The Last Night

Not entirely sure if this belongs here, but, what is all of your guys' opinions on the whole Tim Soret situation?

He did right in apologizing and dissociating himself from the GamerGate meme.
He also did right in not bowing down to the feminist overlords by donating to a feminist charity, like they told him to do if he wants forgiveness.
Neofaggots hate him, Sup Forumstards hate him, normal reasonable people are with him or don't care one way or another
Good for him, hope his game is and does good

>The Last Nig

Guy has an opinion which deviates from the norm and is witch-hunted for it.

I feel bad for him, but at the same time, Vavra, from Warhorse Productions didn't back down and still got his game to be made.

I guess I see it as another Frenchfag surrendering. If what the SJWs say is true and his game shits on socialism, then it mite b cool.

What? Can someone give me a quick rundown?

Shouldn't have apologized.

The whole donation thing is weird because it reminds me of a religious organization asking for money in order to repent for your sins.....or else.

Like what is this a women's movement or a cult.

Tim Soret apologized for tweets he made a while ago that had to deal with anti-feminism and Gamergate and now every SJW and every anti-SJW hates him

I'm still buying his game because you get to romance a beep boop waifu at the end who becomes a real girl through magic like Pinocchio

> apologizing
Why do white people do this all the time?

> "I-I am sorry I wrote something on the internet that some person somewhere might have been offended by, please forgive me"

No wonder you fucks can't keep your birth rates up.

Gamer Gate meant many things to many people. Supporting or hating it 3 years ago says nothing to the average person about your characters. He should have ignored them all together. He had the high ground, getting an E3 showfloor space and conference time that impressed everyone. Even as a pretty strong liberal myself, it's absurd to say everyone in games needs to hold the same politics or run the risk of being bullied out of the industry, but I'm glad he's not letting the bullying go further than it has been.

>Why do white people do this all the time?

Because he wants money.

I think the art style looks very nice and was planning on keeping an eye on it through development even before e celeb drama bullshit, and my opinion hasn't changed.

>Why do white people do this all the time?

>I feel bad for him, but at the same time, Vavra, from Warhorse Productions didn't back down and still got his game to be made.
Difference is Raw Fury is publishing/bankrolling Tim's game. Vavra was bankrolling his own game via the Kickstarter so he can say/do whatever the fuck he wants.

Tim is beholden to a publisher who has openly said they are feminist and would NOT work with Tim Soret if he was the guy people are claiming he is in this witch hunt so he HAD to apologize whether he is forgiven by these SJW fucks or not.

nobody cares, fuck off

its stupid and not video games

if the game is good get it if not don't simple all the surrounding bullshit is just that bullshit

He saw GG for what it was, an attack on Whites by subhuman colored filth and race traitor whores. So he didn't immediately shit on GG. Then later, once neofag nigger loving juden filth found out, they demanded he apologize. And he kowtowed. I hope his faggot company burns to the ground and his family is gangraped by "poor innocent refugees."

I've been waiting to see more about this game since their Game Jam 'demo' of it years ago, couldn't care less about the political nonsense that twitter tried to force on the developer.
The game has good style, and I like cyberpunk, so that's that.

>apologise to fanatical degenerates who never intended to buy or play your game for having an informed opinion

First post worst post. Go be a fence sitter somewhere else, faggot.

his game is not kosher and he tweeted things being less of a rabid libshit than the cultmarx crowd has deemed necessary, so he has been marked as an evil doer.

when you say "lol guise I don't like feminism because it's not real equality!" and then have to apologize for it because you weren't bowing down to the magic pussy hard enough, you are not doing yourself any favors by apologizing.

Also, this is from the devblog:
>Lawrence Person of Slashdot probably wrote the best summary of post-cyberpunk as far as it applies to literature and film—in 1998.
>The tl;dr is essentially that Post-Cyberpunk protagonists are “anchored in their society rather than adrift in it. They have careers, friends, obligations, responsibilities, and all the trappings of an ‘ordinary’ life.”
>In post-cyberpunk, the focus is not on a detective or a genius hacker. The focus is on normal people, on the daily problems of an ordinary citizen. This way we can show all the issues of modern life at ground level: destruction of the family unit; the loneliness of the individuality cult; the urban solitude; depression, apathy & addiction to social opiates.
>This is why we want to The Last Night to be a post-cyberpunk game. In one way our game is a love-letter to the classics with its signature visuals, but in another it’s our way of trying to move on, and to deliver a vision that plays on the issues and anxieties of our world today.

This rustles the ever living fuck out of pinkos because it's criticism of their utopian star trek tier post-scarcity dream land that actually takes into account the fact that people need a purpose in life other than hooking themselves up to the orgasm machine 24/7 and trying to forget they exist as human beings and not just sponges to soak up dopamine. If they only exist to do that, they'll want to kill themselves, and libshits fucking hate being reminded of it.

>all these internet tough guys saying he shouldn't apologize
Yeah he should totally get himself blacklisted, get his game canceled and lose all these years of work because a false apology is such a sin. So long as the game contains the same ideas who gives a shit about some fake apology to comfort the publisher? Same with the game description on steam having a sentence removed. People are acting like that's a sin when movies have a dozen different descriptions among various sites and streaming services.

It's the fucking content and quality of the actual game that matters, not all this political bullshit surrounding it.

Fuck off with the fence sitter bullshit. Not being in two retarded extremes is not being a fence sitter, you stupid retard.
>First post (X) post
Fuck outta here. Back to plebbit with you.

I find it funny how they managed to prove the premise of his game to be not as far-fetched as they claimed it was. Aside from that, I don't care much.

>So long as the game contains the same ideas
he already cucked on any beliefs he holds. Why would he not also cuck when the libshits screech that the premise of the game is "bigoted"??

Give an inch and they'll take a mile, genius.

>It's the fucking content and quality of the actual game that matters, not all this political bullshit surrounding it.
Yeah bro cyberpunk and its subgenres totally don't need to be political in any way! You've opened my eyes!

>Ben Kuchera criticizes Tim Soret for making a "pro capitalist game"
Being an out and proud communist should be a shameful thing. Why are we allowing communists like him to speak freely and ruin our capitalist markets?

Who gives a fuck? The personal details of his life don't matter to me. If I ever play the game his company made, I'll judge it for what it is. I'm not going to judge a game based on some guy's tweets, and the game is the only reason anyone ever heard of the guy, so there's nothing else to discuss unless you're seriously going to give bad reviews to a game because the developer has been found guilty of thoughtcrime.

Fuck you for even making this thread.

how is it possible that a post this terrible could be first

Honestly? The most annoying thing is that he says he's super into cyberpunk, but his story beats are completely /against/ the themes of the -punk genre. Disassembly of the establishment, a capitalist society that preys on the weak and outcast of society, and punching up not down. I'd rather he just call it sci-fi than try to float this as a -punk game desu.

Oh fuck off. You're just as bad as the SJW fucks starting all this drama. His game was never a big political statement in the first place which is exactly why the publisher got caught off guard by all this. The politics weren't at the forefront of the game story in the way you seem to think they were.

There is nothing to censor because the game was never some overt politically motivated think piece meant to convert people.

>apologizing to the sjws
Jim's right, you never apologize to these cunts because once they smell blood in the water they go for the throat.They're not going to let this go.
Its been a cult for years user.

>A false apology is such a sin!

Kuchera seems like a massive faggot. I was in his presence a few years ago and he struck me as well.. an opportunistic, domineering fanatic. Of course, he doesn't act like that. But it's what he is.

>punching up not down

No offense but has this terminology ever been used by anyone who isn't an insufferable twat?

I've not heard a ton about it, but I thought the general premise was that robots overtook a ton of jobs that once were owned by people. That seems to kind of fit the capitalist mantra.

Yeah I read that fag's article too. Thanks for paraphrasing it

He apologized for something that he did which wasn't even wrong, but actually was 100% correct. Tim was correct in his statements.

And he is APOLOGIZING for them as though he did something wrong saying them. This is twisted. And all the authority behind him basically forcing him to that is honestly really disturbing. I'm sorry, it just is. I mean, come on.

That statement by the game company was just... sickening. Honestly. Come on. Fuck off. Fuck off already. Please.

But yeah it's understandable what he did, it's just at some point we have to stop doing the "understandable" thing and do the fucking right thing and not let these cunts control our world anymore.

>Not being in two retarded extremes is not being a fence sitter
what exactly do you think a fence sitter is, smart guy? Just because there's a large subset of the population that's so detached from actually giving a shit about anything doesn't mean the definition of a word changes. A single person believing something and a group of people believing something do not change the content of that something.

Society is filled with fence sitters, and it's worse off because of it. Half measures are never good. Why should they be good when it comes to stuff like this? Just because you're afraid of someone you know getting a little assmad?

>Error 404
>convictions not found

Just the easiest way to explain that the entire point of the genre and its themes are about the people at the top's mistreatment of the masses. "Universal basic income" being established would be a happy ending to a cyberpunk game, not the horrible backdrop that The Last Night is making it out to be

You're retarded and everything that is wrong with the internet. Vocal minority filled with faggots like you.

You're a faggot, Neuromancer wasnt some rally against a capitalist society it was a critique of technological isolation and its the big daddy of cyberpunk.
You dont need to have 'waah big evil corporations' for the genre.

>but it's not cool to take a stand, I might offend one of the SJWs and then they might bully me! I'll just pretend to be "above it" so my cowardice doesn't register in my conscious mind

You fucking Nu-punk faggots are pathetic. Punk is about disrespecting everyone and everything that tells you what to do. It's about spitting your blood in the face of anyone who says an unkind word to you. Take your hippy dippy social activism back to soft rock and pop, homo. I'll punch right up your ass.

yeah okay, so you disagree with the game too then? in The Last Night that's exactly what's happened, punk won and now the people who used to be at the top are now at the bottom. is whoever really "punk" just cyclical?

I'm sorry but someone like Sarkeesian or the people targeting Tim are just flat out in the wrong. There's no reason to play sides. The company is in the wrong for capitulating like SJW fags, Tim is in the wrong for bending (but is more forgivable because at least he was being honest at one point in his life) and obviously the militant types of people making this situation are just fundamentally in the wrong.

This isn't a "haw haw fuck pol and fuck the sjws I am the smart one and this is nuanced" kind of thing. It's quite clear cut.

Nothing "faggot" about it. And I don't think we're a vocal minority, I actually think the majority of people would agree with us. The SJWs are the vocal minority.

>I've never read Neuromancer, Count Zero, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Mona Lisa Overdrive or Snow Crash

Faggot, 90% of classic Cyberpunk was written by Republican Capitalists in the USA and openly shits on minorities.

Get your kike subversion of the genre out of here, you weasel.

>hurr durr cyberpunk is about standing up to tha man

This is how I know you're a faggot.

Ah, so you don't understand the genre at all. Now it's clear. You think cyber-punk is communist propaganda.

Let me guess, you also think science-fiction is about diversity and fighting bigots or some shit like that too huh?

>His game was never a big political statement in the first place
you are not very smart, my friend. He's explicitly said the game's about progressivism spinning out of control and feminism winning.

I don't know, I just feel disappointed by everyone involved in the whole situation. Then there's the falling for the fake tweet part, which I cannot comprehend how fucking dumb people can be to still fall for that shit, and make it worse by perpetuating lies. I think the only solution is to stop caring. Twitter is the worst thing to happen to society.

>All the butthurt Sup Forumstard replies to this post

>The Last Night immerses you in the everyday life of Charlie, a second-class citizen living in a city brimming with augmentation and citizens living a gamified existence -- none of which Charlie can experience himself due to a childhood accident.
>Apathetic and disheartened by the seemingly pointless world around him, Charlie is presented with an opportunity to take matters into his own hands. But at what risk?
>this is apparently not cyberpunk even though it completely fulfills your definition
>b-but its anti socialist and doesnt spit on capitalism!

If the game stays that way, I'll be happy.

>I'm the reasonable average

Fucking Normie Trash, go play Mario Kart with your wifes son

But then he apologized and now apparently the game is about "Advancing The Equality of Women In Society TM"

Robots have taken ALL the jobs, as the robots in the story are more intelligent AND creative.
Leaving people with the ability to only consume products, as they are kept alive and in comfort through universal basic income.
Everyone in society also enhance themselves, and experience this meaningless life as a game, apparently, but due to a childhood accident the main character is unable to enhance himself, and thus has no escape from his purposeless life.
That's the set-up as is explained thus far.

I don't care about this game. I'm not going to sit here while you leak dog shit from your mouth about what "punk" means. Punk is just total rebellion and individuality. It's proviolence, prodrugs, proinsanity.

Classic maoist shame/guilt forced confession tactics. Used very hard in vietnam and china under brutal regimes. Not happy its infected the West.

u mad Sup Forumstard?

This event is an embarrassment to the game industry. I shit you not this is going to result in programmers leaving this industry and going to others where they get paid more and have to do less work, and also don't have to deal with SJWs.

it honestly just shakes me up seeing that statement the company made in response, the way the paranoia plays with people ("IS TIM ONE OF THEM? A THOUGHT CRIMINAL?") it just gets to me man. Like, is this the world the "progressives" want to create...?

They're anti-intellectual bigots who hate thinking. They're authoritarian fascists who want to control everything. They're really, really scary in what they're doing to the world.

I have nothing in common with them.

Literally the biggest non-controversy of the year. Outcome would have been much better if he just told those faggots to fuck off.

>Human labour and creativity has been rendered obsolete by AI, so people are now defining themselves by what they consume, not what they create.

is he talking about gamers in general here or

Why is McCarthyism in the video game industry okay? No other tech industries are nearly as bad as the video game industry.

The problem is, if you just 'leave' games to the twitter SJW horde, they'll move on to the next thing, likely being whatever it is you fled to.

No but they're definitely getting there if google and facebook is anything to go by

this is like straight out of V For Vendetta. The fact that these people see themselves as the heroes suggests this is a cult which people have been brainwashed into through childhood indoctrination rather than something they have chosen to believe

Somehow I doubt he changed his views so radically since his trailer launched/

Facebook and Google partake in quota diversity hiring. This is straight up blacklisting for wrongthink and media that encourages it.

It's a relatively new media compared to the others and going through some weird growth spurts. We also live in an age of outrage and it's not helping anyone solve anything.

>Leaving people with the ability to only consume products, as they are kept alive and in comfort through universal basic income.
>Everyone in society also enhance themselves, and experience this meaningless life as a game, apparently, but due to a childhood accident the main character is unable to enhance himself, and thus has no escape from his purposeless life.

He's basically exaggerating how society is today.

>No identity, so you take on the identity of what you own.
>No creativity, so you parrot what others tell you.
>No sense of purpose, so you bathe your mind in a tidal wave of dopamine inducing substances.
>No sense of family, because the family unit has been destroyed

Is anyone shocked this enrages leftoids? Even the slightest critique of their orwellian wet dreams brings out a torrent of rage it seems.

The Juice did this!

It is in SV

Why do you assume UBI would lead to a utopia? The game is supposed to touch on humans left purposeless and detached because technology has solved all their immediate needs while rendering them obsolete. Sure it doesn't fit the traditional cyberpunk narrative where capitalism is the bad guy 1000% of the time, but it's a sci-fi+dystopia all the same

>the leg bearded she bitche sucking fucking time vampires demanded he donate money to a charity of their choosing in order to be properly
How the fuck did that not get immediately called out in masse? How delusional do you have to be to justify that on ethical and moral grounds?

Automation creates newer jobs that require a higher level of skill. Niggas better pick up a book and get learning.

can you please stop encouraging NeoGAF posters. The whole cyberpunk argument is a meme for SJWs.

It's retarded he gets shamed by the Indie game mafia for having a pro-consumer opinion that could be associated with retarded bullshit 3 years ago, I wish he didn't apologize because he didn't do anything all that wrong and now the fucking keyboard warriors will smell blood in the water but I get where he's coming from

>I'll punch right up your ass

Its literally an indulgence but feminist instead of catholic

>How the fuck did that not get immediately called out in masse?

You don't seem to understand. The left has gone full hysterical. Did you know that most Democrats (more than 50%) believe Russia literally altered the vote tallies in order for Trump to win?

>Why do you assume UBI would lead to a utopia? The game is supposed to touch on humans left purposeless and detached because technology has solved all their immediate needs while rendering them obsolete.

He assumes as such because he lacks the ability to think farther into the future than the average third world "freedom fighter" who falls in love with marxism as soon as it flashes some bling their way.

The people who like cyberpunk for the political undertones in the modern day are 105 IQ "IAMVERYIMPORTANTOK!" types who are intelligent enough to understand concepts of certain ideologies, but not intelligent enough to actually comprehend why exactly said ideologies would be the downfall of our civilization.

So cyberpunk is just sticking it to the MAN according to you?


Fascism is an ideology that seeks to eradicate social decay through strong collective action under an authoritarian state, where the state is the ultimate power and the state represents the will of the people.

Please don't use words you don't understand. Read a book before posting.

>apologizing to femnazis
Just as bad as giving in to terrorism. Fuck that beta cuck and his game.

guy says some benign shit on twitter during the gamergate shitstorm
>gamergaters are for journalistic intergity
>I'm against feminism, for egalitarianism
tumblr SJW trash chimp out when this game gets a ton of attention at E3 and say that these tweets are sexist
say game is sexist because it's anti-commie/dystopian/regressive-progressivism
zoe quinn starts acting like a cunt again
anna sarkisian starts acting like a cunt again
more faggots act like faggots
This french fuck does what the french do best and backs down like a massive pussy and apologizes about gg tweets from 2014

Much fewer jobs. Jobs that require a degree, controlled by the universities, who despise the factory workers and wish they were dead. See where this is going? They said automation would help society. It's going to cause a fucking violent proletariat revolt.

They were calling out he also participate in local pride marches/charities directly, and a whole bunch of other shit.
It would have almost been comical if that person wasn't completely serious in their lunacy.

Nah, all of tech is as bad.

....Sounds like what modern feminists want.

>when democrats believing Russia did all the things becomes the new "Fox News viewers think Iraq did 9/11"
how things have changed

It was obviously Saudi Arabia that did 9/11.

b-but Sean Hannity told me that liberal fascism was a thing! Is my life a lie?

I work in tech, I haven't seen anything as bad as the typical shit you see in video games. You don't see it openly displayed in the same way either.

Punk, by definition is a rebellion against the dominant ideology. In the 70's and 80's this was traditional conservatism. Now it's radical leftism. The punks of today are the nazis.

further north, Mr Jones

Don't you hate it when your fetish gives something harmless a lewd context?

>when the super male vitality boosters hit

Oh interesting, so you're from the future? Would you mind letting us all know what really happens then? I'm sure everyone here would be relieved.

>he didn't really apologize
ugh, what goober