Hideo's last good MGS was MGS3
He HATES mgs and all its lore
He tried repeatedly to kill the series off
Metal gear rising is the 3rd best metal gear game of all time
Hideo's last good MGS was MGS3
He HATES mgs and all its lore
He tried repeatedly to kill the series off
Metal gear rising is the 3rd best metal gear game of all time
>Metal gear rising is the 3rd best metal gear game of all time
But that can't be right. It's the fourth best.
metal gear survive was already partly made under kojima, it was supposed to be MGO dlc
its just kotakus daily clickbait moron
Mgr > mgs1
Sorry anons
This is false and you know it. MGS1 is 2nd best.
Got to try a 20~ minute demo at judges week, it was damn enjoyable. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece or something i'd drop $60 on but it feels in the same vein as umbrella corps in terms of content and quality. It's a solid $20 digital title. Of course I know they're gunning for $60 full retail and there's nowhere near enough content for that, judging by just what I saw. It was pretty much just MGSV but in a horde mode type deal.
how are the two mutually exclusive?
He is a journalist and got to play the demo at e3
No it is a fact. I have proof. Nostalgia is blinding you
>Hideo's last good MGS was MGS3
Mgs3 is garbage.
No, the last good was Peace Walker. In PW, Kojima rediscovered how to have fun while making games.
2nd has best story 3 has best gameplay fuck off tards
I don't think it's going to be $60. When it was announced Konami was making it a huge deal out of the fact that it was going to be in the $20 - $40 price range. I personally had a ton of fun with MGS5 and MGO3, I loved the gameplay. If it's the same gameplay as that but with co-op, I have very little qualms about buying it.
Favorite is still mgs 4. One of the best stories I've ever seen/heard
But user. I played through it for the first time last year. It's the second best.
your opinion might be incorrect. mine is factual
Why isnt there any footage tho?
Kojima is a pretentious piece of shit who didn't have jack shit to show at E3 this year, but he still went so that he could talk about movies.
Anyone who isn't a nostalgic console nanny would agree MGS3 is literally the only game worth the time it takes to play.
But why slap the Metal Gear name on this game?
Best Metal Gear game.
Same reason DMC2 exists. Unique IP that the higher ups didn't think would sell on it's own, so they re-tooled it just enough to fit it into an existing franchise.
>people are defending blackmailers now
the world never stops being shit
>Hideo's last good MGS was MGS3
MGS2 you mean. Kojima at least wanted to make that one. MGS3 was damage control for normalfags who couldn't think beyond 2's protagonist
If anything Kojima had was holding MGSV hostage and blackmailing Konami.
>Outside her safe space
>finds out world is unfair
lmao. SAD!
>He HATES mgs and all its lore
So? Whats the problem then?