Western games

>western games
Absolutely everything is political, every cast has to have the exact balance of white and black males and females

>Japanese games
Now Mario can throw his hat at dinosaurd to possess them

Realistically, why does anyone even bother with the west anymore?

Look dark skin.
You triggered



I think you might be retarded. He was saying that western games focus on politics and race, while Japanese games focus on gameplay and such, not race or politics you idiot.

Why does that water looked fucked up?

Only a matter of time before japan gets corrupted by (((them))). All it takes is one useful idiot running the country to wreck it beyond repair. Their claws know no bounds.

Could we not talk about politics and secret lizard men Sup Forums likes to talk about?

Post more of please.

Pic is probably a shop, good catch.

just play games that are fun and focus on gameplay
so Japanese games, although there's sometimes an exception in the West

You make a bunch of retarded college students and weak cuck tech industry losers sound like the Illuminati.

If by triggered you mean erect, then yes

fuck off, jew

They're just tools of the rich ass jews feeding money into the whole machine

>Implying I'm Jewish on a anonymous image board with no flags like what Sup Forums is use to

Man, you must really believe in lizard men huh?

All because you are a jew doesn't mean you are part of the cabal of rich jews.
Your just a second class jew.
A "jewlet" if you will.

I'm kind of envious. Must be nice to have someone to blame for all your flaws and fuckups. I have to take personal responsibility for my mistakes but you just get to blame the jews.

>Still implying I'm Jewish on a image board so you have to make up terms

Man, Sup Forums must be very mentally ill to believe that there are lizard men huh?

It's not like there aren't exceptions when considering western games and it's not like Japanese games don't also sometimes fall victim to their own brand of dumb shit.

Jap cliches are usually more palatable though

I haven't seen this many instances of "lizard men" since Sen's Fortress

This is the best kind of dark skin.... which is actually better than light skin if I'm honest f am.

The only reason politics/race is being injected into all your games is because it spurs conflict and discussion. Which in turn leads to free viral marketing/exposure for the casual gamer demographic (who actually doesn't give a fuck)

Fuck off shill

Look white skin.
You triggered

Fucking wake up to yourself mate.

It's a matter of taste but idolshit for instance isn't really that palatable.
I would also assume that you're not necessarily as entrenched in Japanese videogame culture as you are in the western variant so you're going to be exposed to more shit western titles than Japanese ones (especially with E3 being so recent), you're going to understand the political backgrounds of western games better than Japanese games and you're going to be subjected to the shit western media more than the shit Japanese media.

Delicious brown isn't black.

Not as good as an ebony waifu, but not bad overall.

>he actually thinks this looks good


>he actually has abhorrently terrible taste
A-user, I'm so sorry...

I don't mind black people at all. I do mind every single western AAA game suddenly becoming a BRAVE POLITICAL STATEMENT because it has "generic black woman with Afro" #1848

>Triggerd cucks cant tell a joke from Sup Forumslock

Yeah, as a guy who's into black women, I whole heartedly agree with you. It's bloody disgusting seeing it, espicailly with black women Nazi's in the new cod, if it makes me really fucking annoyed, I can easily guess how the rest of you feel.

In the end it's just a ploy down by these shitty companies in the vain hope that more diversity somehow means more sales because they're "brave" for including them.

Yeah it's not the black person itself but the unashamed pandering.

We had like, what, 3-4 different sassy black women with afros at E3? I want less of that shit and more Billie Lurk.

Personally I don't care if they're any minoritys in games. What pisses me off is when they're added for no reason and it destroys the narrative. Like black people being overepresented in Battlefield 1, black and white people (and women for some idiotic reason) fighting together even though the Jim Crow segregation was a major part of the US military until 1948.
The only game that could pull off the black afro woman is Wolfenstein because it's litterally in the 60's. That's it, the autistic afro style has gone out of the trend for a long time. Unironcially my favorite game franchises are Metro and Witcher, it seems everyone but the West can make genuinely good games anymore.

(With the whole army segregration thing, I forgot to mention I was talking about the new Call of Duty.)

>I'm an aryan alt right nat soc. I do not partake in western degeneracy and fight jewish marxist conspiracy to destroy our nations and race. I only watch wapanese animu where I can watch lolis without being judged by commies, I play japanese games that provide me with fapbait at all time, I hate real women since i'm redpilled, I prefer non degenerate 2D anime drawings. Fuck degenerates

>not posting best butt

Have literally none of you guys looked into the statement Activision made about that? It's not political at all, they just made it so you can create your own character and whenever you join a game you end up on a random team, which leads to situations with black nazi ladies. They've stated that when it comes to multiplayer they don't give a fuck about historical accuracy and put player customization first.

It's not like they're putting them on the cover of the game like fucking Battlefield 1.

It would still skewers many people's view of WWII
Mainly children, when you were a child, if you played a game like Medal of Honor or Cod etc. I'm more than certain that influenced your view of the world wars when you were a child.

For me I thought Omaha Beach/Invasion of Normandy, was WWI with the Americans helping the Aussies..... yeah when you're young, turns out you're very impressionable. It wouldn't help that WWII was big, and took place over a long time in many places, so I can easily see how a young child's brain would assume the Multiplayer is somewhere else in the conflict.

They're really not. The craving for average nipponese dick up every orifice is very real though which tends to skew things their way here.

>It would still skewers many people's view of WWII
Yes because let's treat entertainment as if it's *primarily* responsible for education and history and making sure people aren't complete idiots, and more so especially multiplayer shooter games, that's a great idea. Half the people here probably grew up playing one or several Wolfenstein games and yet somehow managed to separate fiction from reality. I'm no fan of Activision but they're not wrong here.