Playstation sale right now. Is Prey worth $40, or should I wait?

Playstation sale right now. Is Prey worth $40, or should I wait?

prey is not worth pirating. PC gamer here. its a walking sim and a spider killing sim

DEEPLY un-inspired game

I'm having fun with it. I think I am near the end of the first play through after 40 hours.

Don't listen to this guy. His opinion is wrong. Prey is pretty fantastic in terms of gameplay, story, and atmosphere. I haven't fully finished a game in a while but this had me hooked until I beat it 18 hours later

>Prey is pretty fantastic in terms of gameplay, story, and atmosphere

take alien isolation and remove the aliens = Prey

It's worth 40bux if you like to take your time and explore shit

Play on hard and you'll face a decent experience with the occasional moment to gitgud or die

I just finished it wtf. did I miss something during this whole game or was it not meant to be revealed until the very end? earth was already fucked and I was the experiment the whole time.

Nightmare is the only way to play Prey.

It's pretty good, ending is bad though.

I'm playing through now and just got to the arboretum, how far into the game am I?

The game is better than it's given credit for, but I didn't buy it on the PS4, so I can't comment on whether you should buy it or not.

It's shit.

I regret buying it at launch.

about 1/3 I guess

It's an excellent game with great gameplay

I actually just finished playing it Tuesday and had a blast. I bought it for $40 on the XBONE and the only real issue I had was that it froze often, so snag it, save often, and LOOK EVERYWHERE

Finished my second playthrough yesterday with only typhoon skills. human skill only was more enjoyable

I forgot I bought this two weeks ago as a drunk gift to myself. Thanks OP

Human-skill only is so easy tho

>buying yourself nice things like vidya when you get drunk

I wish I was that nice to myself. All I ever buy are porn subscriptions and fast food

agree. much bigger inventory, fully upgraded weapons, hacking everything.

>porn subscriptions
How does that even work?

I've drank enough to sleep on asphalt while clutching a pillow, but I've never come close to actually paying money for porn.

Drunk taco bell is heaven tho

>A game where you take on 9 different types of an alien species with a variety of weapons and special abilities ala Shock games is the same as a game where 70% of it is hiding and baiting the AI out


But isolation itself already removed aliens
Either way OP, not worth, not when Arkane turned into SJWs, no. If you really want to play, just pirate it.

Easily worth 40 bucks if you like action RPG's.

What about Prey is SJW except for that one (1) lesbian couple who only appear in some data logs? If you were talking about Dishonoured 2, yeah I would understand more, but Prey?

Dishonored 2 is SJW?

I said I would understand more, not that I agree with the sentiment.