I dont understand all the praise for this game. It feels very shallow and repetitive...

I dont understand all the praise for this game. It feels very shallow and repetitive. I'm genuinely curious why people keep saying this game is so perfect

Get good.

Im plenty "good" at the game, its not exceptionally challenging in any way. It just feels like I'm doing the same things over and over again. Despite the massive size of the map and amount of content, it feels like I experienced everything the game had to offer within an hour of playing

>I dont understand

That's your problem right there.

yah. I know

Calling BotW repetitive is a stretch, but I could see the argument for it.

But shallow? Yeah, go fuck yourself.

>Get a new video games
>Play it for an hour
>Stop so you can go on Sup Forums and make a shitty thread about it
Why do you do this? Just play the game. If you're bored just stop.

>But shallow? Yeah, go fuck yourself.
Why go fuck myself? The combat mechanics are beyond basic, even more basic than Twilight Princess. The cooking mechanics are super basic as well. Items have been replaced by a mere 4 shika slate abilities, which really can only be used in situations that theyre specifically designed for.

This game is marketed as a super sandbox game, but its really limited in what you can do

actually I've played for about 30 hours

>Items have been replaced by a mere 4 shika slate abilities, which really can only be used in situations that theyre specifically designed for.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen posted on Sup Forums, congratulations.

jesus christ dude, not everyone has to jerk off this game. A little bit of criticism is ok, that's how games improve. Nothing about that statement was incorrect. Items were removed from the game. Theres only 4 shika slate abilites. Theyre not versatile.

>Items were removed from the game
What items?

>A little bit of criticism is ok
Had you mentioned the lack of enemy variety or repeated dungeon concepts then sure but the runes give you essentially unlimited creativity in how you approach puzzles, no shrine has a right way to go about it you can even make a fucking flying machine with the Magnesis rune or you can make a cannon with the Stasis rune.
Sounds like you are incredibly unimaginative.

>items can only be used in situations they are specifically designed for
Like...all zelda games?

>what items
Are you fucking trolling? You realize every zelda game up to this point has had items that find you in dungeons to give you new abilities, right? Stuff like strength gauntlets, hook shots, iron boots

>you can even make a fucking flying machine with the Magnesis rune or you can make a cannon with the Stasis rune
Wow how incredibly fucking useless. Not to mention you could do that kind of shit in various other sandbox games 12 years ago

>Like...all zelda games?
Yes but lacking the variety

>the runes give you essentially unlimited creativity in how you approach puzzles
They really dont. Theyre basic af.

No water around? Cant use the ice rune so count that out

Bombs? They deal damage or move objects. Wow

Stasis lets you knock things across the world, again only useful in specific scenarios

magnsis lets you move things. Riveting

How is a flying machine useless? You can use it for both transportation and combat.

Its completely fucking clunky and slow, not to mention the balloons pop after a short time. It has no practical application

>B-but you can do whatever you want to! Such freedom!
Please, this hardly makes a game good. I'd rather have a linear constrained game with well developed and deep mechanics than a shallow pointless sandbox any day. Fucking Garys Mod makes this game look outdated

I actually thought this was one of the few open world games that wasn't shallow. For one thing, the enviornment not being completly flat with just jutting mounitans everywhere really helped. The whole landscape felt fun to explore. Also there were so many little places like the fairy fountains, the stables, the villages that you dont see through the main story which kept making me want to play. Also I found the combat system itself to be fun. What was not fun was the lack of variety of enemies and enemy strategies. There should have been more bosses like thunderblight ganon, the only really hard boss in the game imo. However, if you go to like the hebra mountains or akkala regions, there are a lot more fun enemies, like the elemental/jumping lizalfos and lynels. They made the combat fun again once I beat the game. Maybe its not for you, but this is the first open world game that didn't bore me within 6 hours and I actually felt compelled to explore everywhere.

>Magnesia flying machine

I agree with you, and I played the game at release. The game values quantity over quality to too great a degree, and the character progression is frontloaded in the Great Plateau. The variety of play is too limited and lacks novelty. In previous Zeldas you gradually obtain new items and abilities which change how you play the game and let you overcome obstacles. BotW doesn't really have strict obstacles, you have a bit of a weapons drought at the start of the game but that's quickly overcome after a few hours. You can go anywhere and do anything (even fight the final boss), which is one of the game's big selling points, but also destroys any semblance of pacing or growth.

At least Link is cute.

>The combat mechanics are beyond basic, even more basic than Twilight Princess.

BotW has the best combat in the series since the N64
TP had fucking awful combat, enemies were totally uninteractive damage sponges, they just stood there waiting for you to kill them, they only attacked once every 10 seconds, had no tracking, molasses movement speed, even slower turning. The ones that had blocking didn't raise or lower their guard like N64, instead it was just an 80% chance to instantly play a block animation whenever you tried to attack
and all the fancy "combo moves" were just "press this button to trivialize fight". You could use them at any time, there was no interactivity, you were free to spam them, there was no waiting for an opening or timing a block

BotW had reactive combat mechanics in perfect guards and perfect dodges that reward you for good timing and punish you for bad timing. Enemies are fast, they keep their shields up, they zig zag approaching you, they have wide movesets.

nigger ur doing it wrong

you can fly to the Z maximum on the map with ease with 2 mine carts or a mine cart + crate in either hyrule castle or death mountain

not so easy to move horizontally but its possible

Enemy AI =/= combat
OoT and MM's combat is incredibly primitive and has terrible item integration as well.

enemy AI == combat

combat is a product of the player's controls and the enemy's challenge
OOT had god tier combat that was based on Z-locking and directional sword swings. It used direct hitbox detection for shields and bodies, allowing for bonuses like backstabs or swinging around a shield. Enemies were nimble, jumping out of the way of swings and strafing around you with the same capabilities as the player, and most enemies, even environmental mooks, had guards that would block and/or punish you for incautious attacking

in twilight princess you could run up to random lategame enemies and just spam random sword swings and combo moves and it would die and you'd lose no more than 1/2 a heart

in OOT, if you swing like a retard then the skulltulas in the first dungeon will knock you flat on your ass and teach you patience

in BotW, the first camp of bokoblins you meet next to the temple of time will kill you a few times for thinking you could charge into them 1v3

Agreed. The combat system itself was great. I think botw was lacking in enemies though. Unless you go all the way to the edges of the map, the only enemies you fight are the dumb moblins or dumb lyzalfos. At the edges like hebra and akalla you get interesting enemies. Also more bosses like thunderblight ganon would have been nice. The other scourges were too easy because you could just arrow spam them to death. I wish there had been more fights like thunderblight. I remember feeling seriously good after beating him.

I'm a Nintendo shill and I agree 100% no Fucking idea why it's been praised so much. Its enjoyable for a while but it's really nothing special. Good 7/10 but no more. Without the Zelda name it'd be a 5 or 6/10

>Im bad at the game
Found your problem

Nice falseflag

You fucking retard I literally cried at the prime 4 reveal and I sold my ps4 for a switch. Can't just accept you're easily entertained by shallow open world games can you? It's great you like it but some of us like good games

please delete this thread

it's a nintendo game

>You fucking retard I literally cried at the prime 4 reveal and I sold my ps4 for a switch
trying to hard, 2/10 for the bait

DLC that upgrade Master sword to not break up again

It make my eyes water my comrade
WTF is that for ?

Because it's a game breaking ability so all the kids are gonna buy it

>I literally cried at the prime 4 reveal and I sold my ps4 for a switch.

Holy shit
post more

3 months and a half

Over 100 fuckign days and people are STILL salty about BOTW btfoing everything else.

How did they do it?

The only problems i had with it was not being able to call your horse whenever you wanted, if it got too far from you, you had to go to a stable again, also not being able to buy weapons was a problem.

$20 gets you:

>bunch of armor sets
>chests of crap
>upgraded enemies
>additional minidungeon trial
>flying enemy platforms
>tracking path on minimap
>2x damage master sword
>korok radar headgear
>champion's dungeon

>if it got too far from you, you had to go to a stable again

or you could just go within range of your horse again
it doesn't disappear when you leave it behind


Lol shut up

>Over 100 fuckign days and people are STILL salty about BOTW btfoing everything else.
Over 100 fucking days and literal retards are still trying to dismiss legitimate criticisms as jealousy.

It was still a problem, you had to get close to him again, i found myself constantly fast traveling to shrines close to stables to get the horse back.

I'm fine with someone saying BOTW didn't get its hooks into someone

but basically everyone just comes out swinging against the game which makes me think it's just a hard reaction to the overwhelming praise

also this is Sup Forums and the only way to get (You)s is to take a hard stand on everything

they aren't, barely anyone talks about outside of Sup Forums

fallout 4 had a longer post release life

that's what happens when you make a shit console that no one buys

You could apply this to just about any videogame ever though, you're basically complaining about the limitations of the medium itself you retard.

Not even close.

>I dont understand all the praise for this game.
it cant be understood because it is irrational.
the BOTW posters appear to be completely delusional.
most of Sup Forums is populated by 14 year old phone posters.
always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says.

BOTW is an good game. i would give it a 85ish. but its is not a great game. not by a long stretch

>No one buys
>Impossible to buy one in stores because they're constantly sold out

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE "he didn't like blunder of the wild so he's obviously baiting" you idiots are cancer

Nowhere was BotW mentioned in that post, are you ok?

He should've gotten some damage from slamming his face on that edge.

I think you meant 45 mini dungeon trials, not A mini dungeon trial

I have never payed for DLC, it just feels wrong.

I played it on Wii U and already sold it and the Wii U.
I hope they eventually release a version of the game with all the DLC included for the Switch (maybe a GOTY edition).

>they produced enough

You have to be subtle man come on, lurk a bit more.

> 45 mini dungeon trials

Its a single minidungeon, the trial of the sword
then later will get a full dungeon in the NEXT update in october




It's a big game from a big name franchise for a console that essentially has no original games until next year.

Then you have the retarded fanboys who eat everything up just because it's "MUH ZELDA". Same shit happens with sonytards and cinematic garbage like Uncharted.



OK tell me botw wasn't overrated ffs it's a fine game but definitely not the 10/10 masterpiece every fucking site gives it


>literally the first picture in the thread

Not him but he has a point. It's been almost 4 fucking MONTHS.

BotW is universally accepted as being a modern masterpiece. Every fucking attempt to try and elevate minor nipicks and pretend they're MASSIVE GAME BREAKING FAULTS is just laughable.

Nintendo made a good game. Get over it. All the crying in the world won't change history.

Unfortunately it looks like history will repeat itself when Odyssey comes out.

Because it's the first open world game Nintenfriends have played

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Release date NA: December 4, 2015
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Release date NA: March 3, 2017


>modern masterpiece
Full retard

do you homework, theres more to the world than your sony circlejerks

>game nobody played

Everything in BotW has been done better by multiple games in the past few years. Calling it a "modern masterpiece" is a joke.

>Combat apes Dark Souls but without the depth or challenge
>Overworld feels like if Ubisoft tried to make Skyrim but forgot to add anything interesting
>Crafting, durability, and environment mechanics lifted from virtually every other survival game ever, except they're shallow and obstruct more than liberate
>Ass-backwards UI and inventory management make you menu dive for every little thing you do
>Physics "puzzles" that take no skill or thought to solve, pic related

There's more to the world than Nintendo kiddo, try playing some other games sometime

Too bad no game has what BOTW has all together at that level of competency

>good combat


Write a new fucking copy pasta, because the game doesn't even have that.






>Bad combat

Never said it was good, said it was a shitty ripoff


I bought a Wii U for this game. No regret. Pure eye candy.

Whenever I praise this game, I never ever use the word "perfect". Neither I see doing it to most others paraising it as well.
To me, it seems that people like you keep reading things impropely. The only ones that keep saying the game is supposedly perfect are those that don't even like it.

The game is a 9/10 which brings new elements not only in the series but to all open world games. It's far from perfect, because it would benefit more towns, more complex main dungeons and such. But it's the beginning of a new road for the Zelda series that can easily improve over the time. These are the reasons it is praised. But perfect? Nah. No game is perfect, not even the ones you like.


why does he look like a Trump supporter?

I'm talking about Xenoblade user, BoTW is ugly as sin.


and yet you praise xenoblade? LMAO

Fuck it I'm retarded. Yeah XCX looked great.

nice job user

Xenoblade actually has some kind of world design and variety. The only thing that doesn't look great are the character models.

Why is this bait picture spammed everywhere. The game looks great, and its art direction is fantastic

I'm playing on Cemu at 4K30fps btw, the game looks amazing

>world design

I'm pretty sick of you spamming this thread.

>Why is this comparison photo spammed everywhere? I think it looks great and I loving eating shit but only when Nintendo does it.


You are not helping your point. Plus I see the word "perfection" only once. And yes, to add to it, a 10/10 doesn't equal to perfection. A 10/10 game can still have flaws and hence it's not perfect.
You don't think a full score means perfecting, right user?

>people love barren open world meme with trash tier bosses and puzzles instead of linear well designed dungeons with new mechanics introduced progressively as to not get bored

There is a reason OOT is better.

>Implying BoTW does
Enjoy your infinite fields of grass and a mountain here and there to climb. inb4 user posts the one desert area or zora’s domain.