Vermin Thread

We prepare for Saturday so we don't make a Sup Forumsermin too late for the tourney

Only rules are that battles here are unsanctioned, and as such the rules and formulas will vary from those hosted by the venerable Tournament Host.

>How do I make a Vermin?
Draw a monster with up to 3 forms in MSpaint, then distribute points between the five pictured stats as such:
-Evo 1 Vermin are allowed 13 points
-Evo 2 Vermin are allowed 16 points and an ability, or 20 points and no ability.
-Evo 3 Vermin are allowed 20 points and an ability, or 25 points and no ability.

>What kind of ability can I make?
Evolved Vermin are also allowed a special ability of your choosing, to be balanced at the discretion of the host. Overly-complicated abilities may be denied for the sake of keeping the tournament running on-schedule.

If you choose not to use all of your stat points, a Vermin's ability will be empowered behind-the-scenes for each point you sacrificed (up to 5 points).

>How do I enter my Vermin into the tournament?
When the host announces applications are open, respond to that post with the Vermin you want to enter. First come, first serve.

>How can I see past creations and save mine?

Hey is my pic the vermin header

This is my first time attempting to draw in years. I would love thoughts/ suggestions. Also do these stats need to be re arranged?

Reduce nextgen's stats down to 20 points. You can only have that many stats points if you don't have an ability.
Same goes for ex-bigshot, but I'm not sure if you intended the ability to be for both of them or just nextgen.

err, sorry. ex-bigshot's stats should be reduced to 16 if the ability's intended for both of them.

I wonder, next tournament being much bigger, can we submit multiple vermins for the fight?
Because i have 3 ideas and already drawn 2.

How many entries are going to be accepted for next tourney?

Thoughts on the Meteor ability?

need names

need names badly. think I want the final evo to be Buffalord but not sure.

also tell me if this ability is BS or not!

My first Sup Forumsermin. Thoughts?

80something I think 'cause it's 3v3

i approve

Right back atcha, fellow skeeter

>tfw your vermin is too new to be included i anything

There would have to be a lot of people in the thread. I'd say check the UID before posting a second entry.

Is that a ninja that goes from dagger to machete?

Mincemeat for the baby?

Cute artstyle but you should get a second evolution.

Do all Vermin have to be 3 stages? Or can there be 2-stage line?

you can do 2 stages as long as you include how the stats would change in the would-be final evo.

It's not for both

yeah, though the starting weapon is a swiss army knife

>1 day, 17 hours until 3v3
Can we finally take down the lizards skeletbros?

I don't think it's /needed/, persay, but you would be at a disadvantage without one.

they should be 3 stages each as they grow a stage with each victory. IIRC the host will add a generic stat boost to your vermin and re use the previous sprite if you don't add anything more but you probably should draw three. Unless you don't feel like it.

Host said 48, so 16 teams. Considering it takes about 20 minutes between each 1v1 fight any more would not be reasonable. This is going to be a fucking huge tourney as it is.

Honestly, this would be a convincing Pokemon if it was a bit more in the style. Good job man.

do sign-ups or the tournament itself start at 6 EST?

ooh ok I'm dum. Don't even know where I read 8- now that I think about it.

you should probably add a middle stage. that or nerf Mr Skeeto so that it counts as a second stage and then the host could just add stats where appropriate should it reach the third stage.

Sign-ups. Get there early or get beaten to the punch.

Ah, okay. I can do a prevo/evo sometime later. Time for bed for me.

Thank you! I used to make Fakemon over on /vp/, so the style rubbed off on me a bit. Pic related is a more recent popular one of mine.

If anything it would be a kindness to the host to leave out evolutions.

still need names

>tfw don't know which vermin to submit because people like both of them.

That looks real fucking nice.

they're not distinct enough for others to really name. You might as well name them Richard, Daniel and Arthur and it would fit just fine as they're just people.

Thanks, friendo!

Here's something that could be a proper Sup Forumsermin line

>Rock I made in 5 seconds got into the picture
I feel honored.



jesus christ

I like the design but I don't get what it has to do with autism specifically

It was made by me



Guess I'm leaving the skills like they are right now. Thoughts?

Got a kek out of me.

basically my tulpa

Your tulpa is a pile of termites?

that's a sick mullet on that fella

You sir have good taste in creating schizophrenic mind partitions.

A well done and balanced Sup Forumsermin, ready for action.

I'm going to need you to elaborate.

I'm obsessed with individuality so she's the opposite.

tulpas are not real

Are you the same user who was going to make a vermin out of his tulpa?

I did and it came out awful. I'm just going to root for

Post it, the concept of an unhinged user having a vermin for a tulpa is too amazing, I NEED to see it. I promise I won't bully.

Can I enter this guy into a tournament?

I will bully


need a name for the middle evo

I don't see why not

I tweaked his ability a bit. What do you think?

I'm so confused about this whole thing but I know any answer you give won't make any sense to me.

Holy shit user it's you, I'm and I based off my Sup Forumsermin off your third evo because it was an interesting concept. I might use your second evo to make a new vermin if you allow me to.

Definitely rooting for him.

Do it if you want.

So, you were an edgy outcast kid, tried to kill yourself once, then created a horrible looking tulpa to try to improve your own life.

Thats the story im picking up from the evolutions.

wew lad

You better enter her, you're the first human to have a Vermin as an imaginary friend. You're the fucking Vermin whisperer. You don't want to let her down, do you?

Uh actually Dinoswordus was my tulpa for way longer.

I love it

i fucked your tulpa

You're confusing Dinoswordus with a purple dragon dido, common mistake.

What the fuck is a tulpa?

oh snap

Imaginary friend

The one who told me to participate in this thread. Pretty much

Imaginary friend for /x/ freaks*
kys but before you kys draw an accurate representation of your tulpa and post it here then kys

Sup Forums - Traditional Games and Paranormal

are vermins tulpas?




She wants to battle, right? Vermin were born to fight, and I can tell from those edgy axes and neon color scheme she's one of us. You better not deprive her of her basic biological need to fight.

Send her to BATORRU tomorrow.

> tfw someone saved ur shitty joke skeleton vermin when the skeleton fags were rampant.
it's a strange kinda feel.

What if it's a good demon?

I mean, they do come from our imagination. And then we root for them in barely tangible battles as if they could hear us. Maybe in a way they are.


You've inspired to make a "good demon" vermin. Will post when finished.


Things are getting weird in the Sup Forumsermin fandom

id rather have weird shit over 50 boring waifus

Somehow I get the feeling this tulpa business and waifu aren't far removed.

I got bored and made some alt colour schemes for my dude

>when the skeleton fags were rampant
Can anyone give me a rundown on the skeletonfags wars and why they get so much hate?

It's just an in-joke from when they almost won the 2v2 tourney. Nobody really hates them.

waifus were at an all-time high and skeletons had been decently common since the beginning so the skeletons waged war on the waifus

i think they won?

I was thinking: If I give an animated gif, Host can use that?

Considering Gutpunch was animated you might be able to.

