No thread about Yakuza and Persona finally coming to PC

>no thread about Yakuza and Persona finally coming to PC

Let's come otgether and celebrate the liberation of those games and finally being able to enjoy them as a smart consumer.

>not confirmed
>sega europe having anything to do with what game gets ported

>Persona 5 PC mods

I was holding off buying it on PS4 because I wouldn't have enough time to play it, but this might be worth waiting even longer for.

It's just PR talk, like this guy says

It's not 100% and there have been a hundred threads. How does playing on PC make you smarter than me? I've already played them on PS4.

>How does playing on PC make you smarter than me?
By not supporting a locked down platform with paid online services and way more expensive games? People like you are literally the reason why companies get away with it. You are an irresponsible consumer because you support and keep anti-consumer practices alive.

Videogames are hardly pro consumer no matter where you play them. It certainly isn't smarter for me to play on PC, where I don't want to play any of the games.

I Sony know what you want to do, or think you're allowed to do with your games, but I don't want to.


>Sega europe

Kek, stop falling for clickbait articles.

>Vice president of Sega European markenting branch
There is nothing to see here.
+ Atlus JP will never allow Persona to run on your toaster officially.

>It's just PR talk

True, but look at what they've been doing lately. I think the big sticking point here is specifically whether some exclusivity contract is still in effect for these two series. SEGA liked their new PC sales, apparently.

>I Sony know what you want to do, or think you're allowed to do with your games, but I don't want to.
I don't think that was a real sentence, could you elaborate?

>Atlus has lost money
>now this
It's only a matter of time. PC ports are free money.

Don't autocorrected to Sony.

I don't know what you want to do with your games that aren't "locked down" but I don't want to.

Without consoles, these games will never be made because most of you don't buy games.
You are the cancer of our media and they know it, that's why you get your games later.

>Never ever

Sega Europe is practically Sega's PC division. They were handling all the PR for the recent Vanquish and Bayonetta ports.

Yakuza would be instant buy for me.

There was already a million threads. I personally don't care until I see something solid.

Holy shit god yes. This could be ultimate comfy.

Reminder if you want this to happen, you should continue to ask for it. Don't just assume it'll happen by some euro PR guy saying "yeah we want to do that".

I don't want to play 6 at 20fps and constant screen tearing.

Sega Europe is basically Sega:English. Sega USA only really exists for legal purposes now.

JSRF first SEGA. Dammit



>they port Yakuza 6
>retarded Steambronies of course never played 1-5 cause they're plebs, so they don't understand it at all
>game bombs

thanks, PC cucks.

>let me spout some unsourced bullshit to get my point accross
A quick google search would tell you that PC sales have been steadily on the rise since years whereas console sales stagnated long ago and are dwindling again, because the gaming fad is already fading again with the fudebros, who were the reasom the console sales were so inflated.

All those chocks who are literally too retarded to setup a PC, it's those people you build yout console pride upon.

>HUE ?

Yes Persona on P-

>Sega Europe


>finally coming to PC
No surprise that a PCfag doesn't understand what the word "wants" means.

This. Pc cucks don't but any video games expect for early access bullshit and f2p micro. Take a look at tekken 7. It's not even been a month and the game is already dead.

Why do you come onto this board to shit it up? Do you just want to fit in or what? Kinda embarrassing because it's an anonymous imageboard.

>persona 5 on PC

the shitstorm / tears will be glorious

I already own it on ps4

Is Persona 5 really coming to the PC though or do they just want to do it but won't execute?

Im just dropping truth bombs, besides this thread is a shitposting/console war b8 thread anyways. Article says nothing about a PC release.