So why are they developing a game that's going to get cancelled?

So why are they developing a game that's going to get cancelled?

Vivendi will ensure this game never gets made, and the game is going to basically be another No Man's Sky, with the fanbase hating it for being a prequel.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to fuck that pig

Fuck you.

What do you know about what Vivendi wants?

Can you prove that the game will be getting cancelled? Do you have a time machine?

This is Jade
>strong female lead
>not white, at least asian/white mix
>snarky but caring and soft personality
>great companion that cares about her friends
>has great chemistry with team members
>her banters are playful and funny and are not attempts to mock her teammates or to show what a strong "womyn" she is
>motherly/elder sister figure
>can handle things by herself but is not afraid to show weakness
>everyone who played the first game loved her
>Ubishit ditched her for a custom made protag in a procedurally generated, online shared world
Say something nice to her because she's sad.

>not white, at least asian/white mix

She's asian/black, basically a Brazilian.

Is that Alyx Vance?

not really

Sorry. was meant for

More Portuguese I would say.

>fan art



They're not though, it's been said that there is nothing but the trailer. The sooner this shit heap gets canned the better

It's a visual research Michel Ancel did with another artist and posted on his Instagram you idiot.

The tech has been made for 3 years. Preprod is finished.
They already started assets.

Yeah right.

Why post some low quality pic when you can post an actual tech demo.

Looks impressive but are the going to do one big city for each planet and the rest is desert/sea/montains?

From what i understood there are main cities and smaller cities on planets and the wasteland/empty lands are made by procedural generation so probably some random encounters/stuff to find.

BG&E2 was meant to be Ubisoft saving their shares by saying "LOOK HERE'S THAT THING PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ASKING US FOR!"

I don't think it worked

I don't really believe in the release of this game either.

The city is just a mock up.

Nothing, because nobody knows shit about vivendi.
Especially the people who crow about how ubisoft is finished the loudest.

The reason that ubisoft is resisting the takeover is that the ubisoft executives fear for their jobs, because, frankly, vivendi did a better job leading activision/blizzard than what ubisoft has done for the better part of the last 15 years.

AB flourished enormously under vivendi, and ubisoft will do so too, just under different leadership.

Almost as if the awful impression it and the newest [ubisoft formula game] made was seen as some kind of weakness.

For how many years has Sup Forums been spouting that Vivendi will take over Ubisoft?

Only a few Sup Forums neckbeads have a problem with this game, fuck off back to your safe space if you cant handle it not pandering to all 3 people who played the original

to be fair I think they've been fending them off for years now

There are way more people complaining about Sup Forums boogeyman than actual racists on this board.
Go back to your NeoGAF.

Whatever they do with the 2nd game, the first one will always be a jewel the likes of which you only see a few times in a lifetime

I don't know shit about corporations, so how does that even work ? Are Vivendi trying to buy shares from ubisoft incognito ? Are they offering Ubisoft ever larger sums of money ? Do they dress up as a UPS guy to deliver a package, and when Ubisoft signs for reception they actually signed the contract hidden underneath ?

Game's gonna bomb hard either way the afro bitch is uggggggggly