!!!!!!!!

I never understood this argument. The game sold well over 1.5 million. Not even a third of those sales are on PC. For a platform that boasts to have more than twice the number of active users than ps4s sold to have less than a third of total sales is pathetic.

Am I the only one who hates the switch cause of how uncomfortable it looks to use, I want to play the games but fuck

The game's fine. Vita has a handful of worthwhile titles, then there's just ps4 remote play.

That isn't Persona fault. SMT is the one that's dragging Atlus down. No one likes some edgy fedora games nowadays. Should have discontinued it and pour all the resource to Persona.

Don't worry. They'll wisen up in time.

Why do they keep funding George's vanity projects again? Does he have dirt on someone?

Yeah and those what, 60 million ps4 owners only 1-2 mil own bloodborne, the one actual good game

When we apply the behaviour of steam users so far it would've sold like 500k copies with 120+ million active users on steam.

Well I finally gave in and bought a PS4. Gonna come in Tuesday. I already have a PC and a Switch, so what exclusives would you recommend other than Persona? (which I'm already getting)

Well, yes and both are self-explanatory. Key to Valkyria Chronicle's success on PC, for examples, was correct pricing despite some technical problems it had. You can't really charge full price or most of the price for a game that would at this point be at 75% discount.

They lost that much?